
Re-establishing the Roman empire

Mc is transmigrated into the body of the Italian crown prince Carlo . Synopsis : If the two world wars are a catastrophe for mankind, then Italy is one of the few jokes in this catastrophe, which makes this cruel war a little more relaxed. But now, someone intends to change people’s perception of Italy… this is an mtl novel , I haven't seen it on here so I decided to write it here.

TAPISLO · Histoire
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33 Chs

1 wave not flat, 1 wave rises again

Such humiliation makes Carlo sleepless, but if you want to take revenge, let's wash and sleep, because the Prime Minister is not in his power at all.

According to the words in the movie, that is, the referee, the organizer, and the co-organizer are all my people. How can I play it? Go home.

Obviously, Carlo is not someone who is willing to accept such humiliation, and he is more patient than others. What are you afraid of when you are young? Instead of relying on these officials, you can still rely on the royal family.

Well, I don't rely on members of the royal family. At present, my uncle is unreliable, and my mother doesn't understand politics at all. As for my younger brothers and sisters, let's play.

To be more precise, he intends to build a research and development center by himself, relying on the assets of the royal family.

But before that, he had two people he needed to persuade, one was his mother, and the other was the uncle Prince Regent who couldn't help him. His mother is easy to handle, and Carlo, who has already understood his character, is not difficult to get his mother to speak, but it is a little difficult to ask his uncle to agree. Don't look at this uncle's fall into the land of gentleness, but there is still a problem with wanting him to agree.

It needs to be explained here that although Carlo has become the king of Italy and has automatically become the patriarch of the Savoy family, due to Carlo's young age, his mother Margherita and his uncle Amedeo jointly supervise these family properties.

Therefore, without the consent of the two, Carlo still can't use a cent of the family's funds, and only his own private money can be made by himself. However, his own private house is not much money. After he became king, Carlo only received 200,000 liras per month, plus the income he received from his younger brother before, adding up to less than one million.

So Carlo is now shifting his focus to the plan to get the consent of his mother and uncle.

Of course, before that, Carlo has one more thing to do.

On the table, Carlo was seriously writing a letter. He could swear that he had never been so serious, even to his girlfriend in the previous life. After writing the last line and signing his name, Carlo stretched and then put the letter. Folded into a letter with their Savoy family crest.

Yes, this time Carlo intends to invite Tesla again, and he has paid enough attention to the previous failure. Although I didn't know the specific reason why Tesla didn't come last time, this time he did the best he could. If the treatment is sufficient, just follow the top standard, 2,500 lire per month, and then give enough respect.

In a word, this time, even if it is tied, Tesla will be tied up.

Since he intends to use all means, naturally he cannot leave this matter to someone he is not familiar with. I believe Domingo will know what to do this time after the lesson he has experienced last time.

Thinking of this, Carlo called Domingo.

"Domingo, I want you to do something this time."

Looking at His Majesty, who was looking at him with an extremely serious face, Domingo's heart skipped a beat. He had only seen it once before, and he screwed up that time.

Although Domingo was prepared in his heart, he still felt a little humiliated when Carlo told the mission. It's not that he thought Carlo was insulting him, but that he was humiliated by his failure to do things well last time, so that His Majesty had to invite the other party again.

It was because of his unfavorable performance that His Majesty Carlo had to lower his profile. So after he got this letter, he had already decided that if this Mr. Tesla rejected His Majesty's kindness again, he would have to do it. Let him know the consequences of His Majesty's goodwill rejection.

He failed to notice the changes in his confidant's servant's heart. After Carlo sent him away, he began to prepare to face getting money from his mother and uncle.

"Turn your back to the wind!"

At this moment, Carlo was full of fighting spirit.

The mother is easy to handle, and Carlo asked her mother to agree the next day. The method is very simple, that is, show up inadvertently at the mother's salon party, and then show the expected appearance in front of her friends. At this time, when she is happy, she will whisper her request to her, give a reasonable explanation, and it will be done. done.

1 In a certain respect, my mother is no different from other people, she is paid after satisfying the psychological needs of the other party.

Now that the mother has solved the problem, the next step is to ask the uncle to agree. But to get him to agree, he must think of other ways, and Carlo already has some clues on this, but it will take some time.

Time passed quickly, and it was time to meet my uncle again. Amedio, Duke of Aosta, the regent, walked in, yawning with deep dark circles under his eyes.

"Uncle, your mental state is very bad recently."

"It's all because of my poor sleep quality recently, and after coming to Rome, I don't feel very comfortable..."

Carlo looked at the serious nonsense uncle and looked at him quietly like this.


Amedeo, who couldn't make it up because of Carlo, stopped talking.

"Uncle, these days your reputation is known throughout Rome. It's not good for you."

Carlo spoke earnestly about his uncle. As the trainee, Regent Amedeo felt that his nephew was acting like his brother, which made him subconsciously ignore his nephew's age and couldn't help treating him as an adult. .

Carlo, who felt that the initial effect had been achieved, continued. "What's the matter, my uncle. You didn't play a role at all when discussing politics, just watching the ministers decide what to do. It shouldn't be like this. You should play a central role in government affairs, and Instead of watching them solve their own problems, if they develop such a habit, what place should our Savoy family be in the kingdom?"

Perhaps Carlo's tone and actions were very similar to that of his deceased brother, which made Amedeo feel a little nervous, and there was a hint of begging in his speech.

"I don't know why, since I came back from Spain, I have had a headache about government affairs, even when I was in Turin."

Seeing Carlo's doubtful eyes, his uncle became a little anxious. "What I said is true, I didn't dare to tell others before."

Hearing his uncle's words made Carlo feel miserable. I thought it was a mischief, but I didn't expect there was such a reason. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

However, in order to confirm the situation, Carlo continued to ask. "How would that feel?"

"I felt nervous, sweaty, a little overwhelmed and so on, so when I was in Turin, I stopped touching all kinds of things."

Hearing his uncle's explanation, Carlo was finally determined. It seemed that it was the shadow of being a puppet king in Spain.

Is there any way to cure this?

There is still a way. Now there are such psychiatrists in Europe, but they are not mainstream now. It would be fine if the uncle was an ordinary person or a petty noble, and he would be cured. But now that he is the regent, there is nothing he can do. If it is known that the regent is mentally ill, what should the Savoy family do.

As for private treatment, he is too conspicuous, who can guarantee that there will be no mistakes.

This made Carlo feel unspeakable. Originally, he just wanted to ask his uncle to promise him to take part of the family funds. For this reason, he specially brought the former captain of the guard, Baron Filimic, and carefully imitated his father's speech and posture. And today he chose to stand in the shadows, just for this scene. Unexpectedly, I worked too hard, but let my uncle tell the secret by himself.

Although Carlo doesn't know what to do now, but now let's meet his own plan first.

"Then, you're doing the right thing. I'd rather let people think you're romantic than let people know that you can't handle government affairs."

I don't know why, but after his nephew said this, Amedeo felt a lot more at ease.

"Uncle, I need your nod for something now. I need to use family funds and need your approval."

"No problem, I will agree."

"Very good, then, you should continue to live like this."