

Chapter 1011: Joint Collaboration

"What exactly is going on, Your Majesty Rhode?"

After entering the room and closing the door behind them, Siena asked, gazing sternly at Rhode. When the twin sisters witnessed the knight resurrected from his death, they were absolutely bewildered. Not only did Siena widened her eyes in astonishment, but Nalea also restrained her smile as though she had just witnessed something unbelievable. Rhode had to admit that the twin sisters had their unique means to rule a nation. After the knight awoke, the twin sisters quickly led Rhode's group into the sacred inner chamber. In fact, only the twin sisters could enter the chamber. But now, they weren't in the mood to mind these formalities.

"Just as you've seen."

Facing Siena's interrogation, Rhode was seemingly calm. He spread his arms apart innocently and said.

"I just made Bubble revive him."


It was apparent that Siena couldn't accept the truth. She knew what sort of a taboo resurrection was. In this continent, no one was truly capable of resurrection, not even the dragon soul heirs. Although the dead in the Country of Darkness could be resurrected, that wasn't true resurrection at all. Instead, they forcefully imprisoned the departed spirit to its rotten corpse. Of course, as the twin dragons, they disliked this method by the Country of Darkness. But, since it was in accordance with the order of the Country of Darkness, they couldn't intervene. But this was only on the basis of maintaining order itself and didn't mean that they accepted this truth, which was why the Country of Darkness and Country of Law didn't have a favorable relationship. However, what Rhode did just now was entirely different from the Country of Darkness's method in manipulating spirits and controlling corpses. It wasn't as simple as awakening the hibernating spirit. Siena and Nalea scanned the knight earlier on and found that his spirit and corpse were truly resurrected.

But... that was impossible.

The Country of Law—just as the name suggested, the country was known for its law. Every country under the dragon soul protection had their unique rules. For instance, resurrecting the departed was as simple as eating and drinking in the Country of Darkness. This was why the undead couldn't care less about the life and death of slaves. To them, dead slaves were more obedient than when they were alive. On the other hand, it would take a lot of effort to awaken the departed in the Country of Light. Besides, the awakened spirit would be relatively fragile under the bright sun and might even fail and return to its original state. The Country of Law had its own unique order which was in the 'rules' itself. In the Country of Law, rules of life and death were 'absolute' all year round. It could also be said that within the territories of the Country of Law, any actions that went against the rules were prohibited. Even if a Necromancer sneaked his way into the Country of Law and awakened a corpse, the spell might turn out invalid because such rules were absolutely forbidden in the Country of Law.

It was due to this reason that the twin sisters expressed unprecedented shock to the resurrection spell by Bubble! Because this meant that what Bubble did was completely within the rules. There wasn't any issue at all!

This was why they needed an explanation.

Nalea wasn't as agitated as Siena. Instead, she gnawed on a piece of biscuit in her hands while her big, round eyes glinting with curiosity expressed her true emotions. Rhode chuckled in his head at her behavior. Then, he said.

"I suppose you still remember the incident that happened during the Order Ceremony?"

"... Yes... We do remember."

"Thereafter I made an investigation and discovered that the rules in this world have changed. Then, I researched deeper and found out that perhaps due to the five Creator Dragons being awakened and activating a certain hidden rule, it allowed us to achieve..." Rhode gestured. "... something similar."


Siena didn't respond. But as the ruler of Country of Law, she knew what this meant.

"Are there any restrictions? Also, why are you telling us about this?"

"Yes, there are. Just as I've said: the ones who died a natural death aren't subjected to this treatment and it won't work for those... who are too old either. Only ones who died in accidents can be resurrected. Besides, they need to have determined faith toward the dragon soul protection or it won't work for them. As for why I'm telling both of you about this, the reason is really simple. Because only clerics can do it."

Rhode's answer was true. In the Country of Law, it wasn't easy to lie through his teeth in the face of the twin dragons. But it was a pity that they didn't detect the hidden meaning behind his words. The fact about the so-called rule being activated after the Order Ceremony was true, just that Rhode didn't go into details of the timing. The reason why he came clean with the twin sisters was that he needed their strength.

Rhode wasn't worried that the Country of Law would immediately set out and dominate the world after hearing this news because to the twin dragons, nothing was easier for them to achieve it. They were two in one and as of now, the Dark Dragon couldn't defeat them, not to mention the Country of Light with a bunch of weaklings who weren't worthy of a mention. Moreover, the Country of Law was already controlling the financial distribution of the entire continent. Rhode had criticized them several times for not dominating the world because they were already technically dominating it...

In this case, it wouldn't matter too much to the Country of Law with an additional resurrection spell. Besides, this would bring great benefit to them. Everyone knew that the Country of Law had the densest elf population. But the elves with longevity always had a hard time reproducing and dying in battle would be a catastrophe to them. The main reason why the White Elves went extinct was also due to this. But now, with the resurrection spell, the mortality rate of the elves would be greatly reduced.

Not only that, but also the reason why Rhode chose the Country of Law was just as he mentioned: only clerics could cast resurrection spells.

And the Country of Law had all the clerics.

Of course, Rhode could also start from scratch. But he felt that it wasn't necessary. First, the Country of Law was more experienced in the field of religion. Besides, it would also raise suspicions if his new emerging force were to have a new resurrection spell all of a sudden. On the other hand, with the reputation of the Country of Law's church, the news would be much more credible. Of course, Rhode predicted that after this news spread, clerics would be highly sought after. After all, not everyone was willing to get involved with death. It was unavoidable for those who died of sickness and old age. But for the mercenaries and soldiers on the battlefield, who would be willing to die? Of course, it wouldn't be easy explaining to the whole world how the church suddenly obtained a resurrection spell. But Rhode wouldn't need to worry about this because the twin sisters weren't good for nothings. The Country of Law had been able to prosper for so many years under their rule. Besides, the reason why Rhode told them about it was so he could let them resolve the troublesome issue on his behalf and he didn't need to wrack his brains over it.

Not only that, but Nalea and Siena also read more into it. The Country of Law existed as a presence to maintain the dragon soul protection. But the twin sisters were also caught in a headache. Even though dragon soul protection needed faith as a source of energy, many humans didn't believe in it as they preferred seeing substantial benefits with their own eyes. Ironically, humans lived under the protection of Order and yet, they knew nothing about it.

It was as though no one knew the importance of peace. They complained about distasteful, boring life, the dishonest seller in the market cheating them of a few silver coins, the group of bastards next door who thought that they were the best after owning some wealth, and the stuck-up city guards who feigned weakness before the rich nobles and treated the civilians arrogantly. The people yearned for changes to such a life. But when war came and burned everything down, they would realize how fortunate they were to be lying under the shade, arguing with people, and making themselves drunk, instead of weeping and rolling in a pool of blood. But it was a pity that they couldn't return to the past. Perhaps life would continue, but after experiencing war, everything would change.

But now, they finally received the benefit. Even though it wasn't as exaggerated as receiving immortality, at least it would change the thoughts of those who were indifferent about it, right? And this way, the dragon soul protection would be strengthened and could also resist the invasion of Chaos. Not only that, but when they faced Chaos in the future, their strength would also be stronger. No matter judging from which angle, this was definitely a great thing.

"Both of you should understand what I meant now, I suppose."

The corners of Rhode's lips lifted as he saw a change in Siena's and Nalea's expressions.

"Alright then, I will leave this matter to you. This isn't only for us, but for the entire continent."

Chapter 1012: When the Wind Rises

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

Rhode handed over all the resurrections spells to Siena and Nalea—all the 'individual', 'group', 'great', 'absolute', and 'holy' resurrection spells—and took no part in it anymore. But to the twin dragons, the spells that Bubble gave them were rare treasures. The individual and group resurrection spells were on the most basic level. According to players, it would be as though one who was resurrected would have half HP and might die if one didn't replenish the health immediately. The great resurrection spell was correspondingly better. On the other hand, not only could the absolute resurrection spell revive the deceased to full health, but spiritual power would also be restored fully. The holy resurrection spell was the group version of the absolute resurrection spell. But no matter which spell was cast, the maximum number of players who could be resurrected at once was 100.

Because the maximum number of players who could raid dungeons at once was 100...

But even so, it was enough to stun Siena and Nalea because logically speaking, this was totally against the rules. However, the spells that Mini Bubble Gum cast didn't have any issues at all, which proved that they conformed to the rules. Not only the rules in the Country of Law, but also in the Country of Light and Void Territory. This also proved Rhode's words. Of course, Siena also asked him with complicated emotions about the consequences if the Country of Darkness's undead armies cast the group resurrection spell on themselves. Rhode responded with a chuckle and looked at her with a 'you-know-it' expression and Siena finally understood...

The church took actions quickly because according to Rhode, Mini Bubble Gum had 'came up' with these spells as a cleric. This also meant that other clerics were also capable of doing it, just that they didn't do it yet. But come to think of it, what if a cleric inadvertently lost a friend, carried hopes to resurrect her friend using a spell she had never cast before, and eventually her friend revived? How the people would respect her thereafter would be self-evident.

In order for this to not happen, the church had to be prepared beforehand to prevent civilians from revering anyone as 'holy saints'. Besides, after doing the research, Rhode discovered that perhaps due to the difference between players and natives, the native clerics were unable to cast overly high-level resurrection spells. Clerics in the Outer Circle couldn't cast the most basic resurrection spell. Only clerics who entered the Middle Circle could cast individual and group resurrection spells. On the other hand, only clerics in the Inner Circle could cast the great resurrection spell. As for the absolute and holy resurrection spells, only clerics in their peak could cast them. For instance, a half-angel like Lize could only use the great resurrection spell but couldn't cast the absolute and holy resurrection spells. This was confirmed by Rhode and Mini Bubble Gum earlier on.

But this wasn't an issue for the church because Clerics were as though an endless natural resource for them. The twin dragons took actions swiftly. Shortly after, they announced the news to the entire continent. Of course, their statements were the same as what Rhode mentioned: the Void Dragon's dragon soul protection had awakened and the five Creator Dragons merged once again. This led to the perfection of the continent, so on and so forth... Of course, the twin sisters didn't forget to do Rhode a favor. Although they couldn't give him any benefits directly, they gave Mini Bubble Gum the identity of a Holy Cleric, awarding her for unearthing and creating the resurrection spells. In a sense, Mini Bubble Gum's position in the church was second only to the twin dragons and on an equal level as the archbishop.

This news caused huge uproar in the continent. But responses were relatively calm from the Country of Law, Munn Kingdom, and Void Territory as most people believed that the dragon soul protections had blessed them from disasters. The dragon soul protection didn't require them to burn incense and pray all day to provide energy. As long as they believed deeply in the dragon soul protection and dragon soul heirs, it was more than enough. There was no such issue for the Country of Law. As for the Munn Kingdom, even though their internal department was slightly destabilized after the infiltration by the Country of Light, it was their tradition to worship the dragon, after all. As for Rhode's Void Territory, even though no such tradition existed, everyone witnessed how he opened up a land of Chaos and turned it into a new territory of Order. This was much more credible than the legends passed on by the elders as the people had personally witnessed the magnificent changes. Moreover, before Rhode awakened his power, he had once assisted the Munn Kingdom in resisting the invasion from the undead armies and provided shelters for the homeless and refugees. This was why the people were grateful and respectful to the Void Dragon. When the worshipers heard this news, they were as elated as those hardworking workers who heard the news of them receiving additional bonuses every month. As a result, the worshipers worked even harder and wouldn't be up to any no good.

As for the Country of Darkness, they weren't mindful as they had their own 'undead' means. They weren't concerned about resurrections and besides, the undeads in the Country of Darkness could also prolong longevity. However, 'resurrections' could only revive those who died of unnatural death. In other words, it wouldn't work for one who lived to 90 years old and passed away from natural death. Therefore, the Country of Darkness simply disregarded the news. Of course, perhaps they were more concerned about the future problems in battles. After all, the biggest reason why the undead armies swept away their enemies was that they weren't afraid of death. But now, after their enemies gained the ability to be resurrected, it might be a huge threat for them.

Rhode wasn't mindful at all, since he knew better than anyone else how much players used resurrection spells during war against the Country of Darkness. And now, he was more concerned about the problems with the Country of Light. Indeed, just as he predicted, the Country of Light had the biggest reaction.

Actually, the Country of Light and Country of Law had an intricate relationship. The merchants of the Country of Light often sneaked through the Enchanted Forest to capture elves and the Country of Law was aware of it. For instance, back then when Rhode's group arrived at the Enchanted Forest and coincidentally rescued the elves, the Country of Law wasn't willing to let this matter off after the elves returned safely. After expressing their gratitude to Void Territory, they pointed the spearhead at the Country of Light. However, the Country of Light put up an ambiguous attitude, as always. They addressed the severity of the situation and that they would definitely investigate the situation and guaranteed to strengthen border patrols to prevent similar incidents. The Country of Law was immune to such responses already because the Country of Light had been saying the same thing since 500 years ago, where not even a punctuation in their statements had changed. It was due to this that the Country of Light and Country of Law had a terrible relationship. Moreover, the doctrines disseminated by the church contradicted with the Light Parliament. The church's propaganda was to spread fairness, justice, and faith, requesting worshipers to express gratitude to the dragon soul protection and revere the dragon soul heirs. This was in total conflict with the propaganda of the Light Parliament that they had spared no efforts to discredit and smear the reputation of the Light Dragon.

It would be fine if this was just a dispute over faith, but the problem was that the Light Parliament and church also had a dispute over interest. Everyone knew that the Light Parliament had the five largest financial groups as their backing and the five largest financial groups' ultimate goal was to establish a nation of commerce. Unfortunately for them, the church controlled the entire financial system of the continent and the merchants couldn't even start from scratch. Of course, they could also establish institutions like banks. But the biggest problem was their reputation. The reason why people would trust the church over them, was willing to store their assets with them, and sign a contract with them was based on their trust in the church for hundred and thousand of years and because the church upheld the content of the contract. But if the people signed a contract with the merchants instead, they would be wary of them gobbling their assets. Actually, merchants in the past had tried establishing similar organizations. But due to the church's exclusion, the merchants couldn't maintain the business. Besides, they had endless internal disputes which led to their separation and even the assets were confiscated by the financial groups to 'recoup their losses'. This almost bankrupted many people and they stayed away from these organizations. In response to this, many powerful merchants in the Country of Light were extremely dissatisfied. They didn't think that they were at fault. If the church didn't beat them down, perhaps they wouldn't have failed so miserably.

It was due to this that the Country of Light and the church weren't in a great relationship. But the church had laid out a strong foundation among the people. Even though the people of the Country of Light treated the church as a reputable bank, they had to admit that they trusted the church from the bottom of their hearts.

In this case, after the church announced this news, the entire Country of Light broke out in an uproar.

In response, the parliament members gnashed their teeth because in the past, they were capable of questioning the church's claims. For instance, about the dragon soul protection that protected the continent.

Who knows if you (the church) are referring to the dragon soul protection? Or is it only for the convenience of your own beliefs, which is why you gave a name to an existing object and treated it as something that you created to cheat the public? We have to urge the people to see clearly, have their own thoughts, and not be blinded by the lies of the majority...

In the past, people would still trust the Light Parliament because their words provoked the people's emotions and mentality. Besides, the church also couldn't provide any evidence. This was as though one was claiming that one created oxygen.

Fine. In this case, how about you stop the flow of oxygen and let us die and we shall see if you're speaking the truth...

But was there any purpose to it? Even if the church destroyed the dragon soul protection in order to prove it, the Light Parliament would still argue: "You see, they can't create the dragon soul protection at all. If not, why would they destroy the thing that they created?"

Words. They always depended on who spoke them.

But now, no one believed the Light Parliament anymore. Apart from the shocking news of 'resurrection' thrown out by the church, there was another matter that shook the Light Parliament's authority.

The emergence of the 'Royalist Party'.

Chapter 1013: Turmoil in the Imperial Capital

The emergence of the 'Royalist Party' happened before the church spread the news. The so-called Royalist Party was in fact the people who supported Lilian. Among them were politicians, military representatives, and civilians. This wasn't too surprising. After the bloody incident that happened in the square, many were displeased with the Light Parliament. The church criticized the parliament for the riot in Casabianca, while foreign nations ridiculed them. In the parliament, some opposition leaders seized the opportunity and placed pressure on the parliament. Not only that, but the military was also discontent. They thought that the parliament went too far this time. Besides, the military constantly sent out soldiers to protest against the parliament. With the presence from the Mercenary Association, Alchemist Association, Royal Magic Association, and Mage Tower, the parliament expressed that they were under a lot of pressure.

Sometimes, politics was as though two children bickering, with one pointing the finger at the other, screaming: "I'm not gonna play with you anymore! Go play with someone else!" And now, while the civilians were dissatisfied with the parliament, a new political group quietly appeared: the Royalist Party.

Under the banner of supporting Lilian, they protested the parliament's arbitrary actions and asserted that they should help Lilian regain her authority. Of course, they weren't that foolish to call for the disbandment of the parliament and let Lilian gain full power and whatnot. Instead, they traced history and requested the parliament with evidence to give up their authority and allow the original decision-maker to regain her position. Of course, Rhode was clearly aware that those scoundrels were unlike Lydia who worked purely for faith. Instead, they were more like Cao Cao[1] who 'held the feudal overlords and controlled their vassals'. They made their own political demands through supporting Lilian. Rhode had to admit that those guys were rather smart because Lilian didn't usually get involved with politics. If it weren't for the blown-up incident involving the retired soldiers, Lilian wouldn't have gotten herself involved.

But the observant politicians found something that they wanted from within.

Lilian was a pure ruler who was free from desire. She might be smart, but she wasn't passionate about having power. For instance, after managing the incident with the retired soldiers, she did what she should and didn't use the chance to demand for more. If she were greedy for power, she would have used the opportunity to wipe out all the parliament members and appoint her trusted aides in their places. But she didn't do it. She let the parliament handle and clean up the aftermath themselves, which explained how apathetic she was. Well, this was fine too because through this way, the practical power would still fall into the hands of her subjects. Second, she was basically a figurehead in the Country of Light due to the parliament. If the 'King's Party' could help her ascend her rightful 'throne', they would also be benefited greatly. Gilding the lily wouldn't attract enough attention, but sending charcoal in a snowy weather would save lives. When that happened, their power and position would become much stronger.

The final and most important point was that Lilian wasn't an empty shell. In fact, she actually possessed true, powerful strength. But the strength didn't come from the various military armies. Instead, it was from her direct dependents, the Battle Angels. Although the parliament once did their utmost in spreading the 'Angel Threat Theory' and tarnishing the reputation of Battle Angels, it was undeniable that no one wanted to fight the Battle Angel Army. On that fateful night and in the face of a hundred Battle Angels, the city guards didn't even dare have the thought of resisting them. This went to show just how powerful the Battle Angels were. It might be hard for a Battle Angel to take down a thousand enemies, but it wouldn't pose an issue to deal with only a hundred enemies.

Lilian was pure, innocent, and a ruler who lost her authority. She also lacked the desire to rule despite the strength in the palm of her hands, and she could resist the parliament. With such an attractive opportunity hanging before them, it was normal for people to have designs about her. Even if they were to fail, they could still use the strength of the Battle Angels under Lilian to avoid a massacre. No matter from which aspect, there were a hundred benefits without a single harm.

The parliament was awfully busy handling the earlier incidents. Facing the requests to resign and apologize for his offense, Nakvard firmly refused and expressed that he would stay in office until the next election. On the other hand, the opposition group led by Greig was resolute in Nakvard's immediate resignation. They were even prepared to start a demonstration to force Nakvard into abdication and also announced that when necessary, they would trigger both houses to re-evaluate Nakvard's elected legitimacy. These messy situations threw the parliament into a turmoil and now, the appearance of the Royalist Party, raising flags and shouting to reclaim Lilian's legal authority, left them even more frustrated.

Not only that, but also the church's announcement was like a nuclear bomb being dumped on Casabianca.

According to the church, only those who worshiped and revered the dragon soul protection and dragon soul heirs had the rights to be resurrected. If that were the case, it would be a huge blow to the parliament. Although it was only limited to accidental death and dying of natural deaths didn't count, who wouldn't be involved with accidents in their whole lives? Besides, according to the intelligence the parliament received, the military seemed to be the most earnest. This was something that the parliament hated to see. Soldiers were their only trump card, but if they chose to worship the Light Dragon... what would be left of the parliament?

"... How annoying."

Sonia said softly, knitting her brows and gazing at the golden invitation letter. She extended her arm and tossed the letter stamped with the ancient family seal into the fireplace. Ever since the Royalist Party was established, Sonia had received endless invitations from everywhere. Some were from nobles, financial groups, and even militaries. Although the wording was respectful, Sonia knew clearly what they were plotting. These people might be members who formed the Royalist Party and were roping her in. After all, Sonia was considered one of the closest people to Lilian now, serving as her personal megaphone. If they could rope Sonia in and make use of her close relationship with Lilian, things would be much more smooth-sailing.

Especially after the church announced the news, the invitations had become much more passionate and urgent. It had reached a point where even Sonia's father hinted to her that if it were possible, he hoped that she could 'find another way out'. Considering the fact that her family supported Nakvard back then, it wasn't surprising that they were looking for a new backing and partner as Nakvard had fallen greatly. It was apparent that based on the current situation, Sonia's father had decided to use her as an advantage to be 'served first'.

As for what Sonia should do next, she didn't give it much thought. She decided to observe the situation for a while more. Unlike the outsiders, she understood Lilian more than anyone after spending days with her around the clock. Lilian was innocent, but wasn't a fool. Actually, Lilian was far more mature than most people imagined. She knew what she was doing and the reason behind her actions. For instance, the reason why she tolerated becoming the parliament's puppet was that she trusted that they could handle situations better than her. But when the parliament failed to live up to her expectations, she knew that it was time to take action.

Therefore, if Sonia were to be up to something, she might even be noticed by Lilian. When that happened, all the hard work that Sonia put in would go down the drain. Rhode's mission was the most important to her and not the so-called 'future', 'alliance', 'political assets', and whatnot.

Sonia knew the reason behind the chaotic mess in the Country of Light now. Indeed, the parliament had done a lot to weaken the power of the Light Dragon. But now, a single matter could change everything. Even though resurrection didn't apply to those who died a natural death, who was confident enough to say that one would never get involved in an accident? This was especially so for the nobles and merchants, where chances of assassination and being poisoned were endless. Besides, there was no price to pay for worshiping the Light Dragon. One didn't need to fork out half of one's assets to show one's loyalty or kill one's child, placing the child on the altar and begging for forgiveness. As long as one revered and worshiped the Light Dragon wholeheartedly, it would be enough.

Sonia didn't think that the church was spreading lies. First, it wasn't necessary for the Country of Law to do so. Second, there was no benefit for them to preach support for the Light Dragon. In this case, it should most likely be true...

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What exactly should I do next? Perhaps... Her Majesty Lilian has other intentions?

Even though Sonia had been waiting for Lilian to make a decision, the latter seemed to be really annoyed by this news and didn't give an immediate response. Instead, she knitted her brows and pondered deeply. It had been a few days ever since the Country of Law announced this news. During the past few days, the smile across Lilian's face was nowhere to be seen.

Knock knock.

The knocks on the door interrupted Sonia's thoughts. She looked up at the door before her.

"Please come in."

"Sorry for the intrusion."

Shortly after, a guard entered through the door and bowed deeply to Sonia.

"Madam Sonia, the parliament has urgent matters to discuss. Please head to the meeting hall immediately."


Sonia let out a sigh, before standing up and nodded in affirmation.

"Got it," she said.

[1] A strategian and warlord from the Three Kingdoms period.

Chapter 1014: Lost (1)

Sonia thought that this meeting was just to ask about Lilian's performance over the last few weeks. But she quickly realized that the situation wasn't as simple as she thought because the carriage wasn't driving toward the parliament hall. Instead, after turning a few corners on the streets, she finally arrived at a remote area in the south.

Why did they bring me here?

Sonia felt rather uncertain, gazing at the white tombstones. Of course, she knew where she was. This was a cemetery where the dead in Casabianca were buried. But why did they bring her here? Could it be that they wanted to get rid of her? Or were there other conspiracies? Sonia turned nervous instantly. She was only an ordinary human with some basic sword skills. Although her sword skills were considered impressive to the ordinary people, they weren't worthy of a mention in the eyes of these powerful beings. Apart from the sword skills, Sonia basically had no other means of self-defense. Besides, she never had any bodyguards around her in order to not raise any suspicions from the parliament. She also politely rejected Lilian trying to dispatch Battle Angels and protect her. But now, it seemed like she was truly in danger. For some reason, she felt uncomfortable and uncertain as though something bad was about to happen.

The carriage drove through the cemetery and finally came to a halt in the deeper parts. Sonia stepped out of the carriage, touching her neck for the necklace. After feeling the necklace in her hand, her unnerving emotions became much calmer. Then, she tidied the creases in her attire before fully exiting the carriage.

"Greetings, Miss Sonia."

To her surprise, it wasn't the guard of the parliament standing by the carriage and greeting her. Instead, it was a soldier clad in white armor and wrapped in a cloak. Sonia knitted her brows slightly. She couldn't recall seeing a soldier dressed up like him. Who exactly was he?

But since she was already here, there was no point in hesitation anymore. Sonia swept a glance at him, before lifting her head and gazing ahead. On the other hand, the soldier didn't continue speaking. He beckoned to her, before heading forward. Sonia followed him slowly and shortly after, they arrived at a small tomb that seemed ordinary yet stylish. Sonia saw a few familiar figures standing by the entrance made of white stone. It was Nakvard and the parliament members, clad in robes. They didn't seem like politicians at all. They looked more like pilgrims instead.

What exactly are they trying to do?

Sonia became much more suspicious of the situation. She knew that the parliament was divided into several groups that were suppressing one another, with newbies desiring promotion and seniors wanting to maintain their authority. And right now, the parliament members who stood before her were the most experienced seniors. They had been seated in their positions before Sonia was even born. They could be considered the roots of the parliament, hidden in the soil of the giant tree. The branches were deeply intertwined with one another.

Sonia gazed at them and didn't feel safe. Even though she tried to stay away from political conflicts within the parliament, she had unavoidably entered the 'young group' with her current age. After all, she wasn't even 20 years old. Although the Dragon Soul Continent was largely unlike earth, it was still rare for a young lady to stand on the peak of the political stage. One could count on one hand the number of young ladies who made it this far, including Sonia, Marlene, and a few others. Moreover, in this current political situation in the Country of Light, Sonia's identity and position garnered a lot of attention. After all, no matter what, she was considered the closest person to Lilian.

Despite the doubts in her head, Sonia quickly walked up to Nakvard's group and gave a deep bow.

"Greetings, Sir Chairman and parliament members... May I know..."

Sonia gazed at them with a puzzled expression. She couldn't be blamed since she was notified that the parliament had something to discuss with her. Then, she was brought to this place for no apparent reason, while the parliament members were dressed up like pilgrims and already standing here, awaiting her arrival. If the civilians were to witness this, who knew what reactions they would have.

"Hi there, Miss Sonia."

Nakvard nodded apathetically to Sonia's question. Even though he said welcoming words, he didn't sound passionate and sincere at all. But Sonia could understand because at this moment, Nakvard was already bombarded by problems. The conflicts within the parliament had given him headaches, not to mention the military being dissatisfied with him after Nakvard ordered them to take down the retired soldiers. Besides, the financial groups that backed him before also gave up supporting him because they knew that Nakvard couldn't last for long anymore. Although Nakvard continued to try, as soon as Greig submitted the proposal to the upper and lower houses for re-evaluation, Nakvard would surely be stripped off his post as chairman. He was a chess piece destined to be abandoned while the five largest financial groups had stopped supporting him. Despite that, he chose to look for Sonia now... Could it be that he decided to worship and support Her Majesty Lilian?

Before Sonia thought about the situation clearly, Nakvard said.

"This time, I invited you here to resolve the troubles that we're currently facing."

I knew it.

Sonia nodded slightly to Nakvard's words, but the latter didn't continue speaking. Instead, he turned around and entered the tomb as Sonia looked at him blankly, which she eventually followed. What made her dubious was that this tomb didn't look like one at all on the inside despite its exterior appearance. She didn't find any coffins nor statues of distinguished people around. On the contrary, there was a deep passageway that led to the underground. Torches were lit, hanging on both sides of the wall. Sonia was surprised as there were many people dressed up like the soldier clad in white armor who greeted her when she exited the carriage. Even though they were in the dimmed passageway, they were still wrapped up in cloaks.

Could it be that Nakvard has decided to start a coup?

This ridiculous thought cropped up in Sonia's head but was quickly denied. Nakvard could never defeat the Battle Angel Army, no matter how powerful his soldiers were. Besides, the military would definitely not sit idly by and watch Nakvard rebel. Nakvard should be aware of this, but...

"Miss Sonia, I'm sure you're aware of the recent happenings."

All of a sudden, Nakvard spoke, and Sonia pondered for a few moments before answering softly.

"Yes, Sir Chairman."

"Do you think this will affect the Country of Light and parliament?"


Sonia was speechless, but Nakvard seemingly didn't answer as he continued speaking.

"I'm aware of the impact this will have on the Country of Light. The hard work of our parliament over the centuries will be destroyed entirely. Even though humans aren't willing to believe imaginary beings, nothing will make them change their minds when they see the benefits."

"You're saying... that you believe the church? That as long as one reveres the power of the dragon soul, one can be resurrected..."

"Of course, Miss Sonia."

Nakvard came to a halt and turned to face the young lady who asked the curious question.

"Actually, the parliament is always aware of the relationship between the dragon soul protection and dragon soul heir. We know where the dragon soul protection comes from and are also aware that it shelters us from the corrosion of Chaos. As long as the people worship the Light Dragon, they will be protected and rescued. We know everything about it."


Sonia was stumped. She had never expected Nakvard to say this. In fact, even Sonia was doubtful about this matter. This was because the parliament had been brainwashed for years and they were skilled in manipulation. In this case where Lilian couldn't display her sacred and imposing presence, people naturally wouldn't worship her as a God. But now, Nakvard actually told Sonia that the parliament always knew that what they were spreading was always lies?

"Just as you thought, Miss Sonia. We're clearly aware of it, but that doesn't mean that we will accept our fate. Just like what the parliament has always been claiming: humans should control their destiny and not to pray and hope for a certain figure to watch over their safety. Humans are a mighty race. We will never tolerate not having our destiny in the palm of our hands! For the sake of this goal, we have been searching for a solution since a few centuries ago."


Sonia didn't say a word. But for some reason, she had a bad feeling, especially at this very moment when Nakvard suddenly told her about this matter. Sonia feared instinctively. Even though she believed that this might just be a misconception, the feeling deep inside her had as though erupted and couldn't be removed.

"Although we have decided to start our preparations at a more opportune timing, the church has disrupted our plans."

Nakvard said, pushing open a door beside him and entering. Sonia followed him closely. It was a round hall and Sonia discovered strange incantations carved on the walls, as well as a twisted ritual drawn on the floor. Placed around the ritual were six magic crystals floating in midair, faintly glowing into an energy barrier. At the middle of the ritual was a golden gem that was as tall as a human. For some reason, Sonia felt that this golden gem was similar to the one on Lilian's chest.

"... Sir Chairman, what are you trying to do?"


This was the first time Nakvard revealed a proud smile.

"Dragon soul heirs who possess self-consciousness are unreliable, but humans need protection from their power. For that, we have been researching a method to transfer and imprison the dragon soul power into another object. And now, we have finally succeeded! As long as we imprison the dragon soul power into this crystal, our parliament will not be threatened ever again! We shall once again control the nation entirely and our people will not be threatened by the dragon soul heir! This strength should have been controlled by us humans a long time ago!"

Nakvard extended his arm and said to the dumbfounded Sonia.

"And now, we need your help to complete the final step of the ritual... Miss Sonia."

Chapter 1015: Lost (2)

"What are you trying to do?"

Sonia couldn't help but take a step back, staring at Nakvard. Even though she knew that she could no longer leave this place, she was still terrified. On the contrary, Nakvard didn't seem mindful of her reaction as he revealed a smile.

"It's simple, Miss Sonia. We need your help to bring Her Majesty Lilian here."

"... Her Majesty Lilian?"

Sonia's heart sank. She finally understood why Nakvard said she was the most important step to this ritual. The reason was simple. Lilian usually didn't head out and wasn't interested in politics at all. This was why even if the parliament called for her, she wouldn't obey. Lilian trusted Sonia the most now, so there wouldn't be any difficulty if Sonia was the one who brought Lilian out.

"... What exactly will you do to Her Majesty Lilian? I may not be able to bring Her Majesty Lilian here safely, not to mention the archangels and Battle Angel Army are...

"His Highness Boulder is out on patrol and Her Highness Serene has to attend to her own matters. As for the Battle Angel Army, they have already left Casabianca and the remaining Battle Angels aren't enough to take us down. We need you to head back and bring Her Majesty Lilian here. I suppose this shouldn't be too challenging for you."


Sonia was speechless. After spending a long time with Lilian, Sonia knew clearly that the two archangels couldn't care less about Lilian. During the Order Ceremony, Sonia mentioned this to Rhode and thereafter, unsure if Rhode had done something, the two archangels suddenly changed their attitude toward Lilian. It was especially so for Archangel Boulder. Whenever Sonia met him, she felt as though he harbored hostilities toward Lilian. If it was said that Archangel Boulder was rather cold toward Lilian in the past, right now his gaze toward Lilian was hostile. For the most part, during the night of the retired soldiers' suppression, perhaps no one but Sonia knew that when Lilian sought help from Archangel Boulder to assist the soldiers, it was the first time that Archangel Boulder doubted Lilian's words!

Even though Archangel Boulder eventually executed Lilian's orders, he didn't show up thereafter. Lilian also seemed to dislike Boulder, so even if he wasn't present, Lilian didn't raise any questions. On the other hand, Archangel Serene's attitude toward Lilian seemed to have taken a slightly better turn. There were a few times when she privately inquired about Lilian's conditions from Sonia, at the same time urging Sonia to take good care of Lilian.

In fact, Sonia couldn't understand what exactly was going on with the three archangels. Lydia was obviously Lilian's favorite because whenever the topic revolved around Lydia and Rhode, Lilian displayed a wide grin. As for the two archangels whom Lilian met regularly, Lilian didn't seem to care about them as much... Sonia just couldn't figure out why. It was apparent to Sonia that there was a barrier between the two archangels and Lilian. But...

No, now wasn't the time to consider the 'family disputes' of the Creator Dragons. The most important issue now for Sonia was if she should bring Lilian to this strange place. In fact, even until this point, Sonia still wasn't sure of Nakvard's intention. According to Nakvard, he wanted to transfer the Creator Dragon, Lilian, to this golden crystal. But when that happened, wouldn't the Creator Dragon be someone else's plaything? In addition to the announcement by the church... Could it be that the parliament had the intention to turn into the Creator God themselves?

What should I do?

This time, Sonia bit her lip. She wasn't interested in the so-called ideals of Nakvard. The most important thing to her right now was Rhode's mission for her. And now, bringing Lilian here didn't fit the purpose of the mission.

"... Have you confirmed that, Sir Nakvard? What about the other parliament members..."

"They are nothing more than clowns."

Nakvard snorted, raising his hand to interrupt Sonia. Suddenly, an unprecedented, imposing energy erupted from his body, and Sonia couldn't help but tremble in fear as though it wasn't a human standing before her, but a monster with the appearance of a human.

"We're at the forefront of changing history, Sonia. Are you willing to join us and fulfill the parliament's long-cherished wish from over the centuries?"


Although Nakvard raised the question, Sonia was clearly aware that she didn't have a choice. First, she lacked the strength. Even if she possessed the strength to resist, she wasn't confident that she could eliminate them and leave this place safely. Second, they had revealed to her the core of the secret, so it was impossible for her to refuse and escape unscathed. She wasn't that foolish!

"But I'm not confident of my chances..."

"Don't worry, Miss Sonia. We have already come up with a plan."

Nakvard seemed to be mentally prepared for this response from her. He gestured for the two soldiers who quickly approached and held Sonia down by her shoulders. This instantly startled Sonia as she knitted her brows and stared in displeased at Nakvard.

"Sir Nakvard, what exactly are you trying to do?"

"Nothing, Miss Sonia. I'm just giving you the strength. With your current strength, you may not be able to subdue the majesty. But fortunately, our parliament has sealed her strength a long time ago. At this moment, Lilian is only a little girl who is slightly stronger than humans. With this power, you will join us and attain eternal honor!"

Nakvard raised his right arm and Sonia quickly discovered a mass of strange, turbid matter resembling sewage on his palm. The matter was thronged with crimson eyes as countless tentacles fluttered from within. It was truly a revolting sight! Nakvard extended his right arm and placed his hand before Sonia's chest.

"Accept this power and honor, Miss Sonia! You shall be one of us!"

Are you kidding me? I will never accept it!

Sonia turned ashen. If it was possible, she wished that she could draw her sword and slash the man before her. However, the two strong soldiers held down her shoulders and she couldn't budge at all. All she could do was to widen her eyes helplessly, witnessing the mysterious sphere of matter releasing its tentacles and ripping into her skin. Shortly after, the tentacles punctured her body one by one like needles.


Sonia screamed at the immense pain. It wasn't due to the pain from the needle-like tentacles piercing her, but was more from the unknown presence being pumped into her body through the tentacles. It was turbid and cold like the icebergs of a thousand years, causing violent agony as it entered her body. All of a sudden, Sonia felt a scorching energy like the burning sun exploding inside her. Then, she heard yells, bellows, and everything before her spun, twisted, and blackened.

But everything happened in a split second and she regained her consciousness. She didn't return to her senses on her own, instead it felt as though someone had splashed a bucket of cold water on her before she fainted. She opened her eyes, the blurry and chaotic vision restored its clarity. At this moment, she realized she was sitting in a carriage that was driving quickly.

"Could it be just a dream?"

Sonia gazed at the surroundings with lingering fear. But shortly after, she discovered that this wasn't a dream. The ripped open wound on her chest was present and along with her movements, the necklace around her neck broke and fell to the ground.


Sonia turned pale, gazing at the necklace by her feet. When Rhode handed this necklace to her, he told her what the necklace was used for. Whenever she was in life-threatening danger, the necklace would activate and send her back 10 minutes ago.

That's right! I was still in the carriage 10 minutes ago and heading toward the southern tomb!

Sonia's heart sank at this thought.

What should I do next?

It is too late to report this matter to Master now. If my memory serves me right, the two archangels and Battle Angel Army are currently not in Casabianca. How should I protect Her Majesty Lilian? N-No, this can't go on. I have to make a decision!

"Stop the carriage!"

Sonia stopped all hesitation and yelled immediately. The carriage slowed down, but didn't come to a full halt.

"Is anything the matter, Miss Sonia?"

"I suddenly recall that I have something to attend to. Can you send me back to the palace? It is a really urgent matter." Sonia forced down her nervousness and said. However, the carriage driver didn't seem willing to abide by her order.

"My apologies, Miss Sonia, the parliament also has something urgent for you to manage. This is the chairman's order..."

"My matter is equally important. I request that you stop the carriage immediately!"

"I'm sorry, I can't do it."


Sonia sulked at his rejection. Then, she quickly unsheathed the sword and struck it forward. The thin, sleek sword erupted a magical radiance, impaling the wall of the carriage, almost piercing the driver. The driver shrieked and this time, he seemed much more frightened.

"M-Miss Sonia?"

"Stop the carriage right now and head back by the route we came from! Do you understand me?!"

"Yes... Yes!"

Perhaps the ice-cold blade pressing against his neck made him finally understand her words. Shortly after, the carriage stopped, turned to its opposite direction, and sped toward the palace.

Sonia heaved a sigh of relief. But soon, she grimaced.

Because she knew that the situation wasn't as simple as she had imagined.

Chapter 1016: Lost (3)

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

The situation is getting out of hand.

Sonia frowned as she strode across the silent palace. She didn't notice before when she headed out, but now she discovered that there was no one else except for her around the palace, not even the guard who notified her of the meeting. This left the nervous Sonia even more uncertain. She approached Lilian's room hurriedly, knocking on the door.

"Your Majesty, are you there? Your Majesty?!"

"Huh, Sonia? Come in."

Sonia let out a long sigh of relief after hearing Lilian's carefree voice. She pushed open the door quickly and saw Lilian lounging on the table, reading a book with both hands supporting her cheeks. Lilian blinked curiously at Sonia.

"Is anything the matter, Sonia?"

"Your Majesty Lilian, may I know where Madam Serene and Sir Boulder are? Where are the Battle Angels who are accompanying you too? Where is everyone?"


Lilian stared blankly at Sonia who suddenly asked the ridiculous questions. But she quickly gave an answer.

"I don't know where Boulder went. As for Serene... I heard that a dangerous nest of monsters was found, so she led the Battle Angels to remove it. As for the guards, they may be rotating their shifts now. I heard Serene mentioning it yesterday..."

"When are the Battle Angels coming back? Your Majesty, is there any way to contact them?"

"Hmm... I don't know... As for a way to contact them..."

Lilian puckered her brows and pondered deeply. Then, she retrieved an exquisite ornament from her pocket. Sonia let out a sigh of relief at the sight of it.

"My apologies, but could you please get the two archangels to return as soon as possible? We're facing a critical situation!"


Even though Lilian didn't know why Sonia was acting so flustered, she nodded in agreement, lifting the exquisite crystal ornament in her hand. Shortly after, rays shone from the ornament and golden runes appeared above it, gradually merging into a mirror-like object. Sonia was familiar with it as something like a far-range communication device because this was what she saw whenever she communicated with Rhode. Since the device was activated, what was left now was to communicate with the two archangels...

But it was a pity that things didn't go as well as Sonia hoped for. The instant the runes was about to merge successfully, a mysterious, black radiance suddenly appeared. Lilian shrieked and the communication ritual immediately crumbled. Not only that, but the crystal ornament also cracked and shattered.

Damn it!

Sonia gnashed her teeth. It seemed like it wasn't a coincidence that Nakvard asked for Sonia now. He must have used some ways to make the two archangels lead the remaining Battle Angels away from Casabianca, as well as transferred the guards away. In this case, it would take no effort at all for him to take Lilian away. In order to prevent accidents, he had even meddled with Lilian's communication device. But how did he do it?

However, now wasn't the time to consider this question. Most importantly, what should Sonia do next? Should she hold her ground and wait for the archangels' return? No, that wouldn't be reliable because no one knew exactly when they would return. Besides, all of this seemed to be well planned by the parliament. She didn't expect them to control the place in the name of relieving the guards.

Perhaps I should report this to Master...

"Sonia? What's wrong? Why are you hurt?"

Lilian asked, walking toward Sonia worriedly and gazing at the blood stains around the chest area. Sonia showed a helpless, bitter smile. Then, she extended her hand and caressed Lilian's hair gently.

"I'm fine, Your Majesty. It is just..."

Sonia sulked all of a sudden. She quickly ran to the window and looked at the plaza below the palace where a dozen of fully-armored soldiers stood neatly. They weren't city guards and she knew who exactly they were due to the white armor and cloak that wrapped their bodies. They were the soldiers in the tomb.

I didn't expect them to be this fast.

Sonia gnashed her teeth, looking at the soldiers quickly moving toward the palace and started assigning watch duties. It seemed like the option of holding her ground and waiting for the return of the angels wouldn't work anymore. There were only Lilian and Sonia in the entire, majestic palace. With her sword skills, she stood no chance in defeating the soldiers. It seemed like there was only one way left!

"Your Majesty, we have to leave here immediately. The situation is extremely critical. We can't stay here any longer. I know you have a lot of doubts, but now isn't the time to explain everything to you. Please come with me!"

"Huh? Ah... Okay."

Although Lilian displayed a dubious expression, she detected that something terrible had truly happened through Sonia's serious gaze. Lilian nodded, while Sonia wasted no time. She hurriedly grabbed a few clothes from the closet and dragged Lilian out of the room by her hand. At this moment, Sonia heard footsteps from the end of the corridor. It was apparent that the soldiers had entered the palace. Sonia gnashed her teeth. She thought that she could return to the room and grab the crystal ball to contact Rhode, but she knew that she would be walking right into the trap if she did. She was confident to take down bandits with her strength, but as for the well-trained soldiers, it was an entirely different matter.

"Your Majesty, let's go!"

Sonia hesitated for a second and eventually decided to forgo the crystal ball. She held Lilian's tiny hand and they scampered toward the inner courtyard. There was no one. Even though Lilian wasn't respected in the palace, she was the Light Dragon, after all, and there would more or less be guards standing around. But now, there were no traces of patrolling guards by the corridors and gardens. Not only that, but the female officers and servants who took care of Lilian were also missing. Sonia didn't know what Nakvard and the parliament did exactly, but judging from this fact, it was apparent that this was premeditated for a long time. Besides, Sonia didn't hear any rumor about it at all. Nakvard was just too terrifying!

Sonia and Lilian arrived at the garden in the inner courtyard. Of course, they weren't there to appreciate flowers of the late autumn. Instead, there was a hidden passageway that was connected to outside the palace which only Lilian and Sonia knew. This secret passageway was first discovered by Lilian and after Sonia gained her trust, Lilian told her about it. The duo would occasionally head to Casabianca through this passageway and now, it had become their only route to survival.

As they fled, Sonia informed Lilian about the situation as much as she could. Lilian was baffled. She didn't expect the parliament to do such a thing. Besides, according to Sonia, it seemed like Lilian's power was sealed by the parliament since she was young.

Lilian was aware of her own powerlessness. She knew that she didn't possess powerful strength like Nalea, Siena, Ion, and even Rhode who had just awakened his power. But deep down, she didn't carry too many doubts as she thought that it was due to her young age. She believed that after she grew up, she would become as strong as them. But never did she expect that her body would be messed with by others.

"Sonia, what should we do?"

Scrambling their way through the path covered with greenery and shrubs, Lilian asked worriedly. This was also the question being asked repeatedly in Sonia's head. She didn't have the answer to it. Even though the best solution now was to hide in a safe place with Lilian and wait for the two archangels' return, where exactly should they seek shelter? Sonia was well aware of politics. As soon as the parliament found out that Lilian wasn't around, the parliament would have sufficient reasons to seal up the whole city and begin their search. Although Sonia was confident of hiding from ordinary people, she was no longer confident of dealing with Nakvard. If it were in the past, Sonia would still treat Nakvard as an ordinary human. But now, she couldn't think of him as one anymore. A person like him should have his own ways to track and find them. If Sonia and Lilian continued to stay within the city, they would most likely be captured before the archangels returned.


Sonia's family was also out of the picture because she knew that her family valued benefits more than anything else. For enough benefits, they could even sell their daughter. There was nothing that they couldn't do. As for the foxes who exploited the tiger's might like the Royalist Party, perhaps they might resist successfully for the time being, but they would surely fall if the parliament took serious actions on them.

In this case, the choices left were very limited... Sonia gnashed her teeth at this thought. After a few moments, she said.

"Your Majesty, I suggest that we leave Casabianca."


Lilian stared blankly at her.

"Leave Casabianca?"

"Yes, Your Majesty. We can board the floating boat to the Munn Kingdom and seek Her Royal Highness Lydia's protection. It is too dangerous for us to stay in Casabianca and even the Country of Light. After the parliament finds out that you and I are missing, they will definitely search for us in Casabianca and the entire Country of Light. We have to leave the Country of Light before that happens!"

Sonia said as she made her decision.

Chapter 1017: Lost (End)

The parliament took actions quicker than she had imagined.

Sonia clenched her fists when she saw the soldiers donned in the same robe and standing around the platform of floating boats. In fact, she swore that she didn't know where these strange soldiers came from. She lived in Casabianca for years, and as a parliament member, she knew every unit stationed. And yet, she had never met these people before. She thought that they were Nakvard's private soldiers when she first met them in the tomb. But after seeing them filling the streets, she overthrew this thought immediately. The soldiers were controlling the entire city and their numbers were sufficient to accomplish this mission. This left Sonia feeling dubious because it required a high amount of money to support the soldiers. Even if it were the five largest financial groups, it was impossible for them to provide the private soldiers to control the entire city. How did the parliament manage to do it without being discovered by the military, city guards, five largest financial groups, and archangels?

No matter how they did it, this meant that there was only one thing that Sonia and Lilian had to do—leave Casabianca immediately. As long as they leave this place, it would temporarily guarantee their safety.

Sonia thought of seeking assistance from the church and Mage Tower, but she wasn't sure if they were willing to help them. Civilian associations were always neutral in their stand and were rarely willing to be involved in political conflicts. If it were for the sake of the Light Dragon... But Sonia quickly gave up this thought after seeing the heavy-armored soldiers guarding the main roads. It was apparent that the parliament had also realized this possibility. The soldiers were neither obstructing traffic nor searching the pedestrians. They stood quietly in the corner like ordinary guards. Even though some civilians shot curious looks at them, there weren't any clashes between them.

"They sure are attentive to details..."

Sonia said softly, gnashing her teeth. The idea of escaping via the floating boat was no longer doable and they also couldn't seek help from the church and Mage Tower. Judging from this, they would most likely face the same consequences if they went to the Mercenary Association. In this case, if they were to seek assistance without being detected by the parliament, their only hope left was to look for the rumored guild of thieves. But the problem was that...

Sonia was a young lady and politician. She was neither a thief nor a mercenary, so how was it possible for her to have dealings with the villains! Even though she could also seek help from random thieves on the street, who knew what the thieves would do to them? Taking a step back, even if the thieves didn't hand them over to the parliament, they would most likely not end up safely in the thieves' hands. With Sonia's and Lilian's current strength, they couldn't kill anyone effortlessly as they pleased...

Almost all escape routes were blocked. In this case, perhaps the situation was harder than Sonia imagined. Not only that, but also from the fact that the soldiers took actions so swiftly, perhaps the parliament was entirely in the hands of Nakvard now.

Sonia turned around and gazed at Lilian behind her who had already taken off the hindering skirt and put on a more comfortable, traveling robe. The same went for Sonia. With their identities, it would be too striking for them to don the luxurious dresses. Besides, Sonia didn't dare to sell or give away the dresses. Before joining the parliament, Sonia was the third executive officer of Lockos financial group and wasn't only serving as a vase to put up a front. She was aware of how simple it was for a powerful organization to search for someone. Although it was possible for her to give away the dresses or sell them for money, this would leave traces to their location. But fortunately, her spatial bracelet could still be filled up with a pair of dresses.

It seems like this is the only choice.


Sonia looked at Lilian and called softly. In her mind, there was a route that could safely bring them out of Casabianca. But... if it weren't for the critical situation, Sonia wouldn't resort to it.

"Yes? What's wrong, Sonia?"

Lilian turned around and gazed curiously at the young lady. Sonia hesitated, before continuing to speak.

"Are you afraid of... stench?"

As the biggest city in the Light Mainland, Casabianca had an advanced underground water system. The water system existed longer than the parliament. It was built by dwarves and was currently resting in perfect condition under the city. In the pitch-black and tall water tunnels, one could see the natural stone walls by looking up as though it were the existence of a miracle. But constantly flowing in the water tunnel was turbid, foul sewage.

These two contradicting presences presented themselves before Sonia and Lilian.

Lilian gazed at the turbid sewage flowing by her feet with an unbearable expression. If she didn't cover her nose and mouth with a handkerchief. Oerhaps she would have fainted, rolling her eyes. She couldn't be blamed because this so-called underwater facility didn't exist only for show. On the other hand, not only were there chunks of filth in the revolting, murky water, but there were also limbs and corpses of humans and animals. The messy, scattered skeletons of poultry were also equally disgusting.

Sonia was nauseated by the rotten path before her. In fact, if it wasn't for the 'work requirements' that needed her to investigate this place, she wouldn't step foot into this place in her whole life, not to mention coming here for the second time. Back then, even though she wasn't willing to come to this reeking underground, she held on for loyalty. But it seemed like her faithfulness back then was the right choice.

"S-Sonia? Are we really going from here?"

Lilian gazed at the stomach-churning way before her and mumbled with covered mouth and nose. Sonia nodded.

"Yes, Your Majesty. This is the only safe. Our Lockos financial group is responsible for repairing and maintaining the water system of Casabianca. I came here for work and still remember the distributions of the water tunnels. We can leave the city through the tunnels. Even though I know this is uncomfortable, please bear with it for now."

"Okay then..."

Lilian hesitated, before nodding in agreement. No matter what, she knew that the situation was extremely critical and there wasn't time to delay. She gnashed her teeth and followed Sonia closely.

"But... Your Majesty, I have to remind you to be more careful. This place isn't as safe as it seems."


Lilian detected the nervousness in Sonia's tone and stared blankly. Then, she quickly received her answer.

A deep, monster-like growl echoed in the tunnel. The murky sewage water went against the flow as a pitch-black, rotten corpse emerged from within, raising its head and gazing at the trespassers with its decayed eyes. It widened its mouth and let out a terrifying roar.

A red radiance flashed across the air.

Sonia unsheathed the sword and darted forward, slashing a perfect arc at the zombie. Shortly after, a blazing fire erupted and burned the zombie into a ball of flames completely. At the same time, they heard a series of similar growls echoing in the tunnel, as though responding to their intrusion.

Then, pitch-black figures emerged one by one.

"They actually escaped?"

Nakvard lifted his head with redness appearing on his determined expression. His eyes were as though burning flames, leaving a pressurizing sense of oppression. But despite that, the soldier standing before him didn't seem to have noticed his imposing presence at all. He nodded silently, waiting for the next order.

"Yes, Sir. We sealed the entire Casabianca. It shouldn't be difficult finding them, I suppose."

"I didn't expect that rascal to be this brave. It seems like I've belittled her. She is young and yet, she predicted my moves... Capture them. Alive. What I need most is a talent like her. Don't kill her, understand?"

"Yes, Sir. I'll look into it now."

The soldier clad in white cloth nodded, turned around, and left the room swiftly. At this moment, an old man standing behind Nakvard asked in uncertainty.

"Will everything be fine? The two archangels..."

"No problem. We purposely revealed several locations to lead the angels away. Perhaps they are battling the servants of my master now and won't return for the time being. Besides, it is pointless even after their return. When we've completely taken over control of this city and activated the enchanted field, they can no longer climb over our heads and act all high and mighty."

"But... where did that rascal get the information from? We didn't..."

"We will know the truth after capturing them."

Nakvard let out a snort and turned around.

"Alright then, I will be checking on the setup for the enchanted field. I'll leave this matter to you."

Nakvard shot another look at the meeting hall, where bloody corpses were occupying their respective seats. A few moments ago, they were still acting all arrogant. But now, these noble parliament members had become nothing more than a pile of rotten flesh.

"Since all of you are desperate to make us give in, I shall let you see the dignity and ambition of us humans. Even if we have to destroy this world, we will never succumb to any power. Only humans can decide their own fates—even if it's destruction and death!"

Chapter 1018: Tremors of Chaos

"How's the situation?"

Rhode asked, striding into the hall. Gillian was in the hall with the map of Dragon Soul Continent displaying in front of her, while Canary and Mini Bubble Gum stood beside her. Not only were the numbers on the map constantly dropping, but the colors were also changing.

"Master, Casabianca's strength of Order is slowly decreasing. It will only be a matter of time before it breaks through the threshold."

"Casabianca... Tsk. Those worthless trash in the Country of Light are up to no good again."

Mini Bubble Gum let out a snort and grumbled. But Canary knitted her brows and gazed sternly at Casabianca that was changing from light green to amber. After the 'system upgrade', anyone related to Rhode's system could see its interface and this included Canary and Mini Bubble Gum.

"This is strange, Rhode. Isn't Lilian always in Casabianca? How did this happen? Where are the two archangels?"

"I don't know. Logically speaking, this shouldn't happen."

Rhode shook his head. The situation in the Country of Light was far from stable. He scanned the map, but failed to analyze the situation due to some electromagnetic interferences. There were also distortions in the images from time to time. Rhode got an explanation from the twin sisters and learned that Order was disrupted due to the strengthening of Chaos. This was why there was a certain degree of distortion to their senses. This also explained why the six Deity Wardens were almost invincible and yet, couldn't resist the invasion of Chaos. Take Marlene, for instance. She could analyze and learn everything about all skills, spells, and talents. At the same time, she could alter them ineffective toward her. Yes, this sounded invincible. But in the face of Chaos, she had no choice but to flee from the disaster through the rebirth of her soul. Why? Because Chaos destroyed Order. No matter how capable Marlene was, she could only analyze things under Order. As for skills of Chaos, she wouldn't be able to analyze them, not to mention being immune and invincible. The same went for the other Deity Wardens. Alice could hide in the void of history, but no past, present, and future existed in Chaos. Once Alice failed, she would be dragged into historical turmoil; the world that lost all causes and effects would shred her into bits like a meat grinder.

They were powerful, but the formidable strength attached to Order was also their limitation. This was as though humans were capable of flying in the air and entering the underground. But without oxygen, not even the strongest humans could survive. This was how Chaos snatched 'oxygen' away, which was their essential need for survival. Therefore, even if it were the Creator Dragons who faced Chaos, they could only resist the invasion and couldn't completely eradicate them and unify Order...

"I received no reports from Sonia. I can't contact her either."

M - 新潟県新潟市西区

Rhode knitted his brows. He knew that the situation wasn't as simple as it seemed because just a few moments ago, Alice informed him that Sonia's necklace was activated. Also, Sonia's 'history' began to distort and failed to be recorded. This meant that Sonia was most likely enveloped in the threat of Chaos. Judging from the fact that Sonia didn't contact Rhode about it, it showed just how unusual the situation was.

"I received news from the Mage Tower earlier. They lost contact with their branch in Casabianca. It seems like the communication spells were distorted and have lost their effects."

Marlene entered the hall and said with a grim look. After the Mage Tower's members returned from the Deepest Labyrinth and reported the matter, their higher-ups blew their tops. They never expected their own people to be corroded by Chaos. This was why the Mage Tower immediately did a 'cleanup' thereafter. With Alice's help, they wiped out nearly one-fifth of their members who were possessed or manipulated by devils. This dealt a huge blow to the organization. A few moments ago, after Rhode received the news, he got the Mage Tower and church to investigate the situation on his behalf. After all, they were strong, third-party organizations and should have their means in this aspect. But Rhode didn't expect the situation to take a turn.

"I can't link up with the church. We just used the communication spell, but failed to connect with any members of the church in Casabianca!"

At this moment, Lize scuttled into the room nervously with clenched fists. In an instant, the atmosphere in the hall tensed up.

"It seems like the news spread by the church agitated the Chaos worshipers lurking in Casabianca. Perhaps this is why they took actions now. After all, if what the church announced was true, the Light Dragon's soul protection will only become stronger. In this case, Chaos will have a harder time infiltrating. In order to prevent this from happening, they started making moves..."

Rhode knitted his brows. He couldn't understand how exactly the Chaos worshipers did it. With Archangel Boulder and Serene around, Chaos shouldn't have succeeded so effortlessly. It seemed like the situation was far from good. And now, the two archangels seemed to be indifferent to this situation? This wasn't possible at all. In this case, the only possibility was that the Chaos worshipers suddenly made their move and caught everyone unprepared. If not, Sonia should have already contacted Rhode by now.

"Have you contacted Lydia's end?"

"Yes, Mr. Rhode. I've contacted Big Sister and she has also expressed concerns. Right now, she is sending the Battle Angel Army to block off the borders, at the same time carrying out a large-scale investigation on the Munn Kingdom. She said she will check on the situation for now. If it worsens, she will immediately mobilize the magic fleet and Battle Angel Armies and break through into Casabianca."

"This is really a huge operation..."

Rhode couldn't help but blow a whistle to Lize's response. It seemed like Lydia valued Lilian highly. Rhode was sure that Lydia must have thought of what he was thinking about straightaway. But if Lydia were to send an entire fleet of magic warships into Casabianca, it would be no different from declaring war with the Country of Light. After all, the Munn Kingdom was an independent country. It was as though allied nations on Earth. Perhaps they might send assistance, but it was a totally different matter if it was simply due to the disappearance of the country's ruler or if they were caught in a civil war.

"What about the Country of Law?"

"They haven't responded yet."

"As for the Country of Darkness..."

"I'm investigating. But I suppose it is only a matter of time before His Majesty Dark Dragon dispatches units for war."

Angelina swiftly answered and Lize puckered her brows.

"But... the armistice agreement was clearly signed..."

"Then was then, and now is now. I think His Majesty Dark Dragon will not let this good opportunity off. The instant he determines that the Country of Light is controlled by Chaos, he can invade the Country of Light in the name of eliminating Chaos. His Majesty already has such intention since a while back. This is part of the reason why he chose the Country of Light as the opponent in war." Angelina answered Lize quickly. As a royal vampire, Angelina had more or less received news and rumors. Unlike the Country of Light, the Country of Darkness was a hierarchical society. Therefore, the Country of Darkness was more concerned over 'Order' than anyone else. As the saying went, 'nothing can be accomplished without norms or standards', the Country of Darkness's strict level of order also determined it. As such, they disregarded a nation with weak strength of Order like the Country of Light.

"Master, what should we do now?"

Gillian asked, while Rhode knitted his brows, uncertain of a solution. Chaos took actions much quicker than he expected and most importantly, where were Serene and Boulder? Also... how exactly were Sonia and Lilian doing now?



Sonia lifted her head palely as she ran down the dark water tunnel. She gnashed her teeth, wielding the sword in one hand, while the other wrapping around Lilian. They were covered in murky filth, but couldn't care less about them. Sonia was focused on carrying Lilian as she darted down the tunnel with the flow of sewage. Shortly after, an iron fence appeared before them.

This is it!

Sonia thrust the sword forward. In an instant, a string of sparks scattered and a round hole appeared in the solid iron fence. Sonia quickly passed through the fence and continued to dash down the tunnel when suddenly, she lost her balance and crumbled to the ground on her back.


Sonia's heart sank the moment she witnessed the azure sky. The wind whistled against her ear along with the sound of flowing sewage. At this moment, all she could do was to lay on the ground powerlessly, embracing the unconscious Lilian.

At the next moment, the immense pain from the powerful impact as she fell on her back engulfed her entirety. At the same time, her vision turned black.

Chapter 1019: The Road to Survival (1)

"Sonia? Sonia!"

Upon hearing the frantic screams, Sonia opened her eyes slowly and Lilian's terrified face came into her vision. It was sunset. All Sonia felt was the aches and numbness in her body, especially the stinging pain on her back. She sat up slowly, only to find herself on a withered lawn. It was late autumn, where the fresh, green grass was gradually withering and the leaves were drying up. The cold wind from between the forest trees instantly sent Sonia shivering. She lowered her gaze, discovering that her clothes were completely soaked in sewage, suffusing a terrible stench. Lilian was nowhere better. Her little face was covered in strokes of black and white like a kitten. Her cloak was also stained by all sorts of filth. Not only that, but Sonia also felt pain and coldness in her left arm.

It seems like I was still attacked, huh?

Sonia calmed herself at this thought and stood back up.

"Your Majesty, this place isn't safe. We have to continue moving ahead."

"B-But... where are we going exactly? Also... are you alright, Sonia? Why don't we find a place to rest..."

"No, we have to find a place to wash up, change our clothes, and continue moving forward, Your Majesty. The parliament will widen the search perimeter until they find us. We have to escape before that happens."

Sonia gazed at Lilian's pale expression and was hesitant about her decision. In fact, she wasn't doing much better than Lilian now. If it weren't for the fact that Sonia was a swordsman in the Elite Stage with a stronger constitution than most young noblewomen, she wouldn't be able to walk now. But to Sonia, she had to continue walking even if she couldn't. She didn't know what would happen to Lilian if she were captured by Nakvard. But she was sure that nothing good would happen... Moreover, Rhode's mission for her was to protect Lilian!

That's right. This is the mission that Master gave me!

Sonia pulled herself together at this thought immediately. Even though she was exhausted and in pain from the constant running, it was nothing compared to the 'teachings' that Rhode had given her. And now, the most important thing was to lead Lilian as far away from Casabianca. Once they left this central region, Sonia could use her familiarity with the Country of Light to head to other regions and blend into the crowd. This way, they could avoid detection from the parliament. She was aware that there were regions dissatisfied with the parliament's rule, so as long as they escaped to those regions, they wouldn't need to fear the chasing soldiers. The resistance from the regions would be enough to give the soldiers a hard time.

"Your Majesty, let's move on."

M - 新潟県新潟市西区

"... Okay."

Lilian hesitated at the sight of Sonia standing to her feet. But she continued to ask.

"... Sonia, where exactly are we going?"

"... It is no longer possible to board the floating boats and heading toward the Munn Kingdom is equally dangerous. If we walk on foot, we will be interrogated a lot. But if we go via sea, the threats will be similar to those on the floating boats. Also, I heard rumors about the unscrupulous sailors on the ships in the port. Perhaps they will harbor ill intentions if we head there alone..." Sonia pretended to be contemplative, before continuing. "Your Majesty, if you don't mind, we can head down the Black Mist River and... perhaps pass through the Highland City and arrive at the Void Territory."


Lilian stared blankly and Sonia quickly became anxious. Sonia had the initial intention to bring Lilian back to the Void Territory. Even though the other reasons she mentioned were also valid, there were still other solutions, as a matter of fact. For instance, the port. Just like Sonia mentioned, although there were many shady ships, some ships were still legit. Once they sneaked into the ships, they could still head to the Munn Kingdom. But... as Rhode's devoted servant, Sonia naturally wouldn't give this opportunity to Lydia.

"Yes, it will be relatively safer, Your Majesty Lilian. We can hitch a ride from the merchants who are heading toward the border region. Actually, many trade associations have no relations with the parliament. We don't need to worry if they check our identities. Besides, even if there are any problems, it will be easier for us to escape..."



Sonia was surprised by Lilian's straightforward answer. The latter swung her tiny fists as she looked at Sonia with a delightful expression.

"Let's look for Big Brother Rhode, Sonia. I'm sure Big Brother Rhode will protect us!"

"Of course, Your Majesty. If you're fine with this..."

Sonia felt like she didn't have much to say after seeing Lilian's excitement...

Even though Lilian was excited to visit Rhode, the problems presented before the both of them weren't easy to resolve. First, the problem with bathing. After the moon rose high up in the sky, they realized how difficult it was to find a place to shower in the wild. They were a wealthy young lady and a Light Dragon, who led easy lives with everything provided. Although Sonia was in charge of looking after Lilian, that didn't include lodging and food. Thereafter, the duo wandered in the forest for half a day and finally found a small creek. Even though it was chilly in the late autumn night, they gritted their teeth and washed the filth off their bodies, before putting on a clean set of clothes. Then, Sonia picked up several branches. In any case, she often stepped out of the house and had observed enough to manage on her own. Even though she wasn't a mercenary, she had witnessed guards on night watch in the past and learned some of their methods. Of course, if it weren't for her sword that contained the flame attribute, perhaps they would be having a freezing night.


Huddled up entirely in Sonia's embrace, Lilian shuddered while gazing at the bonfire. Then, she instinctively curled up once more. Sonia felt her reaction and hugged the little girl tighter. She held the sword in her right hand, leaning on the tree trunk and watching the surroundings. The forest of late autumn was dark and terrifying. The silver-whitish moonlight shone from above, as though giving life to the dried branches, turning them into the twisting shadows of departed spirits.

"... Sonia?"

"Yes, Your Majesty?"

Sonia asked softly.

"... Why are they trying to capture me? What exactly have I done? It feels so... annoying..."


"Big Brother Rhode... Big Sister Nalea, Big Sister Siena, and even that annoying Ion are also Creator Dragons, so why am I so unfortunate? They are loved and supported by their people, so why am I the only one treated this way? I'm also a Creator Dragon. I really don't know what I did wrong. Why must the people treat me this way? Have I done anything bad to them before? Didn't I let them do whatever they want and not intervene? Could it be that it is because I helped the pitiful retired soldiers?"

"No... Your Majesty... I don't think that's the reason..."

After a moment of hesitation, Sonia extended her arm and caressed Lilian's hair.

"... I don't know how I should put it, but it is the result of Mas-... His Majesty Rhode's effort for the achievements he has today. Your Majesty, I'm sure you've heard about what His Majesty Rhode has gone through. He faced countless threats, including the powerful undead army. But he never backed down and overcame the challenges bravely. In the end, he was victorious and received the honor and respect that he deserves... Your Majesty, everyone is the same. If you want to be recognized by others, you need to take on the path that you've chosen, despite it being an arduous one..."

Sonia pondered for a few moments. Wasn't she the same? She could give up on her mission and live as Sonia of the Lockos Family. She could become a true parliament member, where she would have her own position, status, and honor. But what more could she receive by staying with Rhode? Physical pleasure? It wasn't impossible to satisfy her needs if she ever wanted to. She was a beautiful woman and there were no lack of men who drooled over her body. There were countless promiscuous gatherings for the nobles. She could consume drugs that would make men lust for her and indulge in the ocean of thrills and physical pleasures. Wouldn't that give her the same happiness? Besides, she would only remain a slave and a bitch, staying with Rhode. On the other hand, she could still remain a young, honorable noblewoman, at least from her appearance, if she chose the other path.

So why must she continue this future-less path?

Sonia lowered her gaze at the crackling bonfire.

But the answer was determined a long time ago. Just like she had told Lilian.

"We chose our own paths, so we must take them on," she said softly, while Lilian had already fallen into a deep sleep in her arms.