
Re:Degenerate’s Tensei

What if Rudeus from the future succeeded in turning back time? What would he, a morally degenerate bitter old man in a child’s body do with his life now that he is starting from the beginning once again? Would he try to redeem himself for the mistakes he had made and become a better person, or would he fall further in his degeneracy and become a slave to his hatred and lust? This his His journey, a completely different man from the one who had first opened his eyes to this wondrous magical world. A Mushoku Tensei Fanfic. Read at your own risk. Incest alert.

Needygasm · Anime et bandes dessinées
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10 Chs

My Mad Dog

Rudeus POV

A month had passed since then and now I am in the Citadel of Roa, heading towards the Boreas Greyrat Manor with a contingent. The head butler of theirs, Alphonse himself had come with a handsome offer to buy my services to build a couple of massive statues in honor of the great Boreas family and it didn't take much convincing on our part to accept it as our plot of lands had now trippled! Mother was beside herself seeing that her little Rudy's talents were being recognized and Paul also supported it, saying that it would be a great lesson for me as a future provider for my family to learn how to earn my own money this early on. During my absence, he had even arranged for Ghislaine, a Sword King in the Sword God style who they had shared a party with during their adventuring days to tutor me just like last time.

Of course they were banking on the reality that it would only be a temporary job, taking me at most a couple of months, but I was planning on staying for much longer. Sorry mother, but I have to do this. I would just have to jerk myself off for a while, and you have to contend yourself with your imagination~ And Sylphy, you should understand that your father is extremely distressed that the number one, two and three seats in his dear daughter's heart is already taken over and owned by yours truly~ Let him delude himself in my absence into thinking that he can take them back~ And of course, I believe you will do just fine without me just as you did before. Of course I will make sure to show myself from time to time this time, especially for my sisters when they are born.

I was already planning on visiting this city this year one way or another to ascertain the status of the mana abnormality, and what I had seen on the sky had put my fears to rest as it also confirmed my suspicions that yes, despite me not using saint grade or above magic, the changes I had made had certainly weakened the resistance of the World to a much larger degree compared to the previous loop considering the current size of the black marble-like energy, but thanks to the barrier formations which I had already expected Orsted would place and thankfully he didn't actually disappoint, the process had halted to a degree. Unfortunately I had no knowledge on such formations and have no idea how effective the barrier formation would be to keep it stable, so I should start studying it after I get everything sorted here. Master Roxy must have been troubled by it, knowing her she must have been studying it until now. Maybe that's why she hadn't answered my letters yet, that airhead of a master of mine…

I had initially wanted to meet with Master Roxy first who should still be in the city but the butler was adamant in taking me to the manor as soon as possible, saying that Lord Sauros shouldn't be kept waiting and that he himself as the head butler had many responsibilities that he couldn't afford to be away from any longer.

What had surprised me was not that I was being denied, but the dismissive way he had spoken to me. He had always been respectful to me as far as I remembered in the previous loop, so what made him dislike me to such an extent? Was he perhaps having a bad day? No, that shouldn't have effected the perfect butler incarnate at all… Was I imagining it? For some reason it made me a bit uneasy but I later on attributed the feeling to missing my Goddess Roxy. Better to write a letter to the Adventurers Guild where I know Master Roxy regularly visits to arrange for a meeting soon…

So after a short while, I had once again crossed the familiar gates leading to the Manor. It was nostalgic, a better part of my happy childhood had been spent here in this place that was destroyed and yet, here I was once again, as if what I had experienced in the previous loop was just a terrible dream…

No, it wasn't a dream. It was a reality of nightmare that I had rejected and worked tirelessly to change and here I was enjoying the fruits of my labor. No higher power offered me anything, no, I had to claw my way up here with my own power and therefore shall not tolerate anything or anyone that goes against me.

I shook my head and focused on the present as we passed the many halls and passages leading up to the main office just the way I had remembered it. Along the way I hadn't restrained myself from taking in my surroundings, looking for any trace of her. Nearly all the servants I had come across were beastkin which brought a fond smile to my face. My Eris was particularly fond of them too just like all the Boreas... Man I want to see her!

My main motivation to accept the offer besides inspecting the mana abnormality was of course to finally get to see my mad dog and start her training! My Eris, my Goddess of War… The girl who took away my first time, and confidence as a man along with it, just like a hurricane, she ravaged me then disappeared, making it impossible for me to ever forget her despite my countless adventures with women. Regardless of her mistakes, she had stolen a special place in my heart, especially after I had learnt what I had meant to her… But it was too late by then, but now I have the power to do right by her.

After about a minute, we had finally arrived, the door leading up to Sauros's study which if I remembered correctly was mostly used by Eris's father instead. I wonder who is inside?

Then I was allowed in, and the first thing I had noticed was Philip sitting comfortably on a sofa, sporting his trademark happy face. He looked at me and, "Oh, you must be Rudeus, correct?" His tone was amiable just like the last time, and I quickly got into the role as I demonstrated a perfect Asuran bow, impressing everyone including the head-butler who I had hoped would have a change of heart about me, "It is nice to meet you Lord Philip, I am Rudeus Greyrat, son of Paul and Zenith Greyrat. I have heard a lot of good things about you from father, and again, it is a pleasure to meet you" I casted a surreptitious quick glance at the man standing at the back and immediately recognized him as the butler who was responsible for the kidnapping of Eris… Just you wait fucker…

From Philip's expression he was obviously shocked, before gathering himself and adopting the same grin as he said, "My, so formal! I didn't expect that Paul to have such a refined son! Who thought you your manners?", then he gestured the butler behind him, "Thomas, prepare a cup of tea for our Rudeus here." The butler nodded and grabbed a teapot from a counter and carefully filled my cup.

I relaxed my posture as I sat down across the man, my back straight to show my respect to the higher noble, then said, "it was my mother who had taught me the noble etiquette." Normally she wouldn't have, but I had reasoned that I would need them to make a good first impression for when I eventually meet with my grandparents and aunt in Millis which brought tears in her eyes, promising me to take me there in the future. My real aim of course was not that as I hated everything that was Millis and seek to destroy it if even given a single reason! They were just a bunch of brainwashed freaks who could easily be manipulated by Hitogami! Apart from mother and maybe Cliff, and to a smaller extent, my aunt…

Of course I was already well versed on the standard noble etiquette as I had to repeatedly use it in order to seduce all those noble women who required more finesse than others, especially the married ones… My real objective was to both create an alibi for why I had knowledge of noble etiquette when it was beneficial of me to use it, and also for a potential future where I might go for the political route which I was slowly beginning leaning on as experience in the previous loop had shown me that a single man, no matter how powerful, can not hope to protect those precious to him all the time. There were always times where he just couldn't be there to protect! So if I'd gained enough influence and power, I could easily control hundreds of thousands to do my bidding!

Philip then sported a knowing smile, "Ahaa, of course it was your mother! Man~ I couldn't believe that damn Paul to land himself such a great Lady as a wife! There is no justice in this world!"

He lamented in a dramatic way, completely forgoing noble customs, then went on, "By the way Rudeus, you don't have to be formal with me when we are in a private setting, this goes for every Greyrat living here as you are also a Greyrat, so enjoy your stay and take all the time you need with your artwork"

This brought a pause to my thoughts, something was not right. Philip's attitude was much more inclusive and benign this time around, lacking the coldness it had in the previous loop where I was being constantly tested. And he had just casually implied that my lineage as a Greyrat had made me more than a guest, and he also implied that there was no time limit for my work here… Just what was he planning? I was not ashamed to admit that despite my many years of experience, I was simply poor at politics. Maybe it was because I could just brute-force my way into most things that I want, resulting in my lack of finesse in 'soft power'.

The next moment, a loud smashing sound irked everyone in the room as the door was slammed open and in came the Patriarch, Sauros Boreas Greyrat, marching like he owned the place, which he actually did.

"So this is that Paul's prodigious brat I have been hearing about all the time?" he shouted as he stood a few meters away from me, his arms crossed just like the way Eris used to do and with an overbearing gaze locked on me.

He was just like the day before the Metastasis event, such life energy from an old man… No matter how unreasonable and reckless he was, he loved his people and was even willing to sacrifice all of the Boreas fortune just to give them their lives back but was brutally executed instead… Though he had a questionable way of life, I had always respected him.

I quickly stood up as I bowed an appropriate greeting, "you honour me with your compliments, though I fear they may be exaggerated, Lord Sauros, it is a pleasure to meet you" I was also thinking about complimenting his territory and family right after that but then remembered his personality. He was more of a straightforward man, so I doubt he would appreciate the existence of another slimy little noble in his manor.

"Hoo? Polite for Paul's son?! And what exaggeration? Are you saying that you aren't an advanced rank magician? Philiiiip! Was I lied to!?" He screamed at his son who quickly prostrated himself in front of the Feudal Lord, "father I believe Rudeus here is just being modest, according to Paul he definitely is not just an advanced rank mage in all the elemental styles, but he also can silent cast! Paul is not someone to lie about such matters, right Rudeus?" he pleaded with me, most probably wanting me to show a demonstration.

I sighed, it was obvious that this was just a cheap ploy to confirm my powers, they really underestimated me. Granted I was just a six years old brat. No matter how I had greeted Sauros, he would still have found a reason to put my abilities in question. And Philip even subtly put my father's integrity into question, so if I didn't respond appropriately, I would fail as a son and that would reflect poorly on my family on so many levels.

This of course was a clever move made by them as only after they confirm my powers would they go on with whatever scheme they had planned. Well, bring it! So I'd begrudgingly offered to demonstrate my powers and it didn't even take five minutes before everything was arranged and I found myself in the training grounds, with a mage in their employment to oversee my abilities. Yes everything had already been arranged, as expected… As I gazed around the grounds, what caught my attention was not the imposing figure of one beast woman clad in a bikini outfit with a sword strapped on, but the smaller silhouette right beside her.

It's her… Eris… That red hair, imposing stance with her arms crossed…. Though they were far away enough that I couldn't see her expressions nor hear her voice, I could definitely say that yes, that was my Eris. And I would bet that she was currently frowning and asking Ghislaine why they had stopped their sword practice just to come here to see a little brat perform.

Well, my little mad dog, I know you need some demonstration to acknowledge me, so I shall provide you with one that you will never forget!

Eris/Ghislaine POV

Eris couldn't understand why she was brought out here to watch the damn brat who her father wanted her to marry so much instead of her quality time sparring with her teacher Ghislaine! Not to mention that she was beginning to hate the idea of marriage the more she had learnt about what was expected from a noble wife, chief among them being, 'a noblewoman should not fight'. That was not fair! If possible she had wanted to be the husband instead as they had much more freedom to do what they want!

Since she was born, she had always been headstrong and competitive. Such traits were bolstered the more she had interacted with her grandfather Sauros who also had those traits and encouraged and spoiled her at every turn. So it might not be wrong to say that she loved her grandpa the most.

So when it was the same grandpa who had announced that they were thinking on marrying her to a distant cousin who was even two years younger than her, she had felt betrayed! She was absolutely livid! But she couldn't go against her grandpa and begrudgingly agreed to at least tolerate the brat's existence which was more than enough for them.

So when she spotted the small figure of the boy, she looked down on him. He appeared even weaker than she had imagined!! He even looked more like a girl and would definitely be mistaken for it if he wore any female clothing she was sure of it. Not expecting much, she spat out, "Ghislaine! Let's go back to practice! This little brat is just a waste of time!" she faced away and was just about to march on when a hand suddenly stopped her, "Lady Eris, Master Philip ordered me to bring you to watch this." seeing her hurt expression, the beastwoman softened her gaze as she added, "look, I know you don't like this Eris, but your family is struggling right now to make ends meet and they need the support of the boy's mother more than anything right now. The least you can do is give him a cha-" but was interrupted by the little lady, "I got it! I know it already I am not dumb! Mother was crying the other day I know we don't have money!" she bursted out, then in a calmer voice, "I just have to watch it, right? After that I'm leaving!"

Ghislaine felt guilty, their situation was not as bad as Eris thought, Eris's mother Hilda was just exaggerating things in order to 'convince' her daughter to seduce the boy. And from the look of things, it was working somewhat…

Rudeus POV

I closed my eyes, taking a deep breath to clear my mind. Just like the thousands of times I had done, I created an image inside my mind. This time I had chosen my favorite, Water as it reminded me of my true Goddess. An image of a massive ball of water the size of the manor appeared in my mind and at the same time I slowly raised my hands and willed the water particles to form and converge as I added the required mana worth a single mid-range 'Almighty Push'. From the ends of my feet and the deepest parts of my mind to the tips of my fingers I could feel the familiar tingling sensation as my pathways channeled the energy called mana from my core. As the converged ball of water began to grow in size, I willed it to elevate higher and higher as I didn't want to submerge the entire mansion. Even without using Aqua Heartia, a staff made for water mages, I could still easily manipulate water magic as it was my best.

After I was sure I had used all the required mana, I decided to maintain the spell as I opened my eyes and was met with the shocked and terrified expressions of the residents of the mansion. A huge shadow had eclipsed the mansion as even the sun was mostly blocked by the amount of water that I had formed. The sight itself was not that impressive to me as I remember submerging some of the Millis cities with tens of these… I guess it is a little impressive now that I think of it…

After getting no response from anybody, I just manafied the water and the next moment, the giant ball of water was gone, the mansion again illuminated by the sun…

Mana had the property of transforming into elements, this is something known by many, but few knew that elements also can turn back into mana, or manafy as that was the principle of how the Metastasis event had happened. It had taken away huge amounts of matter along with the ambient mana in a certain radius of land and turned them into mana in order to compensate for the energy required by the foreign intervention, people who were transported were the lucky ones, meaning people of strong Fates who were not turned into mana.

Orsted's ritual also worked on the same principle. In the first loop, if I had lived until it's end, then I would have witnessed even matter all around me transform into mana and evaporate as the ritual itself demanded the Six Faced World in it's entirety in order to turn back time. Without Orsted's ritual, my time travel ritual would most likely be rejected by the World itself as Divine Magic is needed in order to resist the resistance of the World. If I hadn't found out about Orsted's ritual in the previous loop, I had another way to achieve my ultimate goal. It was a despicable method I would have wanted to avoid but regardless would have ultimately used anyway if I had no choice! It involved sacrifices… Specifically the sacrifices of the Mikos, the cursed children who possess Divine Magic, just like Zanoba…

But thankfully the world was already stuck in a time-loop so I was able to focus on making my ritual safer and with no sacrifices needed on my part.

After reading the mood and seeing the terrified looks from the servants, I berated myself in my head! Fuck! I didn't want people scared of me! That is the opposite of what I wanted! So the next instant I donned a scared expression on my face, as I muttered, "D-did I do s-something wrong? D-did I hurt anybody? Why is everyone looking at me like that?" I then began to cry, mentally applauding myself at how realistic my acting was as I could see the immediate results as the servants who were initially horrified by me were now sporting on sympathetic expressions at my vulnerability.

Yes, if there was one mistake which had persistently costed me in the previous loop, it would be the fear and terror I had instilled in others' minds. A mind filled with fear could easily be manipulated by Hitogami, so having people around me who fear me would be the epitome of foolishness! I had lost the count of people whose irrational choices I had suffered…

After they had gathered themselves from the shock, just as Sauros and Philip were about to say something, it was the loud voice of a girl who jumped in first, "Hey! Why are you all bullying him? Didn't he just do what you wanted? So why aren't you telling him how amazing he was!?"

My heart quickened as I had heard those words… Though her voice was a lot more immature and higher pitched than I'd remembered, but the power in it was still the same… Yes, Eris was always behind me… No matter who my enemy was, even if the one who hurt me was my family, even when my enemy was myself, Eris would stand by my side and get angry for my sake… I loved her just as much as I hated her… No, in my despair I had wanted to hate her, wanted her in pain just like I was, wanting her to feel the same pain regardless of her intentions, wanting to see her pained expression as she looked in my eyes and see what her choice had lead to, see what a monster I had become… Instead of getting together with Sylphy and Roxy, I might have just only been with her… That's why I had rejected her despite my love for her. I wanted for her to beg me for forgiveness, and ultimately save me from myself…Such unreasonable expectations… But alas, in our fight against Atofe, she did save me from myself just as I had failed her… She had sacrificed her life for me without any hesitation… And through her sacrifice I was saved, I, the coward that I was, had found the courage to go on.

Yes, this was my Eris… My Mad Dog.