
Re:Degenerate’s Tensei

What if Rudeus from the future succeeded in turning back time? What would he, a morally degenerate bitter old man in a child’s body do with his life now that he is starting from the beginning once again? Would he try to redeem himself for the mistakes he had made and become a better person, or would he fall further in his degeneracy and become a slave to his hatred and lust? This his His journey, a completely different man from the one who had first opened his eyes to this wondrous magical world. A Mushoku Tensei Fanfic. Read at your own risk. Incest alert.

Needygasm · Anime et bandes dessinées
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10 Chs

Loss of Virginity

Rudeus POV

It had been a month since I had arrived here at the Boreas Mansion and I was taking my time in sculpting the statues, starting with Sauros's. Though I would have liked to make them from an easy to mold earthen magic as it required very little mana, but that damn Alphonse quickly pointed out that I was using a different material from what he had seen back in my home from the statue of my mother, so with Sauros's insistence I was forced into using the special clay used in creating the Magic-Proof bricks… And considering the size they wanted me to make, it had been a mana devouring project! Man I was beginning to hate that head-butler. Though he was a little more respectful towards me now, I could see that he still disliked me and I just couldn't figure out why.

Apart from sculpting, I was also participating in sword training with Eris under Ghislaine. Though my mad dog was frustrated to loose against me each time in a pure sword fight, she was quickly gaining on me with each spar, with the degree of her improvements even baffling a Sword King like Ghislaine! I was also careful to shower Eris with compliments about her rate of improvement which had worked like a charm in order to motivate her!

Eris was quite protective of me since that day I had demonstrated my power and though she still threw her tantrums and occasionally hit me, she was mostly respectful around me, or as respectful as could be expected of her. It was even better than the previous loop after I had saved her from the kidnapping, so I believe I do not need that tidbit to gain her cooperation this time. She was also eager to have the opportunity to learn magic to such a degree after seeing my demonstration that she herself on her own volition made a 'request' from me in the Boreas style with the required 'nyaans' which overwhelmed me with all the cuteness overload and after that I had no choice but to oblige her!

I was well aware of how her mind works by this point and had a good grasp of how to teach her. Though even if I were to teach her, if it's something she won't be using regularly she would eventually just forget it, so teaching her incantations and leaving it at that was not wise. I'd wanted magic to be ingrained in her to the degree that it would come as a second nature even if decades were to pass.

So I had opted for a more permanent solution which was to teach her chantless magic, specifically fire magic as that was the element that Eris had the best affinity towards. Though the knowledge I had accumulated over the years suggested that teaching silent casting after seven years of age is too much to be asked, it was still in the doable range for Eris who only had a month until she'd turned eight. She would certainly have a much easier time learning it compared to an adult and I was hoping she would eventually pull it off.

And saying the results baffled me would have been an understatement! Eris, after managing to cast the simple elementary rank Fireball in the first week of her training which was much sooner than previously, struggled to silent-cast it in the following weeks, but just yesterday, she had managed to barely cast a small spark without any incantations! This was simply amazing as I had estimated it would have taken her a year or so to get that far… I guess having the wisdom of making funny and understandable analogies about how fire worked did the trick. Though she was disappointed of the underwhelming spell work, I had encouraged her that if she kept at it, her silent spells would be as strong as with incantations in no time to which she regained her enthusiasm. This was good as I had some ideas which she could use her fire magic to incorporate to her Sword God style, even imbuing her sword with fire magic was not out of question now!

Seeing her potential, besides mana barraging her Touki in order to strengthen it, I had also started her mana expanding exercises as well, as she still had a little more than two years where she could be able to increase her mana capacity. Though it would never be like that of Sylphy's as she didn't have any Laplace Factor, she could at least reach the mana levels close to half that of mother's which will give her enough variety in her fighting style! Especially the Fire Whip spell I had developed which doesn't cost that much could be easily adopted with her style…

As for her Touki training, at first Ghislaine was skeptical about the effects of my Mana Barrage, but when she felt the difference in Eris's power after only a single week, not to mention using her demon eye to get a read of her mana, she was quite impressed by my revolutionary training method and had promised me not to share it with anyone including the Boreas Family, even Eris was left in the dark. My reasoning being, I didn't want to be used as a tool to bolster anyone's army as only with mages with extremely high amounts of mana like Sylphy and I would such a training method even work and I had made sure Ghislaine understood my predicament. If only she didn't have her demon eyes to see mana, than I wouldn't have even entertained the idea of revealing it to her as even though she was a family friend, there is always the possibility that Hitogami might snoop into her memories, not to mention his ability to gain access to demon eyes just like he did with mine back then… But there was nothing I could do, even with the things I had taught Master Roxy with the 'mysterious book', I had been careful to not add any information that Hitogami might use against me in any practical sense, but I couldn't be always a hundred percent through.

Apart from that, Philip also offered me to attend Eris's classes and that takes us to the present.

"You suck at teaching! Even Rudeus taught me better than that!" Eris berated the old scholar in front of her who had finally run out of patience with the little lady, "Young miss you are simply being unreasonable! Myself have repeatedly shown you how to solve such mathematical problems the way I had done for many other noble children like yourself, but you are the only one who doesn't understand! Are you even paying attention to your lessons?"

As I watched Eris arguing with the teacher, I could now understand why Eris had hated studying anything apart from the sword or magic… She was constantly being compared to the other children who were obviously smarter than her in her view. Even her own family had begun loosing any hope that she would ever be a worthy noble lady due to her poor performance in academics and noble etiquette. The tantrums and violence were just the icing on the cake. They had so little expectations of her, it was to the point of even happily agreeing to train her in the sword despite her gender to at least give her the opportunity to become an adventurer… As the person in question, she was definitely not unaware of this and had confidence issues about her worth.

But as a person who loves her and understands her the most, I can honestly admit that although my Eris is not bright when it comes to things she doesn't enjoy, she rivals even the genius Cliff on the things that she does enjoy.

I vaguely remember reading about it in my first life about some people who would perform better than most in memorizing and intelligence only when certain hormones were at a higher level, meaning when those hormones were low they performed far worse than average. And I believe Eris to be one of those people as I had firsthand experience of her brilliance! She could easily read her opponents and formulate solutions against how to beat them at a moment's notice which required more computation power than a simple 'twenty minus twelve' which she struggled even then. Even when she was a Sword King, she would be able to adapt to my tactics instantly and find creative ways to beat me! Every single time I had attacked her with the intent to kill, she would still be able to best me, something not even Sword Emperors had achieved against me! That's why I had opted to call her my War Goddess as she was made for the battlefield!

But I believe I can change that this time… If I could make her view her studies just like how she views the battlefield, then I believe she would simply be unmatched! She would no longer be viewed as a brute in women's body, or be looked down upon by nobility!

As I was busy thinking about the best ways to help my Eris, I was interrupted by the girl in question, who had just finished exchanging jabs with the teacher, "Rudeus! Tell me how to solve this problem!" she demanded, I could tell that she was extremely pissed off at the teacher who had just gone out to cool off, so I quickly got into the role and gave the example about the numbers being goblins instead and each division process being a sword cut. I had also made many analogies regarding her Sword God style with mathematics. As she listened to me, I could see the gears in her head beginning to turn as she enthusiastically went along with my examples, especially the part where I'd used her three and seven combo style moves to explain multiplication in the form of killing a group of twenty one goblins, she was ecstatic as she got nearly all of the math problems correct after that! Yes, I was vindicated in my assumptions, if I applied this method to the other disciplines as well she would be the perfect little lady in no time and she would not be viewed with pity by her loved ones!

A short while later as I was still teaching her, the teacher returned along with Philip and Hilda who were looking troubled. Hilda then began berating her daughter, "Eris! Why are you troubling your teacher? He is a respected nobleman who is the best at what he does and had successfully taught many noble children for decades! Such a prestigious scholar like him even agreed to teach you despite your unruly reputation and this is how you repay him? Apologize now!"

"But mom-" but she was interrupted.

"No buts! Apologize this instant young lady!" Eris gnashed her teeth in rage as she looked down in shame, just as she was about to utter an apology, another voice of a child interrupted them, "Lady Hilda, I apologize if I am speaking out of turn, but I believe you are making a mistake"

The room froze as what I had just done in front of an outsider was simply unacceptable. Even if I was just a child and a Greyrat as well, what I had just done would constitute me getting punished and disciplined accordingly by Philip who had the responsibility to protect the family pride in the face of other nobles.

Seeing as I was getting no replies, I went on, "there is no denying Master Norman's experience and teaching-skills, but I believe he always compares Eris with others which saddens her so much that she can not concentrate on her studies!" Of course it was not the full picture but accurate enough as the more she is compared to others the more she hates studying. What I wanted was for Eris's parents to not let their daughter be berated every single time she fails in her education. Her self esteem is key in her improvements as she needed that to feel motivated.

Seeing the teacher about to protest, I went on, "of course I'm not saying that teacher's methods are wrong for most in any way, but for Eris some other method is what is needed. Why after teacher left, I had shared some of what I'd known about how to solve those problems and Eris easily picked everything up!" I said then added, "if you do not believe me than why not give her a test? I guarantee that she will perform just fine!"

Though there was some grumbling from the teacher, with Philip's insistence he acquiesced before arranging some new math problems for Eris to solve and once she began solving them, the audience was beginning to see that she was not struggling with anything at all as her hands moved fluently with each question. After a few minutes she handed her paper to the teacher who was shocked as he gazed at the answers!

"H-how? These are all correct!"

"E-eris, how?"

Eris puffed her chest as she crossed her arms and shouted, "see? Rudeus is amazing!" as if me being amazing had anything to do with the current situation. It was so like my Eris! Instead of gloating about herself, she had instead gloated about me! She is so cute!

I coughed and added, "Well Master Norman, as I'd just said, when she is not being berated and constantly compared with other successful students, Eris can focus much better and perform even better than many. I know you mean well as you only want Eris to try harder by being reminded of her mistakes" no he doesn't have any good intentions, I could see he reveled in seeing her fail, "Forgive me if I'm being rude, but for the past week I have been attending your classes, every ten word that escapes from your respected mouth, I found that at least two of them are criticisms about Eris underperforming… This goes for the other teachers as well so I believe it's no wonder that she struggles with her lessons. She just needs a more positive approach." I finished calmly, trying not to hurt the teacher's pride, while trying to appeal Philip and Hilda to change their methods which thankfully worked just as I'd intended to and after that day, with the exception of the history teacher who was replaced later, her current teachers adopted a more positive reinforcement method which I was instrumental in implementing and modifying for my Eris's benefit, but I didn't neglect to occasionally help her understand better using analogies she can relate to.


It had been more than two weeks since then and I can honestly say that I am enjoying my time here despite the punishment I've gotten for acting out of line towards Eris's parents in the teacher's presence. It was certainly a distasteful punishment as I was tasked with cleaning the stables for a month! But regardless, getting to witness my gradually deepening friendship with my fiery Eris was a satisfying endeavor that I'd greatly treasured which had worked to keep my spirits up.

I had also managed to thwart any fear directed against me because of my powers by acting cute, and also showing kindness to the servants had also proved to be quite effective! Though I thought of seducing some of them and bedding them, I quickly discarded that idea as I didn't want my mother to learn of it as I'm sure Philip would easily find out about it and would not forget to mention that bit of juicy knowledge in his letters to father.

Not all was good though. What had almost had me loose my shit these past few days was the news that I'd gotten from mother's letter that Master Roxy, who still hadn't replied to any of my letters until now, had somehow gotten caught up in an explosion in the Central Plaza in the Citadel of Roa and had to be tended to for a while, before being quickly sent back to Buena village and from the cryptic words mother used, it was obvious that her Saint ranked Healing Magic was needed to treat a particular permanent injury Master Roxy had suffered which thankfully was fully treated by mother. I was planning on heading back to see Master Roxy immediately after the news but she herself had also sent a message that she was fine and already planning to visit me in the following months so at her insistence I'd decided to stay put for now.

Of course it must be that damn Hitogami's fault using one of his apostles to lay a trap on my Roxy… How dare they?! I'm going to destroy every single one of the ones responsible with my own hands! Seeing that he couldn't reach us in Buena village thanks to Orsted's protection, he instead resorted to using the Citadel of Roa as his playground that damn fake-god! In order to separate me from my Roxy he was getting desperate enough to use terrorist attacks it seemed. But from the information I've gotten from Philip, the explosion had happened right before my arrival and was a particularly strong one decimating even the sturdy canalization structure underneath, killing tens in the process. I bet my Roxy has performed a well timed reflexive barrier magic in order to protect herself otherwise she couldn't have made it out alive from what I've gathered.

So that was why the head-butler Alphonse was tense in our exchange and insisted on taking me to the Manor with haste as he must have been briefed on the incident and was ordered to bring me without any delays. He might have also had the knowledge that my magic tutor Roxy was also wounded and withheld that particular information at the orders of Philip as I am sure he knew of my strong bond with my master. Though that doesn't explain why the head-butler still acted guarded towards me even though my relationship with the Boreas family was better than ever… Could he perhaps be an apostle of Hitogami in this loop? Had he perhaps something to do with the attack? Hmm… I need to be careful about him, as well as the other butler who is like a ticking time bomb which I need to eliminate soon and I had just the plan to do it.

Other than that, my progress with the statues on the other hand was going slow as expected, I had finished sculpting the outlines of a towering ten meter figure of Sauros's, wearing a handsome noble attire and had just begun working on it's face. Unlike my mother's statue which I had made out of two layers, one was her naked form and the other was her clothing on top of it, this particular statue was only single layered as I wasn't thrilled in creating the male body. Not to mention Sauros with all his naked form at full display wouldn't do anyone any favors more-so for me.

I could have finished it much faster if I'd wanted to of course, but as there was no need to rush. I'd opted to instead spending most of my time with my mad dog, we were now practically inseparable which was putting smiles to Philip and Sauros's faces as they sometimes watched from afar.

Though I could sometimes spot her mother Hilda giving me resentful looks, most probably due to being reminded by my presence of her lost sons that were taken away from her by Philip's brother as a result of loosing the succession war. Though lately she was beginning to soften and even opened up to me as she noticed the major improvements of her daughter after my arrival.

Ah poor Hilda, I can somehow understand her pain as I'd also lost my children, especially the one that was still in my Roxy's belly when she'd died brought me a pain so great it'd make the extremely painful process of time-leaping look like a walk in the park. The sense of loss and pain was simply unimaginable! That's why I sympathize with her and want to help her… Of course I'm not a saint, so my methods of 'helping' her shall also be helping me in some ways as I was horny as hell without mother and was struggling to keep my dick in check.

The most important thing about Hilda was those bouncy breasts of hers which are absolutely incredible! Whereas my mother's were more like soft dumplings that were easily moldable. Hilda's were more elastic and bouncy. Especially with the tight red corset she prefers to wear that goes extremely well with her red hair, I so much want to insert my dick in there! I know my Eris will also become just as well endowed as her mother if not more, but it was still a ways away and I had my needs… So I think it's about time I began seducing her…

Sorry Philip, I know you love your wife, but how could I treat my future mother-in-law any differently than my own mother? Wouldn't that be unfair, not to mention unfilial of me to neglect my dear Eris's mother's breasts that look like they are in desperate need for attention! I mean, you are spending way too much time bedding the beast-women servants instead of satisfying your wife and I am just here as a convenient relief servant to offer my services to the neglected housewife!

And so another month had passed and I had started my campaign to make Hilda my slut. I began approaching her more often for conversations, our topics ranging from talking about how wonderful and special her daughter was to some random compliments of her beauty which quickly broke the remaining ice between us as she was completely charmed by yours truly!

But what had served to win her affections most was me playing to her motherly instincts! I had started things by making it known that I'd missed my mother. Seeing me sad of being away from my own mother must have reminded her of her own sons who will never view her as their own mother, bringing tears in her eyes as she hugged me, plastering my face with the most heavenly peaks a man could ever hope for! Even demanding me to see her as my own mother!

Though I do not love her and don't think I will any time soon, she will be a great alternative until Eris matures. I mean, it might sound horrible of me, but she will be serving the role of protecting her daughter from my clutches as being close to Eris now, I am struggling much more than I was with Sylphy! Eris just had that womanly charm even though she had barely entered puberty, her wide hips and thick thighs, not to mention those delicious prepubescent breasts I sneakily rub when she is asleep was tempting me to fuck her to a greater level than Sylphy's current form ever could. Not to mention that one time where Eris came to my bed in a revealing outfit, her purpose all but obvious. It seemed that Philip was adamant in marrying us off this time as well which was completely okay with me but I couldn't sully my Eris just yet! She needs to be at least as old as our first time together in the previous loop… Man the things I do and suffer for love…

In the following days after that, I was horny so much so that the beastwomen servants easily sniffed out my arousal and even offered themselves to 'help me' with my problems, but I refused, saying that there was a girl that I liked while making it obvious it was Eris which brought happy screams from them as they were ecstatic that the goal to wed the two children was going smoothly. They were loyal to the Boreas so anything for the benefit of the House was met with happiness. Not knowing that I was keeping myself 'pure' for the only redhead in the Boreas Manor with the bountiful breasts.

—Lemon Warning— Rudeus and Hilda POV

That takes us to the present many months later where I now was naked inside a particularly luxurious open bathhouse connected to the backside of the Boreas Mansion, a recent addition which I had been the lead architect of. I wasn't alone either as a beautiful woman was busy sucking my dick, all the while maintaining eye contact.

The woman in question had red hair and the most voluptuous body a woman could ask for. With each blow those breasts of hers jiggled around rebelliously as the loud sounds of sucking and slurping filled the place as both parties were enjoying themselves. The debauchery between the two had been going on for a month now and things were escalating rapidly. The only thing they hadn't indulged in yet was penetration sex which was about to change as Rudeus was determined to finally taste that pussy before leaving for Bueana village where his mother was due to give birth very soon as he suspected his healing magic will be needed just like in the previous loop when his mother had a difficult birth with Norn.

First and foremost, it needs to be mentioned what had transpired in the last month that had lead to the current events.

-One Month Ago-

I had just said goodbye to Master Roxy who had come to quell my worries about the incident. It was a relief to see her unharmed as apparently her right eye had been blinded and her right leg crippled by the explosion and the clerics who treated her in the capital failed to bring any lost functions back. Thanks to mother's Saint class healing though she was able to make a full recovery.

As for the investigation about the explosion incident, it was discontinued without any leads, apparently the perpetrator was extremely careful in hiding their tracks. Since then Master Roxy had been busy developing a magic circle for instant barrier magic in order to better protect herself in similar situations and using what little she had gained from observing the barrier formations surrounding the Mana Abnormality in the Citadel of Roa, just last week she had managed to make a breakthrough in her research in the form of a Magic Ring.

The ring housed a high-grade neutral mana crystal with sensor and barrier magic circles etched onto their surface that automatically activates when the user is in danger. The mana inside the crystal is only there to supply the basal activity of the sensor magic circles as the user's own mana was required in order for the barrier to function and for the spell to be maintained. It was perfect against ambushes as even if the user doesn't realize the impending threat, the ring does it for them and instantly activates the barrier magic to defend against any magic or physical threats. The only disadvantage was it's massive need of mana, but it was obviously worth it.

Though unfortunately it was useless for me as it was also considered as a Magical Enhancer due to it requiring my mana to function, so I couldn't use it due to my ritual but I'd still kept the ring that Master Roxy had given me regardless as anything from my one true Goddess needs to be treasured!

I could only hope to get back my Demon Eyes in order to compensate for it and for that I needed my Kishirika as soon as possible! This time as well I shall seduce her, but when she is much younger! I wonder if her extremely tight pussy was even tighter now that she is much younger? Hihihi sorry Badigadi even though your dick is bigger, your wife prefers mine!

And also another important news from back home, apparently my parents' old party member Geese decided to visit our village but was attacked by a strange deer-like creature in the forest so he was currently in the village clinic being tended to by mother. Apparently father saved him as he was out hunting in the forest and chanced upon him being moments away from death.

I had no knowledge of such a creature let alone for one to live so close to home, so I assumed it was one of Orsted's summons but why would it attack Geese? Shouldn't it be protecting the village from Hitogami? Was Geese the one who attacked it per chance?

I was already aware of the creatures with strong Fate that have begun showing up one after the other in our village after Orsted's appearance. Such creatures served the purpose of limiting Hitogami's influence which as I understand was Orsted's way to stop Hitogami from influencing me, and until now no villagers or merchants were attacked by them so it begs the question, was Geese also an apostle of that darned Hitogami? But in the previous loop he was so helpful and friendly… We had even found out mother's whereabouts thanks to him… Though I had lost contact with him since I'd saved mother, I was worried that he also might have been rounded up by those Millis fanatics through his connection with me… I just couldn't imagine him being one but in this loop he may just be, so I had instructed Master Roxy to keep an eye on him and not to leave any critical information lying about.

On another note, I had also thought about using summons as well but quickly discarded the idea because I had also tried using summons with strong Fate in the previous loop to protect myself from Hitogami, but quickly found out that it was not worth angering Perugius over as for some skewed reason I could only summon his familiars! I had barely avoided any serious backlash from the dragonkin by appeasing him with many of my artworks that I had kept for nostalgic purposes. The lad was simply an art fanatic and I planned to use that proclivity to my advantage in this loop.

After sending Master Roxy off, I was in a very good mood so I decided to accelerate my plans by secretly intruding upon Hilda's bath time, surprising her as I had come in stark naked with an erection. I was still sporting about six inches but with a more impressive girth this time compared to my last time with mother.

"Rudeuss? Why are you here?" her face was flushed red as she clamped down her legs and tried hiding her tits with her arms crossed which was simply not doing much. Though she was submerged in water, her heart began racing in panic at being exposed to the boy who had quickly become something like a surrogate son to her these past few months. He was just too cute and charming to resist.

She had initially been enjoying a comfortable bath and just like always, had ordered her servants to leave as she preferred enjoying her 'alone bathing' time. But who would have thought Rudeus would just barge in without any worry for decency.

He slowly approached her, his eyes burning with lust and her eyes firmly on his impressive member which was about the same size as Philip's, but much thicker. She involuntarily licked her lips as she realized that this boy was not as innocent as he wanted her to believe which was charming in it's own way compared to his innocent demeanor before. Maybe it was because of loosing her sons, she had developed a taste for the young and indulged in them from time to time, so her choice of partners among the female servants was mostly the young and innocent-looking ones. Her husband Philip encouraged her to partake in such dalliances, even joining on them occasionally.

But bedding another male was not something she had ever done before as Philip was the only man she had ever had and she loved him dearly for everything he had done for her. But unfortunately her husband, contrary to the rest of his family, was not the strong type, he was more of an intellectual type so she had always wondered what it would be like to be taken by a strong Greyrat… Especially after she had chanced upon one of Lord Sauros's dalliances with the servants… He was simply on another level in every way and she had secretly gotten off on the idea of being bedded by him. But it was only in fantasy, something she had indulged in from time to time to add some spice to her life.

Same goes for the boy in front of her as well… Though her motherly instincts flared whenever she interacted with him, she couldn't help herself from wanting to 'taste' him… And the occasional glances he would throw at her breasts and butt when he thought she was not looking excited her to no end, especially after witnessing his more gentlemanly side with Eris…

Rudeus had now entered the massive bathtub that was more like a pool than a tub and threw himself in the woman's arms as he began caressing her breasts.

"Madam Hilda, you have the most beautiful shaped breasts I have ever seen, can I suck on them?" he asked with a childish voice as if asking about the weather but before he got any reply, he latched onto one and began giving it a strong suction which elicited a delightful moan from the woman as he fondled those heavenly breasts. The boy really was gifted it seemed.

"W-what are y-you doing!?" she had managed to ask through her gasps and moans and her question was met with a mischievous smile as Rudeus said, "to see if milk comes out~" then went back to sucking on her tits. Sometimes her left breast, sometimes her right one as he indulged freely, not meeting any resistance from the woman.

The loud suction noise was only dwarfed by the sensual moans that escaped the female in heat as she began loosing her inhibitions, not even showing any resistance as she melted. She was not just loosing herself in the moment though, she was already aware of the boy's interest in her body and had been using her 'assets' in manipulating him into helping her daughter for some time now as she believed the boy would at any given moment decide to leave them so she was determined to keep him in check.

She had already accurately guessed that it was only a matter of time before the boy gave into her urges as he also was a Greyrat. So she did what was best for her family and decided to make this boy dependent on her sexy body that she was so proud of which she was sure her daughter would also one day possess as well and replace her when the time comes.

She had originally pushed Eris into seducing the boy one night but Rudeus had shocked her with his words to Eris which she had been secretly privy to next door. He had said that though he thought Eris was extremely beautiful and he wanted to have sex with her, he just cared too much for her daughter to bed her when she was not even ready. She had apparently underestimated this little boy with a noble heart. Hilda was even more determined to wed her daughter to him and keep him in the family, so after that day, she had began spoiling him which eventually lead to the current scene.

Pulling herself away from her thoughts, she began feeling vibrations all around her body that was submerged in the water, which later on she will learn to be the result of Rudeus's water magic. It was as if she was being caressed by multiple hands which brought no small amount of pleasure.

Just before she had reached her climax, the boy suddenly let her go. He then gave her a mischievous look before leaving her to her devices, all hot and bothered. And since that day, Hilda was caught in Rudeus's web of lust.

—Back to Present—

He extricated himself from her mouth as a pop sound echoed all around much to the protests of the woman. Hilda had an expression of disappointment, just like a kid who had their lolipop taken away from them, a situation not so dissimilar to her current one as she had developed a taste for the boy's penis and had been eager to give him blowjobs at any opportune moment.

"No Hilda, today the only part that will accept my dick is right here" I teasingly traced the place on her tummy where her womb must be located before going on, "you promised two weeks ago that if I could teach Eris how to dance, you would let me enjoy your pussy to my heart's content~ And lo and behold, Eris can now dance, so I will have to hold you to that~."

She trembled at the words of finality. With all the secret acts of debauchery that she had engaged with this boy, crossing 'that' line was the ultimate betrayal to her husband so she had strongly resisted. But with Eris dramatically improving in each area of study, word had gotten out that the previous rumors about her beloved daughter being a mentally challenged muscle headed brute had been false, and so invitations to parties had began flowing in, expecting her daughter in many events where she was required to dance… Unfortunately though she improved in many areas, her dancing still left much to be desired. She feared this would ruin her daughter's momentum if she suffered any embarrassments, so she had to do what was best for her daughter, and the only one who could properly teach her daughter how to dance was of course the boy in front of her.

Oh how right her husband had been to rope in Paul's son, the boy was a godsend to their family! Even though they hadn't yet made any requests from Zenith to aid them, just with Rudeus the overall atmosphere around her family had improved dramatically! And chief among them was the improvements of her own daughter who was completely taken in with the boy, to the point of not even complaining about a possible marriage between her and Rudeus anymore! She had also never seen her Eris being so protective of anyone! Whenever the boy was pressured by either her husband or her father-in-law, Eris would be the one guarding Rudeus against them and even reprimanding them to leave him alone which brought a smile to her face whenever she witnessed such a scene. To think her Eris now had the guts to go against her grandfather who she adores… The boy had brought out the best in her dear daughter and as a mother, she was determined to keep him as close to this family as possible, even if she had to sacrifice her own body to keep the Greyrat boy who was too horny for his own good loyal to her family…

So after she gave her silent consent, Rudeus forcefully threw her into the water, joining her right after and without missing a beat, latched onto the larger woman's back with his child's body as he aligned his member to her entrance and with a well practiced motion, with one strong thrust, he had finally entered her pussy!

Hilda was shocked at the foreign intrusion that felt different from when her husband penetrates her… Although Rudeus's penis was not that different in length to her husband's, the slightly concave shape and the added thickness reached certain places inside her that have never been touched before, which unconsciously made her feel that this little boy was the superior male compared to her husband but soon any comprehensive thought escaped from her as Rudeus suddenly increased the frequency of his thrusts, pumping her greedy vagina as it acclimated itself to the new shape of the intruder.

Rudeus was having a field day as he plowed into the woman that he was now riding who looked very much alike to his Eris's adult form. Sounds of flesh slapping and pleasurable moans and grunts filled the bathhouse as the two were lost in their own world.

"Ah! Ahh! Nhaa! Ohh!"

Slap slap slap

With his hips rhythmically pounding her rich ass, one hand holding her red hair tightly while the other one firmly gripping her delicious breast, fondling her with each thrust bringing the woman under him to new hights!

He had to say, he had missed this. This was the first pussy that he had fucked since his time leap and he was certain, among the thousands of women he had fucked, this woman was premium quality. The way she met his thrusts, her pussy clamping down on his member and her occasional screams were essential things he desired in a partner, as many with noble blood and upbringing were mostly lazy lays, it was rare to find someone this interactive. Of course not to mention, this was a milf! Her husband who was slaving away trying to keep the House together didn't even know that his beloved wife was screaming another's name as she was getting plowed!

"Soo goood!" a very powerful female scream broke his musings, making him panicked for a moment but then he quickly remembered that he had already activated some of the privacy magical formations in the bathhouse, so he gathered himself and demanded they change positions to his favorite; the missionary position because this particular position was his main go-to in the previous loop as he loved looking at his female partner's expressions while showing heaven to them. With his now small stature, whilst fucking her, he also had the opportunity to reach for her massive tits to suck on as well which was an added plus.

The two went on with their passionate lovemaking as sounds of water splashing, meat grinding and sexual moans permeated every corner of the pool. After a while, Hilda was finally reaching her climax for the umpteenth time and that's when Rudeus chose to reach his own as well and the next moment, a female scream gave way to the signal for a double climax where the pair rocked their hips in frantic need for release. After a short while, the two eventually came down from their high as they then embraced each other, reveling in the sexual scent of the other.

The two kept holding each other for some time with bated breaths before hurriedly cleaning themselves and leaving for their respectful duties as Rudeus needed to attend history classes with Eris and Hilda was to have a tea party with other lesser noble ladies. One thing in common between the two were the smiles on their faces as they just had a very satisfying fuck.