
Chapter 6: Ignition

 At the hands of a tyrant, I sob and whimper my heart out. My chest felt tight, and my heart ached. Before, I trembled and shivered as I basked in the moon's cold light. But now?

 "—It's warm and comfortable," Miu uttered, her thoughts somehow managed to escape her lips. 

 "Is that so?" a calm voice replied. It was tender, soft and comforting. 

 "Did I say that aloud?" 


 …Ahhh! Miu, you absolutely messed that one up! He'll certainly think I'm easy or something! Like…does it even matter?

 Miu distanced herself a little and wiped her tears. "Alum, I've been curious about you for a while now," Miu voiced confidently. 

 "I already know," Alum bluntly replied. 

 Taken aback by the brutal bluntness, Miu's legs went numb—her heart palpitated and her chest tightened. Unlike the uncomfortable instances from earlier that day, it didn't feel too bad—or perhaps it lay within her mind. 

 It's not like I like him. Do I? 

 "…It's mainly simple curiosity, don't get it wrong." 


 In the corner of her eyes, she could see a faint smile. His expression was light; his black hair reflected the silver moon's rays. And…his golden eyes shone brightly as though it was a beacon drawing her in. 

 Upon a closer look, he's kinda cute—more than handsome, at least, or…is it just me? At the thought, Miu shook her head. 

 Noticing her odd behaviour, Alum turned to her. "Are you ready to go back?" 


 "I see. It's the first time I've spent a night with a girl. I suppose I did deserve that zero." 


 Flustered, Miu pinched his arm. Her face was dyed red, not that it was rare. However, even she could tell how rosy red she was. 

 "Jerk…" she muttered.

 Miu knew he meant it literally, but her mind still wandered. Still, she was amazed at herself. Calming herself and wanting some revenge, she squeezed her hand with all her strength, but Alum's gentle grasp remained—not even budging…


 Having noticed Miu's perplexed face, Alum softly laughed. 

 "Why are you laughing?" Miu pouted and puffed her cheeks. 

 "I found you cute, is all." 

 "Since when did you find things cute…?" Miu sceptically voiced. 

 To which Alum shrugged. "Not sure, but I know you are." 


 Miu was about to say he didn't mean the words that left his mouth but remembered how blunt Alum was. 

 Of course, he meant it, dummy…

 Yet, in spite of the compliment, she didn't feel an ounce of sweet, bubbly soda she'd feel from a crush. 

 "Girls will get the wrong idea, you know?" Miu remarked. 

 "Then it's on them, I suppose." 

 Miu's eyes widened, and what followed was a sceptical brow raised. "Are you evil perhaps?" she, without hesitation, asked. 

 "No," Alum casually replied. 


 "Suuure~" Miu whined. "Doesn't your actions today prove otherwise, though?" she continued. 

 "No," Alum swiftly answered. "It's being pragmatic and morally questionable." 

 Miu released his hand and hugged her knees. She felt cold—rather, she was cold. It was odd since she had felt such comfortable warmth earlier. 

 "You… Did you have to go that far?" Miu questioned. 

 "That is… I'm uncertain. At least they were doing things; we'll see tomorrow if it gets better or worse," Alum shrugged. "But, if it doesn't, I'll perhaps be worse." 

 "…At one point, people stop retaliating, you know?" 

 "When you get there, take it to the absolute breaking point." 

 "That's too cruel." 

 "I am well aware." 

 At his response, Miu's facial muscles tensed. She curled up further and tipped to the side—ended up on his shoulder again. 

—It's warm… But. 

 "Alum… Many consider that to be evil." 

 "I know," he simply replied. 

 "I… I believe people need hope. Means to see it through and push forward," she hushed faintly, her voice soft and tender—just like her. "If people have a goal or a beacon of light to help them navigate through the dark. What do you say?" 


 "My beacon of light. Is you…" 

 Alum took a deep sigh and hardened himself. "What if that light flickers? What if the light goes out? It will be dark again, then what?" 


 "Is it not better to ignite a flame of their own? Whatever form it takes, they'll at least have a light to navigate through the dark—without an external one, potentially blinding and leading them astray." 

 "—then, wouldn't that make you a guiding light?" 

*Soft laughter*

 Alum couldn't help but smile at her optimism; it contrasted with his. She really is like Noel… Alum thought. However, he shook his head. "Wrong. I'm the ignition to the flames, that's all." 

 Miu's cheeks puffed. "Of course, that's how you see it…" she complained. 

 Alum didn't further discuss. Instead, he changed the topic—or rather, it was the original reason he came. 

 "We should head back," he suggests. Again. 

 "Dun wanna," Miu shook her head and nuzzled his shoulder. "You know… we've never really been alone—or y'know? Talked? I feel like I know you better now." 

 But as she spoke, she could feel her body getting colder. She started to quiver and shake; despite leaning on Alum, she could not feel his heat. 

 "…what did you do?" 

 Alum playfully smiled. "Nothing much," he replied. "I control the moisture around me and keep myself warm that way." 

 "…does that mean each time we touch, we share the aura?" 

 "Partly, yes. Mostly, no." 

 Miu soft eyes turned sharp as she peered into his. "So you got me to lean on you and all that…you sly dog~" she teased. However, Alum still noticed her embarrassment. 

 He shrugged. "You did that anyways, so I was capitalising it. That's all." 

 "…Capitalise? Like…you're pretty down bad… Or what else did you gain apart from the warmth of a pretty maiden in distress?" 


 "I've said many things today already. I feel sort of lazy now." Alum shrugged, softly smiled and got up. "Well…it's similar to the analogy from earlier."


 Feeling frustrated, Miu's temperature rose considerably, and her body was fidgety and jittery. Abruptly, without much thought, she leapt into Alum's chest. 

 "Then I'll hog the flames until it burns out." 

 Troubled, Alum pushed her away. But seeing the hurt look in her eyes stung his heart. He didn't know why, and it wasn't as if he'd known her for long, either. Stupefied, he was left wondering why. 

—I see… I now care for her…

 Miu, on the other hand, had anticipated him to push her away. But that didn't mean she'd feel her heart pound, twist and ache. 

 Ahh! Miu! Why did you do that!? Now it's going to be awkward all the way back! Of course… I wanted some vengeance. But…what's he contemplating about? 

 "You know what?" Alum suddenly said. "It might not be such a bad idea." 


 Miu wondered what sort of idea he'd come up with; however, she never expected him to scoop her off her feet and into his arms. 


 "We can return faster this way." 

 "Y-Yeah, but… couldn't you've like… carried me on your back instead?" 

 Their faces were close, and the moon was bright enough for him to see her flushed face. "Do you dislike it?" he inquired. "I thought you liked me. Is there a problem?" 

 "I don't like you!" she retorted while flailing around in protest. 


 Alum's eyes were soft and shone bright in the moonlight. They really do stand out, Miu thought. 

 "I was messing with you," he replied whilst containing his laughter. 

 "…Jerk," she pouted. "But you better put me down before we arrive." 

 "Hmm, I'm not sure about that," Alum replied rather unenthusiastically. "I have an idea…" 

 Perplexed, Miu frowned in scepticism while peering into his eyes as though to read his mind. "What would that be…?" she reluctantly asked.

 "I'll make you into a beacon of light." 

 "…What? Okay, but what does that have to do with you carrying me all the way back?" 

 Alum smirked, and a somewhat cold and sadistic smile crept up from the depths of his soul. 

 "You've tamed me and put me on a leash," Alum calmly said. 

 "No, wait… Now I'm just confused…" Miu replied. 

 I thought getting carried like a princess would be…sort of romantic, but…what is this nonsense!? Redo! Please, my girly dreams! Come baaack!

 "It's simple. I'll enact a tame wolf—"

 "Of course, you picked the wolf…" 

 "You said it yourself, did you not? You'll use me." 


 "They won't trust a thing or be reluctant to listen to what I have to say." 

 That's a you problem! You did that yourself! Miu retorted in her mind. 

 "Essentially, were I to suggest something reasonable, they'd think it came from you." 

 "Who's using who now again…?" Miu questioned. However, there was a bigger question in her heart. "…why the sudden change?" her voice rang sorrowfully as if on the verge of tears. 

 However, as she looked into his eyes, they seemed surprised and shocked—miserable, unlike the melancholy indifference he often showed. But it quickly faded. 

 "My hope is too cruel. I suppose it wouldn't hurt to try your idea. Besides, I reckon it'd all lead to my cruel hope of a mistress if it doesn't work." 

 "I knew it! In the end, you're just a sick jerk!"