
re: cardster

This is a world, where cards just don't have decks, but magic..... Above all odds, not even gods can look in my eye

prynex · Fantaisie
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8 Chs

Aki of the W.M.R

Elias could be seen doing his morning exercise as he wore his tracksuit, black sneakers and a strap of water bottle tied around his waist. he put on a headset which he bought newly, listening to music as he jugged down the streets.


"Damn it I'm late, it's indeed really stressful." A girl with long black hair,bright fair complexion, with striking brown pupil, she wore a black crop top and a Blue jean bum shot which revealed her beautiful smooth legs, she seemed to be in a hurry as she walked as fast as her legs could carry. she passed to look at the scene that was unfolding before her eyes, as another girl tried to cross the road, an high speed truck with brake failure zoomed at her direction without her knowledge.

"This girl is gonna die, get out of the way!!!, no I have to do something she won't make it." Just then the previous girl clenched her fist as her pupils flickered red, just as she was about you use magic to increase her speed, she saw something insane as Elias zoomed passed the truck carrying the girl on his arms in a blink of an eye.

"Such speed, incredible, I couldn't follow his movement properly." The girl whose name was Cia muttered to herself as she stared at Elias with great shock in her eyes. "are you alright?" Elias asked the girl who was still confused at the moment but she still nodded. "Thank you kind sir, if not for you I don't know what would have happened to me!" The girl said with a little bit of tears in her eyes. "It's nothing, I just happen to be passing by, but try to stay safe alright, watch were you're going always, bye bye." Elias waved at her as she managed to continue her journey. "What a beautiful lady," Elias said but soon noticed a strange vibe around him.

"This guy is powerful, I need to investigate him, no matter what I must add him to my guild" Cia said attempting to cast a tracking spell when Elias tilted his head backwards with a serious smile on his face which totally caught Cia off guard as she immediately withdrew her spell. "Who the hell is this guy?"


"Tsk.... I almost caused her a clean death, but thanks to someone she still lives another day, well look on the bright side I found someone also interesting, things are going to get fun."


Elias was in the company of a jewelry making industry as he requested to see the manager.

"What business could you possibly have that you wouldn't speak to any of the staffs but instead me?." A middle aged man wearing a white suit adorned with gold who claimed to be the manager asked. "calm yourself, who else would be better to speak to except the manager himself, I'm here for serious business." Elias said with a smile which made the manager confused.

Demanding that he needed great hospitality first, the manager had no choice than to take Elias to his office and serve him coffee.... "ahhh.... delicious, now how much would you buy two bars of pure gold?" Elias asked dropping a briefcase on the table as he smiled at the manager who was quite confused and left in a state where he didn't believe Elias until he had open the briefcase.

"This gold are high quality!! where did you get them?"..."Well if I tell you it wouldn't be fair, so rather I could do business with you constantly, one more thing don't give me the money In shards, transfer it as cash." Elias said as they started to bargain...at the end one bar of gold was sold for five million dollars, making it in total ten million dollars.

"Here take this it's a partnership card of the Layne enterprise, coming here would give you 70% off on five items each month.... oh and by the way I'm Clark Layne." The manger said giving Elias a black gold card.

"Thanks!" Elias took the card and bided him good bye. Just as Elias was leaving he saw someone from his school, Mira, one of the school beauties who he had eyes for. Mira was quite shocked to see him in a place like this as she very well knew his background. "is that a partnership card on his hand?"...

Elias flashed a smile at her as she smiled back before continuing her walk, Elias left the company thinking how nice it would be for him to go back to his previous school and do some revenge in all those who picked on him.


"Who's there?" Elias mum asked opening the door only to see a completely strange face. "How can I help you?" She asked the man who wore full black suit and dark shade glasses.

"I'm a member of the W.M.R. I was sent here to investigate your son." he said as he walked in without permission. "What do you mean investigate?" She asked in confusion as the man refused to answer. "I'm calling the police!" She yelled as she brought out her phone. "I don't think so." The man said stretching his hand at her as immediately her phone compressed, instantly destroying into tiny bits.

"Using magic on civilians is a national offence, get out of my house." She said as she clenched her fist, even though she wasn't really into fighting but she still has her own fair share of magic after all, 80% of the world posses magic.

"Anything you plan on doing, I advice not.. I'm not one with a long temper, I could blow off your sku(cuts in)" "Don't talk like that to my mother."A voice was heard as Elias walked in with a serious voice. "And what if I do?" The man asked with a serious expression.... "You'll die before you can regret it." Elias said as his eyes flickered causing the man to chuckle.

"It seems my bro was right, you're special.....I'm Aki from the W.M.R. Elite 1, my mission here is to inquire about the assignment on the ruins you and some others were asked to investigate." He said as Elias instantly understood the matter at hand. "Well don't ask me, after I discovered the gate to the ruin I left!" Elias lied as Aki paused for a while before laughing.

"Funny that only two people returned with a fright of their life, they said something about one of their allies turning against them killing the leader and the second member in cold blood, they said he was pretty strong!" Aki said I'm a calm manner waiting to see Elias reaction as Aki very well knew exactly what happened.