
Re : Abnormal (Draft)

An unnamed man who is given the title, The Wanderer, is transported to another world by an unknown being and is forced to live his new life in that world. He befriends a sentient Voodoo doll and becomes a high school teacher teaching 10 extremely dangerous and magical students while also having to deal with many issues that occur due to the symbols aligning with the sun. There's a lot more but obviously I don't wanna spoil anything. --- This is just a draft/practice since the story is kind of all over the place right now and I'm just testing things out for now. Imma stop working in this. I'll be writing on the main book and the storyline won't be as shitty as this one.

Unproffessional · Fantaisie
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28 Chs


Omocha's place was nice once again. The dimly lit lantern on my wall was always enough for me to sleep well. I bought it today after school as well as some other things to make the attic seem more lovely. Omocha was quite happy about this and happy to see me settling in so well. I really like the cookies she would constantly make for me. I took at least one every time even when I was grading papers.


The rainforest was quite quiet and peaceful at night...until Mizuki was running around like a maniac, her legs moving in circles with smoke particles coming out making her seem much more unreleastic as if she was in a cartoon while the famous bird hunter, Kettei Anguri was chasing after her holding out his sword.

"Ahh! Get away from me already! I got an exam tomorrow morning so just let me wrap this up quickly!" She shouted out.

"Annoying! Stop running then and let me capture you!" He said still chasing as he's gaining speed on her before he crashes in a tree with a loud "CRASH!".

"Ahahaha!" Mizuki fell on her back as she was laughing unctrollably. She grabbed a tree and rolled up into a ball before placing it and sticking a note saying "landmine", causing it to sprout up into a tree once Kettei stepped on it.

Mizuki was an unusual girl. Her powers were a bit complicated allowing her to create everything into her own world basically. She quickly took a feather out of her tail and thought about what to use next and a lightbulb lights up in her head as it then falls and crashes onto the ground, a container of ink then appears floating in the air while she's running from the aggravated hunter as she dips her feather in ink and paints a hole in the wall and goes through it, the hunter tried going through too but ended up just crashing into the wall.

He got up holding his head as his teeth fell out of his mouth and there was spinning birds and sparks above his head as he shook it and glared. The area then panned out to a black screen before appearing once again with Mizuki behind a rock looking out cautiously while giggling.

" You can't hide! I'll find you eventually! Just allow yourself to be taken already." Mizuki snuck up on him and stretched her arm around him and tapped his shoulder before grinning widely.

What happened next was an intense chase sequence, her jumping up and her legs moving in the air for a second or tteo before her body immedietly moved at a quick speed away leaving a gust of smoke.

"Damn it!" He then began chasing her as fast as he can. They got to a cliff and Mizuki continued running even where the cliff ended as Kettei tried slowing down. his shoes scarping against the rock as he tried to stop with a worried expression on his face but he already made it off the ledge as he gulped took a look at her and fell.

He fell to the ground with a loud "Kablosh!" extremely dizzy now as he shook his head and Mizuki was behind him wearing a Saitama, one punch man cosplay costume and punched him spiraling into the sky as he went so far, it looked ad if he was a star. Mizuki now in her regular clothes looks at the camera and winks before the black circle causes the scene to Iris-out.


Fuuka was chilling in her ethereal realm, playing cards with the person she formed a link with.

"Heh...Ferni...Do you think I should be studying instead." She said chuckling to herself as she held her cards in one hand analyzing them greatly.

The red and orange blaze of fire, around her size sighed and spoke up. "I'd recommend it dude. I mean you have been lacking and procrastinating recently. I van help ya or whatever too. Let's just get it done bruh." Her familiar says out. She groans and pouts in response.

"Aw come on...Do I really have to do this?!" She whines.

"Of course you do. I want you to do well just like your sensei does." After all, you don't mind me looking at what's going on through your eyes." He said, his flames getting a but hotter now.

"Alright fine." She puts her cards down. "Let's just revise for the exam then." She groans.


Crystalline was in her oasis chilling in the golden water for a bit as she felt someone tao her head.

"Away...Seraphiel...Just give me a few more minutes..." She said out slowly.

"Seraphiel? Its me. Ayume Nakamura. The other blonde girl said. Her clothing was quite stylish and she seemed like she was one of the fashionable girls.

" O-oh Ayume!" Crystalline got up quickly and was drying herself slowly as her wings spread. The area was a bit dark but Cristalline's glow was enough to illuminate the area a whole lot.

"Anyway you needed my help right?" Ayume said as she placed one hand on her hip and tilts her head.

"Y-Yeah. I'm already doing well but I want to do better. A-And since you're from class 1-A...I believe you'll be able to help me a lot.

Ayume then chuckles as she stands on a tree trunk and puts her arms out as she closes her eyes. " Yes! I, Ayume Nakumura, Will help you beat this exam!" SHe said out proudly.

"W-Wow...So cool." Crystalline said out.


"Oi...Onarumi! I think we need to rehearse a couple more times."

"Yeah...yeah we probably should."

Chocho groaned. His voice was kind of high-pitched. "Oh hell no! Are you serious?! I'm sick of this. I'm tired of floating around like this! Just let me rest damn it!"

"Listen here, violin. I don't care what you want, I want to perfect this. Mitsu here is already nervous" Tabe says pointing to Onarumi who already had a red hue on her cheeks.

"Please don't fight guys." She says nervously.

The two stared daggers at each other but signed.

"Onarumi's right. Let's just do this a few more times then we'll call it a night." The empty room was then once again filled with the beautiful melodies of their instruments.


The next morning, I received a newspaper. Omocha must've left it on bed for me again. I took a glace of something that was happening tonight. This wasn't much of my concern right now since today was my class' test day but I woke up a bit earlier today. Boro was up drinking at the bar again so I had to take him out of there and get in bed and now I feel a bit nauseous from having to move so much last night.

"Hmm let's see here." I said as my finger skimmed the newspaper. "Nothing new here...Oh, what's this?" I read off the words on the newspaper. "Hmm...Performance tonight by Unconscious Mind. Band members featuring: Onarumi Mitsu, Tabe Ichitu and Chocho.

Onorumi seemed to look like the average dream idol,her blonde hair, Her purple dress and an amber hairtie as well as her cute smile. Tabe seems to be wearing a stylish suit with a blue tie. I'm nor sure what he seems to be going for but I guess its alright. Lastly, there was Chocho, who seems to be a...Sentient floating Violin with butterfly wings? Yeah alright.

I got up and stretched. "I really hope everyone studied for today."

"Oh don't worry, Wandie." Boro said as he got up and stretched too. "I'm sure everyone will pass. One thing though..." He asked. "How about Yorimi? Will he be taking the test a different time?" I nodded in response. Yorimi hasn't turned up once this entire school year and it was sort of strange.

"Yorimi probably has some other issues he has to deal with." I said sighing deeply. I got up and brushed my teeth as well as shave. Boro was begging for something to drink so I got a can out from inside my pocket which I got from Shirakama. I feel like, Boro has been getting stronger lately. I've been feeling physically stronger from doing nothing while he randomly would duel Valentine or train while I was grading papers.

I LOVE Terraria Calamity mod OST'S

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