
Re : Abnormal (Draft)

An unnamed man who is given the title, The Wanderer, is transported to another world by an unknown being and is forced to live his new life in that world. He befriends a sentient Voodoo doll and becomes a high school teacher teaching 10 extremely dangerous and magical students while also having to deal with many issues that occur due to the symbols aligning with the sun. There's a lot more but obviously I don't wanna spoil anything. --- This is just a draft/practice since the story is kind of all over the place right now and I'm just testing things out for now. Imma stop working in this. I'll be writing on the main book and the storyline won't be as shitty as this one.

Unproffessional · Fantaisie
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28 Chs


I watched in awe as the large Runesukaji was getting punctured from all directions by a mass amount of needles until it began to shrivel up and bleed all over the ground, staining the misty golden sands in a pool of purple goo. Then it layed lifeless, its life force completely disintegrated by the force of the magical needles.

The voodoo doll was afloat midair and turned its head around to face me with a smile. There were a couple of needles still stuck to its fabric body. His fedora gleamed its black colour giving him a sense of elegance as his eyes continued glowing the cascade of colors.

"Hey dude, the name's Boro. Its a pleasure to meet you, Wanderer. Its been so long ever since I've been in the outside world away from that toy shop. The others would make too much of a ruckus when they moved around to the windowsill. If only I could boast to them now that I'm in the outside world. How wonderful"

"You...You can talk?" I stammered out. "How long have you been listening to what I've been doing?" I asked worriedly.

"Heh...I've been eavesdropping on you the whole time. I know everything about you. Say...let's form a link shall we? After being with you for some time, I can tell you're weak. I'll help you out." He said.

I continued to get back on track while Boro was floating next to me the whole time. I was confused on what I link was so I asked.

"Wait so what is a link?" I said as I looked back on the dead Runesukaji for a bit before looking back to Boro.

"Ahh yes. You seem to be new around here so I'll give a brief explanation. When we link, your soulflow and mine intertwine and form into one. Whatever pain I feel, you'll feel, whatever pain you feel, I feel, But you'll be able to get my abilities as long as I'm close enough to you and conscious. However since I'm calling the link, I won't receive any of your abilities" He then turned around with a smirk and said. "Not like that matters since you probably have none in the first place."

I was a little ticked off on what he said there but it let it slide for now.

"So where we heading again?" He said abruptly.

"How do we form this link...thing?"

"Oh I've already done it."

I froze in place.


"What? What? What? Did you think I'll just let you come up with a finalized decision? Of course not. Its already been done so stop whining already." He was talking at a fast pace but I managed to keep up anyway. His grin was then spread wider as he added on. "Oh my, it seems you don't even have any soulflow. How sad, you really were weak after all."

"Shut up you annoying piece of crap!" I argued back.

I can't believe this guy. I thought he was some magical cool sentient Voodoo doll but he's just like one of those teenagers who get drunk on a daily basis.

I sighed before speaking up. "Well we're heading to Shirakama's bar. So-"

"Who's Shirakama?" My eye twitched. This dude cannot be serious. How can he be so frustrating to talk with? Even now he's yawning in front of me.

"You told me before you knew what was going on when I was walking around and stuff!"

"Oh I did...Didn't I? Wait no."

I thought to myself. "Is he high or something? How can he be this clueless?"

"Hmm? Oh yeah I guess I was just asleep then."

Damn this dude.

"We're going to a bar right? Ooh sounds fun! You'll pay of course right?"

I laughed softly. "Of course, Of course...Of course."

When we arrived, I immedietly shoved him into a trash can on the side of the building and went in as he broke through the wooden wall from the side and yelled at me.


Everyone was staring at us now as I was sweating quite a bit.

"Dude quiet down." I said quietly with gritted teeth.


I pulled him outside. Shirakama and the other people in the bar leaned to the side to see what was going on as they stayed silent but me and Boro were already outside.

"Look man I just really don't want you causing any trouble in there. I'm trying to talk to Shirakama and get drunk but you're just being a jackass."

"Well does it look like I care?! Look at me? I stink don't I? How can I go around and greet the ladies smelling like shit!" He demanded. I couldn't really argue with that at this point.

Look just stay out here for a bit. I'll go inside and drink for a bit and I'll come out soon.

Boro grunted and floated down to the ground as he sat down on the umconfortable grains of sand.

As I began walking back in I grumbled. "Gee whiz. I'm grateful he saved my life but it feels like he's turned my life upside down."

As I walked back into the bar and sat at the stool directly in front of Shirakama, I took tiny glances behind to see if Boro had moved or anythung. and luckily he did not. It seems like the Runesukaji didn't attack this bar for some reason which was nice.

"So what would you like today? Another water."

"Uh no thanks. I'll just take a glass of one of those jungle juices please."

Shirakama chuckled as he was shaking my drink about to pour it in my cup.

Meanwhile Boro continued to sit outside. The moons glow was quite nice as it reflected off the sand but Boro only groaned as he jumps and floats over and around the bar looking for something until he found it. With a tap he managed to clean himself with water finally. From a distance, a man watched the little guy clean himself with the mechanical eye lens he had for his right eye.

"Looks like I've found myself a sentient. These things should go for a bunch of money." He said as he gripped his bow and raised it up at Boro who was still washing himself.

"Alright then. Time for-"

"Who are you?"

The bounty hunter froze as sweat trickled down his back. He slowly turned around to face Boro who has already appeared behind him and was looking at him in a dominant way with his arms crossed floating high above him with a stagnant face.

"I...I..." He quickly pulled out an explosive arrow and was about to pierce Boro with it before his hand froze as it glowed a dark purple and was starting to move closer to his own head. Boro continued floating up and down keeping the same face as his body glowed the same coloured purple.

"Foolish human, simply can't leave someone like me or my master alone huh? I've only been out in the world for a few days now yet I still know such beings like you exist to try and stop people like me."

The man's arm was still gripping the arrow tight as his arm was moving on its own slowly as he tried to resist but it only drew closer and closer to his head as he was sweating and whimpering.

"This'll teach you. Human."

Boro then floated away slowly as a large explosion is erupted behind him.

"What the hell was that?" Said one of the people at the bar. The Wanderer was sweating a bit.

"Uh...oh...I'm sure its nothing everyone. Dont worry about it." The Wanderer blabbers before laughing nervously. He then went back to his talk as Boro went back to his nap.

"So let me guess this straight..." Shirakama said. "You received a gift from a friend and it became sentient to save you?"

"Yeah that's pretty much it. He's a bit of a bother but that's fine. Oh and another thing. I'll be working at the school near this place for a bit."

Shirakama seemed to freeze for a bit until he slowly spoke up.

"Y-You mean the school with the abnormally large tree on the right side of it?"

"Yeah that one. Why?"

Shirakama sighs and continues cleaning a couple more glasses. For some reason the area that surrounded us seemed to get a little colder and the voices of everyone else drowned out.

"I see then... You must know of the principal that works there when you applied for the job."

"Not really. The dude seemed to be gatekeeping way too much and he was just way too pretentious."

Shirakama chuckles and pats my shoulder.

"I see, that's Sakomoto for you."

"Huh? You know of him?"

"Of course I do. We haven't been in touch for a while but we were great friends when we were younger. God the years go by so fast."

I decided to stay silent a bit since this was getting a bit more interesting. Just then Boro came crashing in and pulled me by the ear outside.

"Ow! Ow! Ow! Hey! quit it!"

"Like hell I will! I'm still pissed off that you threw me into that trashcan. Scree your drinks. Get me some cans and come back out here. I forgot to mention but if you need my help then I'm gonna need some sort of payment ya hear?"

I groaned a bit in frustration.

"Alright fine sure whatever."

I went in and came back after a bit. This was so stupid. He was lucky I brought a good amount of money when I transported to this world. However, I was going to run out soon so I should probably get some sleep.

"Hey Boro. Reckon you can give me a fly to the shop?"

"What?! Are you crazy? Why the hell would I go back to that craphole!"

Oh yeah. I guess he still never enjoyed that place.

"Look man I just need to get back to Omocha. I need to sleep a bunch too especially since the last time I slept at her place, there was too much noise downstairs so now I gotta sleep earlier."

He groaned and slid into my pocket.

"Hey what are you-"

He seemed to have fallen asleep. Guess I'll have to walk again. I took one last peek into the bar and waved goodbye to Kama through the crowd of people and began walking back to the shop.


"Hey I'm back."

She was sitting at her desk with her glasses on reading a couple papers and her eyes lit up once she saw me.

"O-Oh! Wanderer! You're back! That took way longer than I thought. Also could I have the map back?"

"Yeah sure." I handed the map back as she asked.

"Did you get the job?" She asked eagerly.

I nodded. After a bit of time and after eating her dinner which was tempura, I headed back to the attic. It seemed much more peaceful and relaxing tonight. I looked down at my shirt pocket and saw Boro sleeping soundly and chuckled. He may be annoying but he still looks cute when he's snuggled up like that.

I finally sat in bed and looked at the moon which shined brightly in the sky before falling asleep myself. Even though Boro didn't really get along with me, he still liked me enough to form a link.

Meanwhile, downstairs in the shop Omocha was already asleep too in her room. The rest of the shop was empty. There was no one else except, a toy began to move in the shadows, then another, then another, all of them began to move their way up to the windowsill.

They're eyes gleamed as they watched the beautiful moon shining through.

"So Boro isn't coming back huh?" One of them said.

"Yeah. He's a lucky one. Out of all of us he's probably the best option to be chosen. Hopefully, he is in the right hands. I trust my gut. I know Omocha-Sama has made the right choice."


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