
RDR2: Elijah Jackson

The story is mainly canon, with me adding some new things, such as characters, dialogues, 'missons', and such things...Maybe a crossover of other games, who knows? I'm writing this for my own pleasure and enjoyment, but if you like it, good for you. If I get one star reviews, I'll shamelessly delete it. tags: Red Dead Redemption, Re Dead Redemption 2, Arthur Morgan, Dutch Van Der Linde, Hosea Matthews, John Marston, Micah Bell, Bill Williamson, Charles Smith, Jack Marston, Javier Escuella, Lenny Summers, Sean MacGuire, Karen Jones, Abigail Marston, Mary-Beth Gaskill, Sadie Adler, Uncle, Tilly Jackson, Elijah Jackson, Male OC Character(s), Female OC character(s), loyalty, loyal to Dutch, brotherhood, father-son relationship(s), outlaws, crimes, robberies, bank robberies, kidnapping, blackmail, murder, guns, betrayal, heist, cheating

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The Top Deck (Crossover Time)

Clementine peers out onto the boat. Lilly is still dragging AJ along with her.

Clementine: Shit, they started the boiler.

Clem sneaks along the boat.

Lilly: We'll focus that energy. Sharpen it. I've known Clementine since before this all started. She'll come around. You'll come around too, once you see what we have to offer. Plenty of food, comfortable beds for you and Clem. You can even share a room.

AJ: Fuck off, fear.

AJ: Stay in control, AJ.

AJ takes deep breaths.

Lilly: Trust me, AJ. You're gonna fit right in where I'm from. We respect the strong here, and I can tell by one look at you that you're strong. Both of you are.

Clementine reaches some boxes. Sullene and Gad escort Tenn across the boat.

Gad: Found one more sneaking over the docks.

AJ: Tenn!

Clementine: Fuck.

Lilly: Tennessee? Did you get lost?

Gina: Ma'am, he wasn't alone. I've got something else to show you.

Lilly: This way.

Clem hides as Gad and Sullene walk past her.

Gina: Found this in the herd.

Gina takes the mask off James.

Lilly: No wonder there were so many walkers. Must have thought you were clever, leading those walkers here. Or was that Clementine's idea? Nothing to say?

James: You don't fucking scare me.

Lilly: Is that so?

James: You force your ways onto others. Because you're afraid. Because you're weak.

Lilly: I give my people a cause to fight for.

James: Don't listen to her, AJ. All they do is kill. It's not for a "cause", it's--

Lilly: (hits James) Nothing else...?

James: No.

Lilly: Fine. You're no use to me anyway.

Clementine runs over to another stack of boxes and sneaks around them.

Lilly: The thing about people like him, AJ, is that they're too broken to fit into a community. They won't fight for anyone but themselves. Kill it.

AJ: No!

Gina points her gun at James. Tenn grabs Gina's pistol and aims it at her and Lilly.

Gina: What the fuck?

Lilly: Easy there, Tenn.

Tenn: Don't hurt him! Just... stop hurting people! Please!

AJ: Shoot her!

Lilly: Why don't we all just take a breath, alright?

Tenn: Give me my friends back!

Lilly: Put down the gun.

Tenn: Let them go! All of us! Or... or else...

Lilly: Fine. Go ahead, then. Do it. Save your friends.

Lilly puts her head against the gun.

Lilly: That's what you came here to do, isn't it?

Tenn starts sobbing.

Lilly: Oh, I see. You came here to cry.

AJ: Tenn...

Lilly grabs the gun and points it at Tenn.

Lilly: Looks like you're not a soldier, either.

James: Please, don't!

AJ: No!

AJ grabs Lilly's arm and bites her hand.

Lilly: Fuck!

Gina aims her gun at AJ, but James knocks her over. Clementine charges at Lilly and tackles her, making her drop her weapon. Clem runs toward the gun, but Lilly grabs her hair and throws her to the ground. Clem kicks Lilly in the knee, making her fall, and Lilly starts to choke her.

Tenn: Stop!

Lilly punches Clementine. AJ grabs her arm, but she elbows him away. Clem elbows Lilly in the face, knocking her backward, and gets up, drawing her knife. Lilly pins her against the wall. James wrestles for Gina's gun. Lilly makes Clementine drop her knife, then elbows her in the face. She pins her against the railing and chokes her.

Lilly: You've made a big fucking mistake!

Clementine grabs Lilly's face, but she moves her arm away.

Lilly: Such a fucking waste!

AJ stabs Lilly in the leg, and she kicks him away. Clementine kicks the knife, making Lilly fall and release her. Both of them crawl toward the gun, but AJ picks it up and aims it at Lilly.

Lilly: AJ, wait! I give up. I will give up! Put down the gun, I'll let everyone leave. My crew and I will leave! We won't bother you anymore!

James, having knocked out Gina, throws her gun away and slowly approaches AJ.

James: AJ. She's not a threat. Lower the gun.

AJ: You weren't down there! You didn't see what she did!

AJ: She tried to cut us all up!

AJ: She cut off my friend's finger in front of us!

Lilly: You don't have to do this, please!

Tenn: It's a trick!

Lilly: Don't you fucking dare, AJ!

James: Just give me the gun.

Tenn: You can't let her hurt anyone else!

Lilly: I don't want to die!

Clementine: Lower the gun, AJ.

AJ: Okay.

AJ gives the gun to James. Lilly stabs James in the back.

Clementine: James!

Lilly takes the gun and knife; James collapses to the floor.

AJ: No!

The ship rumbles.

Clementine: Shit, the bomb! AJ!

Clem runs toward AJ, but the explosion knocks her backward.


A few days have passed since the gang have arrived to Horseshoe Overlook, and Elijah has started looking into the job he got interested in Blackwater.

Apparently, there's a really lowkey family not far from here, and they are quite wealthy, as they consist of a doctor, and a lawyer, and such high paying jobs.

According the informations he got, this family, is made of only 3 people though. The man is the doctor, and the woman is a lawyer; and they have a daughter together, their only child.

Elijah, has been planning on kidnapping the 17 year old, and hold her for ransom. As the couple are wealthy, he could get them to give him a lot of cash in exchange for their daughter. He still needs to polish the plan though; either way, he was going to tell Dutch about his plan, and get some people to do the job.

Elijah closes his notebook, in which he was writing his plans.

In the camp, everyone was doing their things. Dutch happily walks up to Arthur telling him that for the first time, nothing is happening, that they're free. John reads a book under a tree by the cliff before being bothered by Abigail Marston, who tells him to rest after nearly being eaten by wolves, but John tells her that being under the sun is good for him, only talking isn't good for him. Abigail marches off angrily. Hosea checks up on John by the tree. John says he's better, but not quite, and Hosea understands how he feels, and to give it a few days. 

After talking with Arthur; Dutch flirts with Molly O'Shea in his tent.

Karen teases Kieran saying that she thought O'Driscolls eat babies, but he looks like a baby. Kieran insists that he is a baby and that he's not an O'Driscoll. He then asks her for a glass of water, and Karen tells him no before throwing her cigerette at him. Right after, Mary-Beth offers him some water, and he thanks her kindly. Mary-Beth insists to him that Karen is actually nice, to which he takes her word for it.

A lot is happening. That is until everyone stops, as they see a group of...young kids approach the camp; in dirty clothes, and some with injuries.

Everyone in the camp, except Kieran and Jack goes into action, and picks up their firearms and point their weapons at them.

Dutch goes forward.

Dutch: Who are you, kids? What do you want at OUR camp?

Elijah eyes them, and what stings his eyes almost immediately is the girl in front of the group. About 5'2; short, messy dark brown hair, with a ponytail on her left side. She wears a blue jacket.

Elijah, still pointing his gun, walks over to Dutch, as the kids don't answer, just put their hands up, and seem like they are astonished.

Elijah: (whispering) I think the girl in the blue jacket is leader, Dutch.

Dutch: (nods) I think so too. (Nods toward the girl) You! You're the leader, right?

She steps forward and nods.

Clementine: I'm Clementine...we, uh, we're lost...we-we don't want no trouble.

Arthur: How'd you get lost?

Clementine looks back at the others.

Clementine: We were on a boat, probably not far from here...it exploded, and we woke up on a shore nearby.

Suddenly a girl steps forward, seemingly a pragmatic, cold person with blond hair.

Violet: We were robbing it.

Elijah: You expect me to believe that...you..that small kid...and thag skinny guy robbed a boat? Sorry, but if only your leader was part of the robbery, I would believe it, but not like...

The blond girl scowls and is about to say something, when a the black boy, with long hair slaps her back.

Louis: We, uh, are sorry, but...could you help us out? We'll work, if you want...

Arthur: Dutch?

Dutch: So you robbed...have you killed before? Any of ya?

All 4 of them: Yes.

They replied at the same time, to the surprise of everyone.

Dutch: (sigh) Alright. (To Susan) Get some of us to help them settle here. And tell them how things work around here. (Turn back to the group) If you cause trouble, you're kicked out.

And with that, the group of kids, led by Clementine, is welcomed into the camp of the Van Der Linde gang. Elijah can't help but feel intrigued by this new addition to their group and wonders what kind of trouble, or perhaps even opportunity, they might bring with them. 

After half an hour or maybe more, they get settled into 2 tents, as that's the only spare ones the Van Der Linde gang had.

Elijah decides to walk over and get to know them, as they are now part of the gang.

Elijah: Hey.

They look up to him, seemingly, for some reason, still confused about their surrounding, but don't say anything about it.

Clementine: Hello, sir.

Elijah: I'm Elijah Jackson. Our leader is Dutch Van Der Linde.

Clementine: I'm Clementine Marsh; this is Alvin Junior, Louis, and Violet.

Elijah: So you said...you all killed before, and were robbing a boat.

Violet: Yes.

Elijah nods.

Elijah: Hm...So, if you want to continue to live here, you'll have to work. Go out, make money, and contribute to the gang by giving some of your earnings to that box over there(he points at the box on top of the barrel).

Louis: Alrighty.

Elijah looks strangely at Louis before snorting and walking off. Him, robbing and killing? He doesn't believe it. He knows a coward when he sees one.