
RDR2: Elijah Jackson

The story is mainly canon, with me adding some new things, such as characters, dialogues, 'missons', and such things...Maybe a crossover of other games, who knows? I'm writing this for my own pleasure and enjoyment, but if you like it, good for you. If I get one star reviews, I'll shamelessly delete it. tags: Red Dead Redemption, Re Dead Redemption 2, Arthur Morgan, Dutch Van Der Linde, Hosea Matthews, John Marston, Micah Bell, Bill Williamson, Charles Smith, Jack Marston, Javier Escuella, Lenny Summers, Sean MacGuire, Karen Jones, Abigail Marston, Mary-Beth Gaskill, Sadie Adler, Uncle, Tilly Jackson, Elijah Jackson, Male OC Character(s), Female OC character(s), loyalty, loyal to Dutch, brotherhood, father-son relationship(s), outlaws, crimes, robberies, bank robberies, kidnapping, blackmail, murder, guns, betrayal, heist, cheating

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Grizzly Mountains

A loud snowstorm, a caravan of wagons travels through the night. Reverend Swanson gets out of the back of the front wagon to walk ahead to speak to Dutch and Hosea who are driving the wagon.

Swanson: Abigail says he's dying, Dutch. We'll have to stop some place.

Dutch: Okay. Arthur's out looking, I sent him up ahead.

Reverend Swanson makes a noise of acknowledgement before returning to the back of the wagon.

Hosea: If we don't stop soon, we'll all be dying. This weather.. It's May. I'm just hoping the law got as lost as we did.

The sound of a horse ahead of them.

Dutch: There. Arthur! Any luck?

Arthur: I found a place where we can get some shelter. Let Davey rest while he… you know. An old mining town, abandoned, it ain't far. Come on.

Dutch: Come on!

Elijah pushes open a door of a cabin, gun in one hand, lantern in the other as he steps inside. Once he determines it's clear/safe he moves back to the open doorway.

Elijah was the 3rd kid that Dutch and Hosea took in. He was 17 at the time, joining shortly after John, meaning he's 31 currently. He's a black man, who is a bit overweight. Hosea took notice of him when he heard that there was someone who robbed a bank without an agressive approach. Elijah managed to steal a decent amount of money, which hasn't been disclosed by Elijah, just by slipping a note to one of the bankers to give him money because he's armed and will start killing if they don't comply. Hosea managed to find out it was him, told about him to Dutch, and they took him in, impressed how he robbed the bank.

Elijah: Bring him in here!

Abigail enters, then Bill and Arthur carry Davey in on a makeshift stretcher, followed by Reverend Swanson. Tilly brings in Jack. Dutch stands at the door with a lantern and motions for Karen, Mary-Beth, Molly, and Susan to follow.

Susan: Miss Gaskill… get that fire lit quick. Miss Jones bring in whatever blankets we have. Mr Pearson, see what we got in terms of food.

While Susan Grimshaw was giving orders Abigail realizes Davey isn't breathing anymore.

Abigail: Davey's dead.

Swanson: There was… nothing more you could have done.

Reverend Swanson places coins over Davey's eyes, while Elijah puts his hand on Abigail's shoulder, and giving it a reassuring squeeze.

Hosea: What are we gonna do? We need supplies.

Dutch: Well, first of all you're gonna stay here… and you are gonna get yourself warm. Now, I sent John and Micah scouting out ahead. Arthur and I, we're gonna ride out see if we can find one of 'em.

Arthur: In this?

Dutch: Just for a short bit… I don't see what other choice we have. Listen… Listen to me all of you, for a moment. Now, we've had.. well, a bad couple of days. I loved Davey… Jenny… Sean, Mac, they may be okay, we don't know. But we lost some folks. Now, if I could… throw myself in the ground in their stead… I'd do it… gladly. But…we're gonna ride out and we are gonna find some food. Everybody, we're safe now. There ain't nobody following us through a storm like this one… and by the time they get here… well, we're gonna be… we're gonna be long gone. We've been through worse than this before. Mr. Pearson, Miss Grimshaw, I need you to turn this palce into a camp. We may be here for a few days. Now all of you… all of you. Get yourselves warm. Stay strong. Stay with me. We ain't done yet! 

Dutch grabs his lantern.

Dutch: Come on, Arthur.

Susan: Alright, we've got some work to do.

Dutch and Arthur leaves the cabin.

Elijah takes out a cigarette from his jacket's pocket and lights it. He takes a deep breath, inhaling the smoke, before exhaling it into the air. As he's about to go and sit next to Tilly, he stops and turns around as a bad feeling fills his chest. He leaves the cabin as well, and sees that Dutch and Arthur are sitting on their respected horses already.

Elijah: Dutch, wait!

Dutch: What's wrong, son?

Elijah: I have a bad feeling about John...I-I think he got lost. I mean, he's dumb as a bag of hammers, so he probably got lost in the snowstorm. I'm going to go and look for him, if it's not a problem.

Dutch looks into his eyes for a few seconds before nodding.

Dutch: Alright. Go on, Elijah.

Elijah nods gratefully, and heads to his Gypsy Cob Horse named Dusty; he named her that because when he found her, she's was sick and very dirt when he found her. He mounts Dusty, and takes a last drag from the cigarette before throwing it away, and ride into the storm. As he rides in the dark, eventually he finds some clue about where John could be. He dismounts Dusty, and goes closer, only to find a dead horse, which he identifies as John's.

Elijah: John was riding that horse when we left Blackwater.

Elijah shoots his LeMat Revolver, which he stole from a dead sheriff in Blackwater, several times in the air.

Muffled voice: Hey! Help! Here!

Elijah: John! I'm coming, you son of a bitch!

Elijah quickly mounts Dusty and hurries toward where he guesses the voice could come from. He continues to shout for John, while John shouts for Elijah's help as well, and after who knows long, as the snow storm slowing going away, he sees John, somehow, dodging a small pack of wolves attacks. Elijah wastes no time, and takes aim, and lets off shots at the wolves. He manages to hit some, as he gets off Dusty. He throws a revolver he got with him, to John, which he catches, and they take out all the wolves. They sigh in relief, and Elijah heads toward John, but he doesn't notice a last one wolf, and it attacks him.

The wolf bites down on Elijah's arm, causing him to shout in pain, and fall into the snow, and drop his gun.

John: Elijah!

John quickly takes aim, as Elijah starts punching the wolf's skull with full power, and after making sure he got the aim right, he puts a bullet in the wolf's head, causing it to let go of Elijah's arm.

Elijah: Argh! Goddamn! This hurts like hell!

Elijah groans in pain, clutching his left arm, and frowning.

John picks up Elijah's gun, before giving a helping hand to him to get up from the snow, and handing him the weapon.

Elijah: Come on, we gotta leave quickly. The rest of the pack might be coming here.

John: Thanks for coming, Brother.

Elijah: Don't call me that, John. Not what after you done...

John: I already apologized...I...I know I did something dumb, but...

Elijah: No buts. You left your family...*Sigh* Whatever. Come on.

Elijah: See, me and Arthur told Dutch you weren't the right man for this.

John: I'm sure you did.

Elijah: You alright?

John shakes his head.

John: I am, but you're the one who got bit by a wolf...you might get an infection.

Elijah just waves away his worry with his non-hurt hand.

Elijah: I'm good.

In the distance they see a pack of wolves. One howls.

Elijah: Just fucking great. Come on, Dusty! Let's hurry! You too John, hold onto me, and shoot those sons of bitches!

Behind him, John, his revolver drawn and ready. With steady hands and John took aim and fired, picking off the wolves one by one as they closed in on the two men. The wolves snarled and snapped, their yellow eyes glowing in dark. But John kept them at bay, each shot finding its mark and felling another beast. Together, they raced through the snow, the sound of gunfire and howls blending into a chaotic cacophony of danger and determination. Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, the wolves began to fall back, their numbers dwindling under the relentless onslaught of John's shots. With a final shot, he sent the last of the pack running into the icy wilderness, their tails between their legs. Breathing heavily, the two outlaws reined in the horse, their hearts still pounding with the thrill of their narrow escape. They shared a weary but triumphant smile.

Elijah: See those buildings up ahead, John? That's where we're camped. Nearly there.

They arrive at Colter, and getting off the horse, Elijah can see that Arthur, Dutch, and Micah have arrive just before them. There's also a woman led away to warm, or he guesses. He can also see that Abigail ran out of the cabin toward John and hugs him.

Abigail: You're alive! Oh you're alive! Come on, let's get you warm. Thank you. Thank you, Elijah.

She lets go of John for a second, then jumps at Elijah to hug him, which he accepts and returns, patting her back. After she let's go of him, she sees that his hand his bleeding heavily.

Abigail: Oh god! What the hell happened to you?

John: A wolf got him.

Suddenly they hear Dutch and Arthur coming over.

Dutch: Ah, you're back, son. I see you found John as well. You were right, Micah told us that he lost him in the storm, good thing you went after him.

Dutch pats his 'son' on the shoulder before noticing the bleeding from his arm.

Dutch: God, what happened to you?

Abigail: John says a wolf got him. We need to clean his wound before it gets infected.

Elijah: I'm fine. Been through worse. We still need to take care of a few-

Before Elijah could finish his sentence, he feels a strong hand land on his shoulder. Turning to his right, he sees that it's the hand of Dutch's.

Dutch: Go to Miss Grimshaw, and get your wound cleaned and wrapped up. You can't lose your hand, we still need you.

Looking into his mentor's stern gaze, he can't help but lower his head, and nod in agreement.

Elijah: Okay, Dutch.


Word count: 1703