
RDR2: Elijah Jackson

The story is mainly canon, with me adding some new things, such as characters, dialogues, 'missons', and such things...Maybe a crossover of other games, who knows? I'm writing this for my own pleasure and enjoyment, but if you like it, good for you. If I get one star reviews, I'll shamelessly delete it. tags: Red Dead Redemption, Re Dead Redemption 2, Arthur Morgan, Dutch Van Der Linde, Hosea Matthews, John Marston, Micah Bell, Bill Williamson, Charles Smith, Jack Marston, Javier Escuella, Lenny Summers, Sean MacGuire, Karen Jones, Abigail Marston, Mary-Beth Gaskill, Sadie Adler, Uncle, Tilly Jackson, Elijah Jackson, Male OC Character(s), Female OC character(s), loyalty, loyal to Dutch, brotherhood, father-son relationship(s), outlaws, crimes, robberies, bank robberies, kidnapping, blackmail, murder, guns, betrayal, heist, cheating

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Fight Night/Deal Gone Wrong

2 weeks have passed since they moved their camp to Horseshoe Overlook, and things have been calm.

Apparently, Javier, Bill, Charles, and Arthur were in a bar fight, much to Elijah's sadness, he missed it. He kept telling himself for a good 10 minutes that he should've taken Javier upon his offer to go; but he declined as he also said that they want to 'pick up' some women. He didn't want to be rude, so he didn't say that he doesn't think that women in a livestock town are exactly the cleanest.

Currently Elijah is sitting in front of his tent, smoking and cleaning his LeMat Revolver. As he does so, he looks up, to find Arthur coming toward him.

Arthur: Jackson.

Elijah: Morgan, (points at a chair beside him) come sit down.

Arthur does so, and light a cigarette himself as well.

Elijah: I've got something that we can make money with...Interested?

Arthur: Is this the one you've been talking about? The interesting one?

Elijah: Huh? No, nah, I'm still polishing that one. This one's different.

Arthur: So, what is it?

Elijah: Fighting. I heard some people head inside the Cumberland Forest. Entrance money is five dollars, and if you beat your opponent, you'll earn their entrance fee. Easy, no?

Arthur: (snort) Sounds good.

Elijah: Alright..(stands up) Come to the the Cumberland Forest at night, and bring money as well.

Arthur: Okay.

Elijah and Arhur leaves; Arthur going to someone else to talk to or go somewhere with them, while Elijah goes over to Abigail and little Jack.

Abigail: Hey, Elijah.

Elijah: Abigail. (Crouches down) Hello, Jack.

Jack: Hi, Uncle Elijah.

Elijah looks at the clothes of the two, and sighs. He also sees that Jack's playing with a broken horse toy. He puts his hand inside his bag, and fishes out twelve dollars and hands it over to Abigail.

Elijah: Here. Buy some clothes for Jack and yourself- also a toy for him or something...Since Marston doesn't give a shit, I might as well give you some money.

Before Abigail could say anything, he leaves.

---Night time---

Elijah is waiting on Arthur at the forest. A few minutes later, he finally sees his buddy riding toward him.

Elijah: You ready for some blood?

Arthur: (Sigh) Let's get this over with.

Elijah: Don't be like this, Morgan. We can fight multiple times, which means, we can earn more money. We can easily beat these nobodies.

Arthur: Sure, sure.

They head deeper inside the woods, until they see people standing around, watching two people fight already. They go over to one of the people who handle the money, and first, Elijah hands over the five dollars.

They wait until one of the men knockout his opponent, then Elijah heads inside the circle formed by the onlookers.

Elijah takes off his shirt; not wanting his opponent to be able to grab onto it. He waits a few seconds, then he sees a white man, with a bushy beard and skinny, but somewhat muscular figure head over to him.

As soon as Elijah's opponent got inside the circle, the spectators started cheering, wanting the two men to fight.

Elijah and the man started circling around, inspecting each other. Suddenly, Elijah lunged forward, landing a right hook to the guy's cheek. The man wasted no time, and counter attacked, landing a right hook to Elijah's body. Elijah landed a jab to the man's nose, than grabbed the back of his head, pulled it down, and landed a crushing knee to his face.

The man stumbles backward, but Elijah grabs him the by the collar of his shirt, punches his face with his right hand once, twice, then thrice before the man manages to break free, and headbutt Elijah. Next, the man hits Elijah with an uppercut.

Elijah stumbles back, but regains his footing, hits the man with a right long straight; kicks the man's knee, causing him to fall down, kneeling. Taking advantage of his opportunity, he knees the man in the face again, knocking him on his back.

Elijah jumps on the man and starts hammer punching his face again, and again, and again, until he's knocked out.

Elijah stands up, his knuckle bloodied, and raises his hands, as the spectators cheer.

The night continues, Elijah winning 5 more fights, making 25 dollars. Arthur fought 5 matches as well, him, of course winning, making 25 dollars as well. They stayed watching the rest of the fights, before heading back to camp.

Once back, they both put 10 dollars to the money box at Dutch's tent.

As Elijah headed back to his tent, he looked over to Abigail and Jack, and saw that she wore a new dress; so it seemed like she used up the money for herself and Jack, which he was satisfied with.

He went inside his tent, took off his boots, cleaned off some of the blood off of his face, and eventually went to sleep.


Clementine still doesn't know how she, Violet, Louis, and AJ was sent back in time. The boat exploded, they woke up on a shore, found a camp full of cowboys, and then they found out that they are in 1899. How?

Maybe she shouldn't be surprised, considering she lived in a world for eight years where the dead came back and started eating people.

They somewhat got comfortable in the gang, that is until one morning Elijah came up to her and her friends.

Elijah: Come on, kids. Your three haven't been doing anything except for the chores. Make some damn money.

Clementine: (sigh) Okay. (Looks over to her friends) Come on guys. You stay here, AJ.

AJ: Okay.

Clementine feels bad leaving him here, but she already talked to him about this; when she needs to leave for a job, he has to stay here.

Elijah: (To Clem, Louis, and Violet) Here. (He hands them each a regular revolver, and rounds of ammos)

The three of them take the revolvers, Louis and Violet has a sacred look in their eyes, which makes Elijah confused, as she said that they robbed a boat. Then he shrugged, as maybe they robbed it covert, silently, sneaking aboard.

They head over to a wagon, get on, and hit the road.

Clementine: So...what are we doing?

Elijah: Karen stoles some rings, pocketwatches, etc. I heard there's a man who buys these things at a high price, so we're going to an abandoned house just outside of town, and sell it to him. If everything goes right, all you have to do, is stand there, with your hands on the gun.

Clementine: ...Okay.

The silence continues, much to her disliking, until they reach the abandoned house. They jump off of the wagon, and head inside, and upstairs. Once they are inside, they see a lone man standing inside, with hands on his hip. The man has a mustache, and neck beard, fat, almost like Elijah.

Elijah: (shakes the man's hand) Mr. Flynn, right?

Mr. Flynn: Yes, yes. I am. I trust, you have the valuables.

Elijah looks over to Louis, who's carrying the bag, and he opens it, revealing the jewelry.

Mr. Flynn: Hm...nice. They're nice. Nice....I say...(cocks his head left and right, thinking) two hundred and fifty dollars.

Elijah: Sounds-

Suddenly, Clementine shouts as she sees tens of man riding to the house, with guns ready, running toward them.

Clementine: Some people are here!

Clementine takes her gun out as Elijah runs over to the window, and checks what's happening.

Elijah: This is not the law! This is a fucking set up.

Mr. Flynn: Wait, let's talk this over!

Mr. Flynn is scared shitless, as he sees Elijah hurry over with his LeMat Revolver ready.

Elijah: Go fuck yourself!

Elijah shouts, then lets two quick shots inside the head of Mr. Flynn, much to the shock of Louis and Violet.

Elijah: Get ready kids, ready your guns! We need to shoot our way outta here!

They take cover beside the windows; Elijah taking lead, leans out, and puts a bullet in of the men running over, killing him instantly. Seeing this, the men retreat back, and take cover behind trees, and whatever they can find.

Louis and Violet are nervous as hell, but they realise that they need to join in too, if they wanna survive.

Louis: (mutters) Damn, I never thought that I would ever become an outlaw.

Violet: Not now, Louis!

Clementine takes shots too, quickly killing two men as they got out of cover. Elijah, with the years of experience under his belt, shoots four in the head.

Meanwhile, Violet keeps shooting, though only managing to hit one man in the shoulder, though she keeps trying.

Louis however, gets out of cover, with heart thumping heavily, to shoot, but ends up getting shot in the shoulder, causing him to fall on his ass.

Elijah: Shit! You alright, son?

Louis: Oh, I'm fine! Ass hurts more than my shoulder though!

Elijah chuckles before continuing to shoot, killing two more people. Louis gets back up, and shoots too, though didn't hit anyone. Clementine kills someone again, while Violet hits someone in the chest, making the man fall down, and bleed out; making her shake as she never killed someone before.

Elijah kills the last three people left.

Elijah: I think we're good...good job kids...though...(to Louis) you need more practice, son.

Louis: Yeah, yeah, I'll work on my aim. But hey, at least I didn't get hit in the head, right? And hey, everyone's still breathing, so I'd call that a success. 

Elijah: Yes, now...loot as bodies as you can, we need to leave before the law shows up.

Clementine loots Mr. Flynn.

As Elijah leaves the room; the kids following behind; he gets hit on the head by the butt of a gun, his eyebrow turning blue instantly. The man grabs Elijah, and puts the barrel of the gun against his temple.

Man: Put down your guns and the jewelry, or I'll shoot this motherfucker!

Clementine is still pointing her gun at the man while the other two put it down. She takes a deep breath and decides to take the shot.

The bullet flies past Elijah's head, hitting the man in the eyes, the bullet exiting from the back of his head, falling limp on the ground.

Elijah breathes heavily before nodding. He goes over to Clementine and pats her on the shoulder.