

DUSHGREEV is moving towards the KUTIA of RISHI Shukracharya. On the way he sees a deer,

That stag didn't look like a normal stag,he was very adorable. There was now a desire in his mind to get that deer.But he was late, he left from there.

When he reached the KUTIA of RISHI SUKRACHARYA, he saw that RISHI SUKRACHARYA was meditating.He went to him and sat silently and waited for his meditation to end.After a while DUSHGREEV thinks that he should tell RISHI Shukracharya that he has arrived.

But then he thinks that doing this is wrong, no human should be disturbed while meditating.


"Acharya.... "

"One should never disturb anyone while meditating,your attention is somewhere else today


"No Acharya".

" Ok, Come DUSHGREEV today we will learn our lesson in the jungle.

Rishi Shukracharya and DUSHGREEV reach the forest. Then Rishi Shukracharya tells DUSHGREEV that "we should go after those trees and wait for a while."

DUSHGREEV could not understand what was happening, But following the advice of sage Shukracharya, he starts waiting with him behind the trees.

"Sorry Acharya,but what are we waiting for?"

" You will know soon". ACHARYA answered

After a while sage Shukracharya said "look at that".

DUSHGREEV looked in the direction from where RISHI Shukracharya had asked him to look.There was the beautiful golden stag which DUSHGREEV had seen in the morning.

"Do we have to cook it Acharya?"

"No, just watch it".

"Ok, Acharya."

After some time some rabbits came and sat near that stag. Later on, some squirrels also came and sat near the stag.Some birds also sat on his horns and started making sweet sounds.

Suddenly that stag turns into a terrible demon and catches all the small animals near to him,And then he goes from there to the depths of the forest.

DUSHGREEV was astonished on seeing this, and asked ACHARYA that " how a beautiful stag turns into a terrible demon Acharya?"

"This is called MAYA DUSHGREEV" Acharya answered.

"MAYA Acharya?"

" Yes MAYA, Maya is "the powerful force that creates the cosmic illusion that the phenomenal world is real."

"How can I do the same Acharya?" DUSHGREEV asked

"Not now,but don't worry you'll be able to do it all when you grow up."

"Oh.. Ok Acharya".

"let's go back to the KUTIA DUSHGREEV".Rishi Shukracharya and DUSHGREEV reach the KUTIA.

After reaching there RISHI SUKRACHARYA asked DUSHGREEV that"So what did you learn from this incident today?"

"About a new powerful weapon MAYA Acharya."

"Nothing else?"

"Aaaa... "

"There was nothing else to learn?"

"Acharya.. "

"Forbearance, You see, that demon attacked those animals only when all those came very close to him.That demon tolerated those animals. And today when I was meditating, you did not have patience and thought of waking me up."

"I'm sorry Acharya".

"Please try to have forbearance DUSHGREEV".

"And stay away from this type of illusion".

"Ok Acharya".

"See you tomorrow".