
Rasa's Struggle: The Fourth Kazekage's Tale

"Rasa's Struggle" delves into the life of Rasa, the Fourth Kazekage of the Hidden Sand Village. As he grapples with the ever-present threat of Orochimaru and the daunting responsibilities of leadership, Rasa's journey unfolds in a turbulent era of shifting alliances and power plays in the Naruto world.

Hungry_Daoist · Anime et bandes dessinées
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16 Chs

Shadows Revealed

A week passed after Rasa's meeting with Chiyo, and in that time, they worked relentlessly to track down the spies infiltrating the Hidden Sand.

Chiyo and her team used their knowledge of espionage to pinpoint the activities of these covert operatives. They discreetly observed their movements, analyzed their interactions, and noted any irregularities.

Throughout this period they silently disposed of many spies from other villages and sometimes there was even a traitor among those that were observed.

Their operations often extended into the late hours of the night, utilizing the cloak of darkness to their advantage. Chiyo and her team members communicated through a complex system of coded messages and signals.

Her team consisted of her brother and a few trusted subordinates with expertise in these things.

As the sun dipped below the sand dunes, casting long shadows across the village, Chiyo donned her traditional puppeteer's attire. She was aware that subtlety and discretion were essential in this mission.

Her first task today was to address Yura's predicament. If a mind control jutsu indeed ensnared him, it posed a considerable risk to the village's safety.

As Chiyo is leaving her house, "Phew, it'll be a long day today. Many things have been happening lately."

She moved swiftly and discreetly, finding Yura in a quiet corner of the village. She calmly knocked him out using an odorless poison. When Yura was knocked down, she quickly started to analyze Yura's mind.

Chiyo, with her vast knowledge, recognized the signs immediately and easily found the Mind Control Jutsu that was placed on his mind. However, Yura slowly started waking up.

"Yura," Chiyo said in a hushed tone, "I've noticed a change in the intelligence flow only you possess. We have been suspecting you might be under the influence of a mind control jutsu. I will try to help you break free from it."

Yura's eyes flickered with fear and terror. He couldn't reveal the existence of the jutsu as the mind control prevented it. He feared that if Chiyo wasn't able to free him, they would execute him.

"What? How is this possible, I should have noticed an attack from you, after all, I have fought many times at your side"

Chiyo led the still half sedated Yura to a secluded location, hidden from prying eyes. The mind control jutsu that was placed on Yura was powerful and intricately woven. She knew that to unravel it without harming Yura, they would need to proceed with great care.

She also instantly understood who placed Yura under this jutsu as there was only a single person besides her that was capable of doing so. "Humph, it's his jutsu alright. It'll be a little bit more troublesome than I had planned."

As Chiyo lifted her sleeves and fully knocked Yura out, she said "Let us start immediately, Yura".

Minutes turned into hours as Chiyo meticulously worked to weaken the jutsu's hold. Yura's mind was like a delicate puzzle, and every move had to be precise. The process was exhausting and mentally taxing for both of them. But Chiyo's determination never wavered.

Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, they succeeded. The mind control jutsu's grip on Yura loosened, and Yura only needed to break free using his willpower.

Yura, half awake due to the pressure of Chiyo attempting to break the mind control, moaned, "Aarghh, my mind, it's on fire. It burns."

Chiyo yelled, "Yura, get yourself together, you need to overpower this jutsu. It's up to you now, break free."

Yura apparently heard Chiyo's plea as he started to struggle even more before suddenly bursting out with pure willpower.

He was free once more. Exhausted and grateful, he thanked Chiyo for her help. The revelation was staggering; someone had infiltrated the village, placing their own under mind control.

Chiyo complimented Yura, "Well done, Yura. However you'll need at least 6 months to recuperate from this. I advise you to use as little chakra as possible. You need to rest."

Yura thanked Chiyo and passed out.

After informing Rasa of their progress, he commended Chiyo's dedication and unwavering resolve. The spies who had sought to weaken the village from within were no match for her tenacity and expertise.

"You have done far better than I expected Lady Chiyo, I had honestly been doubting that Yura would survive."

"And most importantly, you seem to have identified every spy in our village, we should first use them for disinformation and then dispose of them. I doubt any of them will talk if we capture them."

"It'll put us in a more favorable position than before. The Hidden Sand has survived yet another threat, and the shadows that plague our village are gradually receding, being replaced by the resolve of the current generation."

Rasa leaned forward, his expression pensive. "Now, there's another development we should discuss. The Hidden Leaf recently decided to promote one of their genin. That Nara boy. What's your take on this, Lady Chiyo?"

Chiyo considered for a moment before replying, "I think the kid was by far the most solid choice for the promotion, displaying both skill and suitability. Though, I must admit, I anticipated they might favor the Uchiha, given his considerable strength."

Rasa agreed, "My sentiments exactly. That's why I intend to call for a council meeting to discuss Temari's promotion. I believe she deserves to be promoted as well."

"Kakuro lacks both the strength and the necessary battle experience. As for Gaara, he still needs to overcome his inner struggles and shed his bloodlust before he can lead a team," Rasa explained.

Should I promote Temari or not?

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