
The Blacks Warning Me About The Whites

I have been told multiple times from my people that if I keep hanging and associating with white people they will betray me and turn against me or they will do horrible things to me

That fact that they said that dumb ass shit to me is out of this world lol they made it seem like non-white people won't do the same shit to me

The same black people who never liked me hated me, lied to me, talked down on me destroyed me mentally be like " Black Lives Matter " 😐😐 but when it comes to my black life you wanna destroy it and get rid of it 😂😭 the fuck????????

It's sad when some people of your race hates you and treats you wrong

Them same people who said " white people will turn on me " turned on me and they were black 😂💀 that's tuff

Growing up from a kid to an adult I usually get looked down on by some of my people because of the way I dressed and the way I acted some of them would tell me " Im not black enough " because I didn't really " acted and dressed like a black person"

I remember this one time a group of black people was talking shit about me because my shoes didn't look cool to them I didn't say anything back because back then I didn't stand up for myself. But this one white person stood up for me and helped me out he had my back when some of my people didn't 🔥

There are some black people that had my back to in some situations and im glad for it 🦋

Some Non-Black people are treating me like im an actual person when there are some black people I know that treats me like scum for no reason

There's some black people who treat me like a person to and I love it 🔥

Now if im keeping it all the way real I have been betrayed and broken mentally by some people in my race mostly even though the numbers are irrelevant

I mostly hang and talk to black people but I do have non-black friends their cool people and nice to talk to but most of them live far away from me

I can say nice things about a white girls looks some of the blacks girls I know would dead ass say I only like white girls just because I said they looked beautiful some black girls would dead ass clown me for saying " white girls are cute to " they act like I said I only like white girls when in reality I like all type of girls. That shit makes me mad bro im like damn I got the right to date outside of my race even though I never dated a white girl I wouldn't mind dating one 💕 🔥




Now im not saying that a white person will never betray me im saying that all people are not the same. Im not saying that all white people are nice either im not saying all black people are bad. There are some cool nice and pure black and white people out there 🔥