
rare | matthew fairchild

"TO LIVE IS THE RAREST THING IN THE WORLD. MOST PEOPLE EXIST. THAT IS ALL." Estelle Lightwood is the second-born child of Gabriel Lightwood and Cecily Herondale. Younger sister to Anna, and older sister to Christopher and Alexander. She has been trained, as most Shadowhunters are, from when she was a child. Trained in the art of fighting, demon-slaying and being a badass. The boys call her their Maid Marian, much to her dismay, in their little band of 'Merry Thieves'. But, they all know she is just as much a fighter as they are. *i do not own any of the characters except for estelle lightwood! all other characters and the storyline belong to the ever talented cassandra clare

reemallawati · Livres et littérature
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23 Chs

chapter eighteen

"𝔐𝔶 𝔥𝔢𝔞𝔯𝔱 𝔦𝔰 𝔟𝔬𝔲𝔫𝔡 𝔟𝔶 𝔟𝔢𝔞𝔲𝔱𝔶'𝔰 𝔰𝔭𝔢𝔩𝔩.

𝔐𝔶 𝔩𝔬𝔳𝔢 𝔦𝔰 𝔦𝔫𝔡𝔢𝔰𝔱𝔯𝔲𝔠𝔱𝔦𝔟𝔩𝔢.

𝔄𝔩𝔱𝔥𝔬𝔲𝔤𝔥 ℑ 𝔩𝔦𝔨𝔢 𝔞 𝔠𝔞𝔫𝔡𝔩𝔢 𝔟𝔲𝔯𝔫,

ℑ 𝔢𝔫𝔳𝔶 𝔫𝔬𝔱 𝔱𝔥𝔢 𝔥𝔢𝔞𝔯𝔱 𝔱𝔥𝔞𝔱'𝔰 𝔣𝔯𝔢𝔢:

𝔏𝔬𝔳𝔢'𝔰 𝔰𝔬𝔲𝔩-𝔢𝔫𝔠𝔦𝔯𝔠𝔩𝔦𝔫𝔤 𝔠𝔥𝔞𝔦𝔫𝔰 𝔣𝔬𝔯 𝔪𝔢.

~ Nizami Ganjavi, "Layla and Majnun"


Estelle wasn't allowed to leave her bedroom for the first day after she awoke. Neither her nor Christopher had seen each other, but she felt the lightness where the heaviness used to weigh on her chest. She felt relief. He was alright. And so was she.

Since Estelle wasn't allowed to leave her bed, she had lots of visitors. Anna slept over the first night, spending a majority of the previous night and following morning with her little sister. Alexander cuddled beside her when Thomas came to read to her.

Lucie came and told her how James was feeling. Cordelia couldn't come, but she sent a letter and some flowers, which Estelle was grateful for. She was told about everything that happened, how Thomas had made the cure using Christopher's work and with Alastair's help.

The one person who didn't come, other than James, was Matthew. Estelle excused James, considering he wasn't even conscious, but she didn't know why Matthew didn't come see her. She knew he would be spending time with James, and she didn't really blame him for ignoring everything else. She knew what it felt like.

But, the night after she awoke, the day before she would be allowed to go out and about and see her brother, someone came knocking on her window. She was sat on her bed, dressed in her nightgown with one of Anna's coats on over it.

There was a tap on her window, and she put down the book she was reading to look over. Her eyes widened in surprise when she saw the familiar golden-haired boy. Quickly standing, she pushed the window up and stepped back as he climbed in.

When he was in, she moved past him and closed the window, before turning to face him. He was dressed in a rumpled shirt and a waistcoat that matched his eyes. His hair was messy and his eyes looked exhausted.

"Matthew – " Estelle stopped when Matthew brought her into a massive hug, wrapping his arms around her middle and laying his head on her shoulder. She responded by squeezing him back. "Are you alright?"

"Me?" He sputtered, pulling back and sitting her on the bed before dropping down beside her. "Are you alright?"

"Better than ever." Estelle smiled. "I'm cured. Christopher is alive. James and Cordelia are getting better."

"I'm sorry I haven't come to see you." He took her hand and laced their fingers together, brushing his thumb over her knuckles.

"That's alright. I know you had to be there for James. He's your parabatai, and I would have done the same thing for Kit." Estelle assured him. If anyone could understand, it was her. She knew what it felt like to put one persons need above everyone else's even hers.

"How is Kit?"

"Fine from what I've been told. The heaviness on my chest is gone. I know he's fine. But, I haven't been able to see him." Estelle sighed. "I haven't been allowed to leave this bedroom since I woke up yesterday. I get to see him tomorrow."


"No, just my concerned mother not wanting me to over-exert myself. Everyone's been around to spend time. Thomas came to read. Lucie came to gossip. Anna came to tell me about Ariadne and be a big sister. I just wish I could see Kit. And James. And you."

"I can only imagine. I've been sleeping on James' floor since then." Matthew admitted.

Estelle giggled. "Sounds like something you would do. But, really, are you alright? I remember you got hurt. Lucie did iratzes but the blood on your head worried me." She reached out and brushed her fingers against a golden lock.

"I'm all better thanks to more iratzes, and sleep."

"Somehow, I don't think you're getting much sleep." Estelle smiled, dropping her hand.

"What gave it away?"

"The darkness under your eyes. The look on your eyes. Your sagging posture." She pointed out. "Lay down. No harm in it. Come on." She patted her lap.

He let go of her hand and laid his head on her lap, closing his eyes. "You are right. I haven't been sleeping much. I worry about James."

"Poor Jamie."


"Poor Matthew as well." She brushed her fingers through his hair. "He'll get through it. It's Jamie."

"He will." Matthew affirmed. "Elle- why didn't you tell anyone about it?"

"I was afraid of this. No one's asked me, thank the Angel. Cordelia did, when she saw. You won't like the answer, Matthew. It isn't pleasant.�� She admitted.

Matthew sat up and gave her his full attention. "I know. Tell me."

"I was losing hope for an antidote. I knew Thomas could do it, but what if he wasn't in time. What if- what if Kit didn't make it. And that thought, of my brother, my parabatai, dying- I- I couldn't live with myself. I didn't know what I would do if he died and I was still alive." Her hands were trembling, and she played with her fingers. "To be honest with you, I don't know if I would have allowed myself to be alive. So, when I saw the marks, I saw it as an out. If Kit died, then I wouldn't have to live without him, you know? I'd be dead too."

"Elle." Matthew's eyes glistened.

"I- I know, alright? I know. It's not pleasant, and I shouldn't be thinking thoughts like that."

"Elle, Kit wouldn't have wanted you to sacrifice your life for his that way. He would be torn."

"You cannot tell him. Promise me, Matthew. Nothing I've said of this leaves this room. You and Cordelia are the only two that know. Please."

"I won't. I swear." He took her hand in both of his and kissed it gently. "But, if you ever start thinking like that, you come to me, and you tell me, ok? I won't let you suffer in silence like this."

She didn't respond.

"Elle, you have to promise."

"I promise."

"Thank you."

There was a moment of silence. "Matthew, I seem to remember one distinct thing that happened right before I lost consciousness."

"Hmm?" Matthew averted his gaze to their hands, knowing what she was going to say.

"I remember you kissing me."

"Do you?" His cheeks slowly flushed. "You see- I- it was impulsive, and- and I wasn't thinking, and- "

"Does that mean you regret it?" She furrowed her brows.

"No!" He exclaimed, looking up at her with wide eyes and still flushed cheeks. "I- I don't."

"It was nice." Estelle mused, sending him a gentle smile.

"Yeah?" His lips stretched into a beam. She nodded. "How nice?"

"Very." When he began to smirk. "Oh, don't get cocky now."

"I can't help it. Estelle Lightwood, the girl I've liked since I laid eyes on her when we were in the academy, liked it when I kissed her." Matthew boasted, squeezing her hands.

It was her turn to blush now. "That long?"

"Yeah." He nodded. "What do you think my reason for saying no to parabatai was?"

"That's why?"

"Mhm. I couldn't have my parabatai being someone I had a crush on. That's against the law, Elle."

"Well, I'm glad we didn't become parabatai, then." Estelle smiled. "Because imagine what would have happened when I fell in love with you."

"Fall in love with me?"

"Eventually." She shrugged, her smile turning sneaky.

"You mean- you want to give this a shot?" Matthew's eyebrows raised. "You- you want me to court you?"

"I would be honoured."

Matthew laughed gleefully and surged forward, placing a strong kiss on her lips before he pulled away. "You are amazing, you know that?"

She shrugged, eyes gleaming. "So I've been told."

"I cannot wait to tell everyone that I get to court the most amazing girl in the world." Matthew's eyes were wild with happiness.

"You're the sweetest." She squeezed his cheek with her free hand.

They spent the next hour or two just talking. Talking about anything and everything. But then, Matthew had to head back to the Institute and he left after a kiss and a promise to see her the following day. He told her he'd send a letter to his parents.

Estelle went to sleep with a smile that night. Matthew's visit bringing her up and getting to see her brother tomorrow even more.

When she woke up, it wasn't of her own accord. It was by her being shook awake by someone. She groaned and swatted the hand, turning and covering her face with the blanket. There was a light chuckle at her antics.

"5 more minutes, Anna. Please."

"I don't think I dress as well as Anna." Came the reply and Estelle's eyes shot open in shock and excitement. She threw her covers off and crushed Christopher in a massive hug. He laughed and hugged her back.

The small remaining weight on her chest disappeared the minute she touched him. "You're okay!" She laughed happily, not letting go of him.

"I'm okay! And you're okay!"

Estelle pulled away from the hug and held his face with her hands. "You had me so worried!"

"You know I didn't mean to." He said quietly.

"Kit, when I saw you on the floor like that, I thought you were dead. The only thing that reassured me you weren't, was this." She placed one of her hands over her parabatai rune on the side of her neck. "Your life was fading, I could feel it."

"Perhaps you can explain why I felt something weird when I woke up. Why you weren't there when they gave me the antidote?" He asked, raising an eyebrow.

"No one told you?" She tilted her head to the side.

"Told me what? What happened?"

"I- they had to give me the cure too." Estelle shrugged.

"What?" Christopher looked alarmed now. He sat up, eyes wide. "How? When?"

"Someone infected scratched me." She explained. She couldn't tell him it was him. "It was the day before yesterday. The same day we all got the antidote. But, scratches spread faster, it seems. So, Thomas barely got to me in time."

"That's why I felt it right when I woke up."

"Probably. I wasn't allowed to leave all day yesterday. Stuck in here. People came to see me." Estelle smiled. "I missed you."

"I missed you too. Did Matthew come see you? Because he didn't come see me. Everyone else did."

"You know what happened to Jamie right?" He nodded. "Matthew's been sleeping on his bedroom floor. He came to see me last night, climbed through my window."

"Estelle." Christopher mock-gasped. "A gentlemen in your bedroom? Alone?"

Estelle laughed lightly. "I know. So scandalous. It was the only time he could get away. His parabatai needed him. I get it." She nudged Christopher. "He came to see me and we talked. He asked about you."

"Did he? And you just talked? That was it?" Christopher raised his eyebrows.

"No, that wasn't it. He kissed me." But she held a hand up when her brother opened his mouth. "Wait, wait, let me finish. So, he was there when I collapsed from the poison, yeah? Him, Cordelia, Jamie and Lucie. And he thought I died, so he kissed me and told me I couldn't die until he told me his feelings. I don't think he expected me to remember, but I did. And I asked him about it when he came to see me."


"He was embarrassed I think. He went all red. I said I liked it and he told me he liked me since he first met me."

"Matthew's liked you that long?" Christopher looked shocked.

"Yeah. Imagine my shock." She nodded. "I do like him. He's courting me."

"He- he's courting you?" Christopher sputtered. "Does anyone know?"

"Well, he's probably told Jamie. Maybe Uncle Will, Aunt Tessa and Lucie. He said he'd sent a letter to his parents. I've told you. So, that's it. I'll tell everyone today." Estelle beamed. "I'm happy, Kit."

"It's about time." He grinned. "I knew he liked you, I just didn't know how long. He refused to ever tell you. He was terrified you'd say no, or tell him you didn't feel the same."

"You knew, and you never told me?" Estelle pouted.

"Yes? But that doesn't matter now! Because you know!"

"You're lucky I love you." She hugged him again. "I'm so glad you're okay."

"I'm glad you're okay too."

After Christopher went back to his room to get changed into day clothes, Estelle did the same, donning a beautiful scarlet dress that complimented her dark hair. She had her hair in ringlets and tied back with a scarlet ribbon. Estelle sheathed her Scimitar under her dress as usual, and a dagger as well.

Then, she went downstairs for breakfast and was delighted to see Anna there. "Anna!" She squealed happily. Her older sister was dressed in an elegant top and a dark blue waistcoat with silver buttons.

"Estelle." She greeted back with a smile, holding her arms wide open. Estelle threw herself into her sisters arm. "Fully healed?"

"I was healed ages ago, Mum just never let me out of my room." Estelle laughed, kissing Anna's cheek before letting go and hugging her mother and then her father, who kissed her forehead fondly. She cuddled Alexander and ruffled his hair before sitting down beside Christopher.

"I worry, Estelle. Do you blame me? You and your brother are such troublemakers." Cecily shook her head, but she had a fond smile on her face.

"Sorry Mum." The pair said together.

As they began eating, Estelle dropped her fork on her plate and cleared her through. "Mum, Dad, Anna, I have something to tell you."

"Not Kit?" Christopher nudged her.

"You already know. Don't act like you don't." She retorted. "Anyways, I'm being courted by someone."

"Courted?" Gabriel raised an eyebrow. "By who, pray tell?"

"Oh, Gabriel. You act like the boy didn't come to ask us." Cecily shook her head.

"He asked you?" Estelle looked surprised. "He didn't tell me that."

"it's Matthew, isn't it?" Anna said, casually sipping her tea.

"How did you know?"

"Estelle, everyone knows how smitten he is. You're oblivious, dear sister." Anna laughed.

"So, you all knew?" Estelle looked at everyone. "I'm the one out of the loop, and I'm the one being courted."

"It's alright, love. It happens." Cecily patted her daughters shoulder as she walked behind her. "But yes, he did ask us. Very respectful. He's a lovely boy."

"You picked a good one." Gabriel praised.

"Don't talk about him like he's an object, Dad." Estelle scolded and he put his hands up in surrender.

"Apologies. Quite protective, are we?" He teased.

"Wouldn't you be if it was Mum?"

"Of course." Then he realised. "Right."

She laughed and continued eating her food. The first thing she did after was go see Cordelia. She did want to see James, but she knew he was alright, and Cordelia was the one to help her and send her flowers. James was still out of it. He could wait.

So, she got in the carriage with Christopher and they went to the Carstairs'. She got out of the carriage with her brothers help and they knocked on the front door, which was opened by Alastair Carstairs himself. He raised an eyebrow at seeing them.

"Here for Cordelia?"

"Who else would we be here for?" Estelle lips curled up into a small smirk.

Alastair sighed. "Come in. She's in her room."

"Thank you." Estelle moved past him and into the house. She saw Mrs. Carstairs and smiled, plastering on her Estelle Lightwood greeting face. The one that charmed everyone. She held her hand out to shake. "Thank you for letting us see Cordelia."

"Of course. She deserves to be able to see her friends." The older woman shook her hand and smiled gently. "What are your names?"

Christopher was standing beside Estelle, fiddling with his hat, that he now held in his hand. "I'm Estelle Lightwood. This is my brother, Christopher." Estelle said.

"Cordelia's room is upstairs. The door is open. She'll be delighted to see you."

Estelle thanked her and dragged Christopher upstairs with her. She entered the room with the open door and was delighted to see Lucie sat on a chair beside Cordelia, who was on her bed with her leg propped up. "Oh, hello."

"Estelle!" They two girls exclaimed. "Kit!"

"You two are alright!" Lucie stood and rushed to gather them both in a hug, which they returned. Then, Estelle stepped towards Cordelia and hugged her as well.

"Good to see you're alright, Cordelia."

"It's nice to see you awake." Cordelia smiled. "I'm glad you're feeling better."

Estelle sat on another chair and Christopher stood beside her, a hand on the back of the chair. Lucie took her original seat and turned her attention to Estelle, eyebrow raised.

"So, Estelle."

"Yes, Lucie?"

"I heard some news from Matthew yesterday."

"Oh, did you?"

"Mhm." Lucie's face remained impassive for a while before a large beam took over her face. "I'm so happy for you!"

"Thank you."

"What happened?" Cordelia looked lost.

"Matthew is courting me." Estelle explained.

"Oh, that's wonderful news! Congratulations!"

"Thank you. But enough about me, I'm here for you. How is your leg?"

"It's getting better. It was a bad break, so it needs a few days to heal." Cordelia explained. They spent an hour there, or more, chatting with the two girls. Estelle wanted to see James but she wanted to wait until he was awake.

So, the following day when she received a letter from Lucie telling her he was awake, she woke Christopher and dragged him to the Institute. Upon arrival, she was hugged by her uncle Will and her aunt Tessa kissed her cheeks in greeting before she was almost tackled by Lucie.

Christopher received the same affection while Lucie talked to her. "Matthew's not here. He left a while ago. I suppose he took comfort in the fact that Jamie was awake now, and he went to get more clothes from his house."

"Well then, I'll see him when he's back."

And so, they followed Lucie to James' room. He was sat up in his bed, reading spectacles on and a book in his hand. "Jamie!" Estelle called. He looked up and smiled.

"Estelle! Kit!"

Estelle rushed over and hugged him before sitting on the edge of his bed and letting Christopher hug him too. "How have you been feeling?"

"Tired." He admitted.

"Makes sense. You went through a lot."

"So did you two. How are you?"

"Better." Estelle nodded.

"Much better. We weren't allowed to see each other the first day. No one told me she got infected." Christopher whined.

"Really?" James raised an eyebrow in surprise.

"Mhm, I told him when I woke up that someone scratched me." Estelle replied.

"And Elle, I got some interesting news when I woke up." James nudged her, smiling slyly.

"It seems everyone in this household did." Estelle laughed.

"Is it true?"

"You think he's lying?"

"I wouldn't be surprised if he was. He's liked you for so long." James shrugged.

"He isn't. it's true." Estelle confirmed. "You have such faith in your parabatai."

"I know right?" He laughed.

"When will you be free to leave?" Christopher asked.

"I'm not quite sure." James admitted. "I've only just woken up. God knows what side effects I'll go through."

"Jamie, what happened when you went through the archway?" Estelle took his hand in hers.

The dark haired boy closed his eyes for a moment before he opened them and shook his head, as though trying to get rid of the memories. "I- I'll tell you when Math and Tom are here too. They deserve to know as well."

"Jamie – " The door burst open and Matthew came into the room, a bag in one hand. His hair was messy, but he was dressed elegantly.

"Well, speak of the devil." James raised his eyebrows. "We were just talking about you."

"No, we were not." Estelle shook her head, an amused smile on her face. "Good morning, Matthew."

"Elle, Kit." Matthew breathed out, eyes shocked at seeing them here. He clearly didn't expect them to appear so soon.

"Lovely to see you too, Matthew." Christopher adjusted his glasses as he smiled.

"I wasn't expecting you both to be here."

"Clearly." Lucie commented from where she stood. Matthew scowled at her before he placed his bag on the floor and leaned down to hug Estelle. He kissed her cheek.

"You look radiant."

"Thank you." She blushed. "New waistcoat?"

"Yes, my mother bought it." Matthew grinned as he turned to greet Christopher. "Fully recovered then?" He sat down on the chair beside James' bed so he could be by his parabatai and Estelle.

"So it seems." Christopher nodded. "We got the news about Jamie and came as soon as we could."

"No, Kit. I got the news and I dragged you out of bed. You shoved me off the bed." Estelle corrected.

"Yes, well, if you recall, when I woke you up yesterday, you said 'five more minutes, mum'." Christopher retorted.

"Shut up." She turned redder than before.

"You two never argue." Lucie said, turning her gaze from Christopher to Estelle.

"Oh, we do." Christopher nodded.

"You just don't see it." Estelle finished. "Oh, I just remembered. Matthew?"


"You never told me you spoke to my parents about courting me." She raised an eyebrow.

"Oh." His cheeks blushed. "I did. You were still unconscious."

"Anna knew it was you." Estelle commented.

"She did?" Matthew looked surprised. "How?"

���She said everyone knew it was you." Estelle shrugged.

"It's true." Christopher nodded. "No one was surprised."

"Am I really that obvious?" The golden-haired boy groaned.

"Yes." James nodded. "So obvious."

"I never noticed." Estelle frowned.

"That's because you're very oblivious." Lucie pointed out.

"Thank you, Lucie." Estelle smiled sarcastically. "I went to see Cordelia, Jamie."

"Hm?" James tried not to look interested.

"She's fine. Her leg is badly broken, so it's still healing."

"Cool." He nodded nonchalantly. "I'm glad she's fine."

They continued to visit James every day after, telling him about everything that happened. No one remembered chanting James' name, and Ariadne didn't remember her possession. The quarantine was lifted, and people were coming back to Idris.

Estelle enjoyed visiting James because she got to see Matthew, got to leave the house for something, and she got to tell James about Cordelia, even though he was trying not to show he cared. James did eventually tell them what happened when he went through the archway.

He told them about his encounter with Belial, and how he was his grandfather and Cordelia had injured with Cortana. They all agreed to keep it a secret. This was sensitive information.

One day, Estelle left the Institute, and on her way out saw Grace Blackthorn stood at the front door. She gave her a confused look. "Why are you here?"

"I've come to see James." The girl sniffed, raising her chin.

"I don't want to bring your hopes down, but I do not think he wishes to see you. Not after what you did. Getting engaged to Charles Fairchild of all people." Estelle shook her head, hands clasped at her front, her gloves a pale pink that matched her dress.

"I would think you of all people tolerated Charles, being courted by his brother." Grace raised her eyebrow.

"I don't like Charles. I don't tolerate him either. He's fussy, and uptight and he doesn't act like a proper brother to Matthew. Him being related to Matthew means nothing to me." Estelle shrugged. "If I hear you've hurt Jamie, you'll have to worry about me. I have just as much influence as my sister. I can make your life miserable, so do be careful." She smiled sweetly then and headed to her carriage, intending on seeing Anna.

Later in the day, she went back to the Institute, looking for James to see if he was alright after Grace came to see him, but no one was there. Lucie said that Cordelia had come to visit, and then Grace left. She hadn't seen James, Cordelia or Matthew.

Estelle was worried out of her mind. No one knew where they were, and so when Christopher came to look for her, holding a letter in his hand, she sighed in relief. They were alive. Not okay, but alive. The letter explained everything that had happened.

How Grace asked James to do something. Destroy something in Blackthorn Manor, but they ended up burning it down and having to take a portal to Chiswick, from which they then made their way to the Tavern and sent letters using the Irregulars.

Estelle was a woman on a mission as she dragged Christopher with her to the Tavern. She arrived and slammed the door open on her entry. There they were. All three of them were covered in soot, and Matthew was missing the jacket he wore earlier in the day.

"Oh, you devils." Estelle pressed a hand to her chest, breathing heavily. "I was worried sick!"

Matthew stood from his seat at the round table and hugged her. He smelt heavily of smoke. "Didn't mean to worry you."

She pulled back and cupped his face, before narrowing her eyes and smacking the back of his head. He whined in pain. "You three are idiots. Why on earth would you do that? At Grace's request of all people? She's marrying Charles. Charles!"

Estelle sat down on the couch, and Christopher and Matthew took seats on either side of her. Thomas was sat on an armchair beside James' chair and Cordelia on the last armchair. "I spoke to her this morning. I warned her."

"You- you spoke to her?" James asked.

"I was leaving when she arrived." Estelle slipped her gloves off and reached for a glass that was on the table. She sniffed it and then took a sip. "I don't know if you would call it speaking. I threatened her."

"Why the bloody hell would you do that?" James exclaimed, sitting up in his chair.

Estelle raised her eyebrow, downing her drink before slamming the glass down on the table. "I don't know, James? Maybe because she broke your heart? I'm sorry for caring!"

James scowled and sank back in his seat. Estelle continued glaring at him, and Christopher grabbed her arm and gently pulled her back. Matthew took her hand in his and then reached for a drink with his other one.

"Matthew, you should really drink some water." Christopher suggested. "Alcohol won't help with the dehydration after you inhaled all that smoke."

"Water is the devil's brew."

"That is why you are always dyspeptic, Math." James said. Just then, footsteps pounded outside and Lucie burst through the door with a pile of clothes. Suits for James and Matthew and a dress for Cordelia. She was welcomed with applause.

"We have got to start keeping spare clothes at the Devil for such occurrences as this." James commented.

"I will murder you myself if there are any more occurrences like this." Estelle narrowed her eyes once more.

"I cannot believe that you burned down Blackthorn Manor without me!" Lucie dumped the clothes into her brothers lap.

"I cannot believe you did it without Grace and Tatiana in it." Estelle muttered and Matthew beside her muffled his laugh, causing her to smile lightly.

"But you weren't around, Luce." James defended himself. "You went to see Uncle Jem."

"It's true. I just wish I had been with you. I never liked the manor when we were growing up. Besides, I've always wanted to burn down a house."

"Burn down Chiswick, Lu. Please." Estelle called and the younger girl giggled at her cousins comment.

"I assure you that it is overrated." James assured her. Lucie took the dress from the pile on James' lap and gestured for Cordelia to follow her into the bedroom.

"I'm not moving, so you both have to change in the bathroom." Estelle gestured for the two boys that smelled like smoke to leave. "I cannot stand the room smelling like this any longer. Go on."

They grumbled as they stood and headed to the bathroom. James stood outside while Matthew changed, and then when the golden haired boy came out, James went in and Matthew took his spot beside Estelle.


"Much. You smell normal now." She smiled. When Lucie and Cordelia came out, Thomas had grabbed a drink and was toasting James.

"I still cannot believe you burned down a house." He commented.

"Most of you never saw inside that house." Lucie perched on the arm of James' chair. "I peeked in all the windows when I was a little girl. All the rooms full of dry rot and blackbeetles, and all the clocks have stopped at twenty to nine. No one will think it burned down for any reason save neglect."

"Is that what we're claiming?" Christopher asked.

"To the Enclave. There's a meeting tomorrow. There has to be a reason." Estelle nodded.

"I should be willing to confess to what I did, but I wish to leave Matthew and Cordelia out of it, and I cannot speak of the reason I went in the first place. It would be breaking my promise to Grace." The bracelet on his wrist gleamed and Estelle narrowed her eyes at it. That wasn't there this morning.

"Then are we meant to invent a reason?" Christopher asked, puzzled.

"You could always say you burned it down to improve the view from Herondale Manor." Matthew suggested. "Or perhaps to raise the property value."

"Or you could claim to be an incorrigible pyromaniac." Lucie added, her cheerful tone making Estelle laugh.

"It seems to me that many people will be harmed if you tell the story of what happened tonight." Thomas said. "Whereas if you keep the story to yourselves, an evil old house full of dark magic items will have been destroyed, along with a dangerous automaton. I would strongly urge you not to say anything."

"Really?" Matthew's tone was startled. "Our True Thomas, who so often counsels honesty?"

"Are we truly such bad influences?" Estelle teased.

"Not in every situation. I do think the Clave will need to be told of Tatiana's dangerous proclivities eventually. But it seems the loss of Blackthorn Manor will leave her harmless for a while."

"Once Grace and Charles formally announce their engagement." James said. "We can do it then." His voice was quiet.

"I am happy to keep silent for now. It was, after all, Grace's request, and we ought to protect her." Cordelia said. Estelle's heart went out to her. It was clear she liked James, perhaps even loved him. And Estelle thought James shared the same affections, but now she didn't know. His sudden return of affection for Grace was weird.

"It is a pity, actually, that no one will ever know how James, Cordelia, and Matthew are heroes for foiling a demonic plan to attack Idris." Lucie commented.

"We will always know." Thomas said.

Estelle raised her glass. "To being secret heroes."

"To standing by each other no matter what." Matthew raised his own glass.

They cheered.

They toasted.

And they smiled.