

Raprophet is a story of Jay a young musician who discovers that he is also a "Seer" a person who has the ability to see into the future and is able to identify Angels,Demons and other wordly powers.His Journey is most supernatural as he realizes how he would use his gift to help people.The plan unravels as one written in an ancient script in Blue primus a celestial world with coordinates on earth .To complete his task he must fight brutal and bloody battles using help of Angels assigned to him from Blue Primus to finish his mission.He discovers that his mission is also known by the netherworld powers who do everything in their strength to stop him by distracting him and finally end him .Jay is also a gifted rapper and singer and uses poetic words to summon power from Blue primus and he become a force to reckon with .The netherworld also raises up several challenges against him from his childhood to pry him open to his weakness but he is forever followed by his guardian angel "Raid" who fights all his battles but little does he know that it depends on his decisions if his Angel was to win or lose.

Jeven_John_8463 · Fantaisie
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The angel armies watched as Jay and April got into a white convertible corvette. Jay in his Golden and black pentagramme Victorian vintage tail coat tuxedo with black well pressed trousers and shining black shoes and April in her beautiful white gown kissed softly as the car doors closed under the blue skies. They were just married. Fireball stood at the back of the car , dressed in a tux . The couple was blessed by the Trinity, blessed by their parents, and blessed by their closest friends as they sped off to a hotel for the reception.

* * *

Three years later, the crisp rays of sunlight were just beginning to hit the beautiful city of Seattle. The green lawn was starting to show as the beautiful snow patches had melted. Jay was the first to wake up. He was sitting in the living room, petting his Alaskan malamute pup. There was an acoustic guitar in an open guitar case on the floor next to him, with a notebook with song lyrics written in it and a pen lying next to it. A pair of headphones was hung on the armrest of the seat. Jay looked at the wall clock. He had to meet his Esh Mabul band members in a couple hours. They had to rehearse for their tour of the United States for their latest album.

Jay decided to first cook breakfast for his wife as she was so tired after working at their restaurant. There were too many orders last night. She had worked so hard, and he wanted to help fix breakfast for her while she slept in.

"Honey, Ive done some eggs with bacon ,some toast and pork sausages .Im emptying out the orange juice for us, okay?"

Since he didn't hear a reply he called out again.

April? April?" Jay walked into the bedroom, tying back his long dreads.

His beautiful wife April was sitting up in the bed ,her blonde hair tied in a high bun. A few long strands fell alongside her pointed chin. Still dressed in her cozy cotton red flannel pajamas, she was staring in the direction of the French doors of their bed room.

"Honey, come here. See this?" she said , grabbing Jay's arms as he came and stood next to her. She was staring at their two-year-old son in the crib, who stood laughing and pointing at the huge French doors.

"What is he looking at? The deer must have come for their cinamon cookies," said Jay.

"But there's no deer there, honey," April said.

Suddenly, their son looked at Jay and April put a finger on his lip, smiled and said, "Angel."

Jay and his wife held hands as they walked toward their son and the French doors facing the garden in total awe. Their son looked out again, pointing at the tree. Ice, his Guardian Angel, was on the tree, looking at the family.