

Raprophet is a story of Jay a young musician who discovers that he is also a "Seer" a person who has the ability to see into the future and is able to identify Angels,Demons and other wordly powers.His Journey is most supernatural as he realizes how he would use his gift to help people.The plan unravels as one written in an ancient script in Blue primus a celestial world with coordinates on earth .To complete his task he must fight brutal and bloody battles using help of Angels assigned to him from Blue Primus to finish his mission.He discovers that his mission is also known by the netherworld powers who do everything in their strength to stop him by distracting him and finally end him .Jay is also a gifted rapper and singer and uses poetic words to summon power from Blue primus and he become a force to reckon with .The netherworld also raises up several challenges against him from his childhood to pry him open to his weakness but he is forever followed by his guardian angel "Raid" who fights all his battles but little does he know that it depends on his decisions if his Angel was to win or lose.

Jeven_John_8463 · Fantaisie
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22 Chs


I sense the rains that tumble down heaven down my way

We're going miles around and round, unwound the troubled times yeah

I go to bow before you, feeling that consumes me, yeah, consumes me

Your precious blood has washed me; cleanse, anoint my head, fill my cup yeah

I got a feeling the rain is falling, rain is falling

I got a feeling the rains are falling on me...

With you I scale a mighty wall, rush against my foes

I've seen the lives turn around and round, never going back

I'm shaking chains off, sin that coils around me entangles, entangles, entangles me

I hide the Word of God inside, keeps me from all evil

In this moment I must find my time and leave this all behind,

Step into all the things that you have promised in your Word

Fireflood, "Rain"

A few months later, a massive dark cloud was lifting in Boston, and the winds began to move through Chicago and picked up speed. Something diabolic was in the cloud and in the wind. People saw the dark cloud in ribbons in the twilight sky. It looked like smoke, and it was moving toward Seattle. The sudden, powerful winds snapped a clothesline. Tree branches fell over the road, causing traffic gridlocks. A patio umbrella in a backyard was torn off the table. From an apartment balcony, a small child's ice cream was blown off the cone and splattered onto a car's windshield below. The man in the car tried to clean it off with the wipers, spreading it all over. He pulled over to the roadside in disgust.

Inside the wind, Cupid, General Fear, General Temptation, General Deception, Spirit Division, Spirit Jealousy, and Eavesdropper were traveling to the city of Seattle. They had gotten some news and were on it like rabid dogs running after a horse-drawn carriage. The enemy unit saw Fireball and the massive angel armies guarding the city in the sky realm overlooking the Puget Sound.

The Musician angels stood at the firmament poised in Warrior attire waiting patiently for the command to play a different sound a thunderous music that would rock the gates of hell to pieces . The choir of angels dressed in warrior robes stood prepared.The long haired Angel in blue robes stood with his lead guitar which looked like a battle axe .The Angel in orange robes with brown dreadlocks strapped his bass as he looked on intently for the command.The green robed angel on the drums stood with his drum sticks raised above to the trinity waiting to bring the thunder.The Trumpeter in Golden robes pressed his lips and looked intently at the conductor angel..Firey Angel in bright yellow robes placed his hands on the grand piano the ivories ready to be played..The lead singer angel in Purple and Blue held the mic stand his mouth next to the mic .They waited as their eyes looked intently at the silver fox haired veteran Angel conductor .Not a voice to be heard,not a note to be played ,not a beat to be dropped not a tune to be released until the veteran Silver fox haired conductor's signal.

The Warrior Angels began to descend to the mid sky where the other angels had gathered.Even Sky Patrol assembled with armies in Echelon Formation. Fireball was dressed in a white kimono with sky blue trim, his attire of choice for major wars. His sword with the ivory handle was strapped to his back. The demons came to meet them.

Cupid said, "Hey, foes, how's it going? We came in to check on your prized possession Jay because we just got news that he is here, and with a girl too. Hmm," said Cupid, winking at General Fear.

Fireball turned toward Cupid and said, "To harm Jay, you have to get past me, and since this is none of your business, you can pack your ugly army and leave."

Cupid said, "Oh, really? You interfered in my business long ago in Logwood High. You took away one of my trophies, and that soul was my business, Raid."

"Souls are never yours. They belong to our Father the Emperor," Fireball said. "You my foe you have no right over them."

Cupid laughed. "I beg to differ, and I assure you we've come back to repeat history."

Fireball answered, "That won't work here anymore."

The demons pulled out their weapons as Eavesdropper moved behind them, jeering.

General Fear said, "You know what happened last time, Raid. So do you want to do this the easy way, or do you want it the hard way?" he asked sarcastically.

"You're living in the past. Things have changed, and I still have a score to settle with you all." Fireball brandished his sword. His golden hair flew in the wind as the angel squad stood in battle formation.

Cupid moved to the front of his group and bowed mockingly. Putting two fingers into his mouth, he whistled to signal his allies. Suddenly, the air began to get thick with dust, smoke, and gnats. Hundreds of People on the ground began to point up to the sky. The Warrior Angels saw a huge battalion of demons flying towards them to join the battle. These were the Tormentors of hell, the toughest demons. Each was seventy feet tall and barbaric to the core.

Cupid walked up to Fireball, and they stood face-to-face. Cupid said in a low tone, "That last attack knocked your light out and it still hurts you .You weren't able to protect Jay .You were his guardian angel but we outnumbered you and took you by surprise.We send your lifeless body back to Blue primus'?" He smiled with his broken teeth and laughed.

"At least I stood my ground and fought, not like you all, jumping into portals when you know you're going to lose."

"Don't be talking too much, Raid! We the tribe of lucifer hate the trinity we hate you. We hate Jay ,we hate mankind and all creatures the trinity made..Your gonna lose this war and this time were gonna kill you and the plans crafted for Jay from Blue primus. , and I'm gonna make you..."

Fireball slapped Cupid across the face so hard the sound echoed across the sky.

The demon hordes stopped dead in their tracks.

The angel army stood still,

When Cupid turned his face forward, it was red and blue with five blue finger marks imprinted on it.A small stream of dark purple blood oozed out of the corner of his mouth. Cupid was trembling with anger. He cussed under his breath. He turned away. Then suddenly with a loud roar, he told the demon hordes, "Let's Destroy them!"

The demons charged at the angels.

Eavesdropper positioned himself on the top of Columbia Center, the highest point of the city, and opened his occult third eye, using it as a camera to send back video coverage of the entire war for livestreaming on Hell TV.

The Silver fox haired angel conductor gave command as the Angel band began their music the orchestra in full swing.The powerful music shook the Blue primus and the earth and crashed on hells gates.

Demons and Angels crashed at each other blood,smoke and Fire exploded in mid skies as many demons fell cupping their ears at the powerful music from Blue Primus.

The giants demons were rough, tough, and hard to fight, but the angel armies had meticulous timing and precision. The angels' game plan was to let the demon giants come at them and tire them out by separating them from their groups and then attacking them individually, three angels to one giant demon. Using techniques of Blue primus wisdom, they trashed the Tormentors one by one.

Cupid sprang to attack Fireball, but Fireball elbowed him. Then General Fear joined Cupid. The three of them circled each other.

The other demons began to fight with the angels. As more Warrior Angels began to fly down from the sky, a full blown attack commenced. The sky was now dark, and great thunder and heavy rain started falling to the earth.

General Fear in a flash got behind Fireball, locking him in a viselike grip as Cupid stormed in with a sucker punch. Fireball moved his head to the side, causing Cupid to smash General Fear's face. He kicked Cupid in the solar plexus, causing Cupid to buckle up. General Fear was starting to fall backwards, growling in pain with his arm still locked around Fireball, when Fireball swung his head forward then back, hammering General Fear's face with the back of his head. General Fear released his grip.

Fireball sprang up right in time to see General Temptation coming at him. Fireball blocked his volley of shots. He returned the attack with hammer fists and a kick to the ribs. He felt his shin cracking Temptation's rib. A tar-like liquid came out of his mouth as he staggered to keep his footing before passing out.

General Fear and General Deception advanced toward Fireball while Cupid, Spirit Jealousy, and Spirit Division advanced from behind. The demons charged at Fireball, but Fireball rotated his sword like a fan at super speed. It came in contact with the enemy weapons and created flashes of lightning while throwing all of them off balance. Fireball grabbed the neck of Spirit Jealousy with his left hand and chopped Jealousy's right arm off the shoulder. Black, tar-like liquid flowed out as the demon shrieked in pain. The arm fell through the clouds and disintegrated. As Fireball gave a flying knee on the sternum of Jealousy, he could feel his kneecap crushing Jealousy's bones. Spirit Jealousy flew backwards and slammed into the demon hordes.

In the next moment, Fireball spotted Cupid rushing at him and met him halfway up the night sky to engage him in battle. Cupid and Fireball fought fiercely all over the sky realm, from earth's atmosphere, all the way up to the border of the Firmament. Cupid rapid-fired a steady stream of arrows at Fireball, but he deflected each one with his sword. In frustration, Cupid snarled like a wild cat as he sprang at Fireball, trying to whack him with his bow. But Fireball blocked it with his sword and cracked the bow in two.

"Fight me without your weapons, Raid!" Cupid said.

"Let's do this," Fireball said as they circled each other.

Cupid flew into the air with a roundhouse kick. Fireball moved out of reach. He returned the same, and with a leg sweep, he picked up his old nemesis and hurled him down onto the roof of the Columbia Center. They started to wrestle and fell over the ledge of the roof. The fierce angel flapped his wings as he threw hard punches at Cupid, who clawed at the side of the building as they slid together down the windowpanes of the skyscraper. Fireball pinned him to the surface of the tower and then flipped the demon over onto the roof next door. Then Cupid and Fireball kept flipping each other from rooftop to rooftop until Cupid finally landed on his back on the rooftop helipad of the Safeco Plaza. The malicious demon fought viciously, but he was getting drained. He was spewing a dark, purplish, resin-like substance. Fireball kept pulverizing Cupid until the demon had no breath in him and was out cold.

Suddenly, General Fear grabbed Fireball with a rear naked choke hold. Fireball stomped his heel backwards into General Fear's shin, causing him to buckle up a bit. Using his hand like a dagger, Fireball shoved it into the eye of General Fear. Fireball immediately grabbed General Fear's arm and extra-rotated it at the shoulder, dislocating it and throwing General Fear off balance. General Fear growled in horrific pain as he turned to face Fireball with one hand. Fireball lifted his leg high and kicked General Fear's head. His shin was harder than granite, and the impact cracked the general's temple. General Fear fell backwards and blacked out.Fireball pounded his face till he cracked the very bon structure to powder.General fear's lifeless body fell through the portal.

Then General Deception and Spirit Division grabbed Fireball. They dragged him off the helipad onto the terrace.

Suddenly, Angel Dab appeared out of nowhere. He kicked General Deception on the spine and then cartwheeled and kicked Spirit Division on the head, stunning both.

As Dab offered a hand to lift Fireball to his feet, Fireball said, "Thank you, brother."

General Deception sprang to his feet and said to the angels, "This is going to end badly!"

"Yeah, for both of you!" Fireball said.

"You came at the last minute," Deception said, pointing to Dab. "So this is how you help your brother? General Fear and Cupid almost killed Raid, and you were smelling the roses in the Japanese Garden."

"Yeah, I picked up some thorns to dig into your sides," Dab said.

The angel duo rushed forward against the demons. Spirit Division came at Fireball with a cartwheel kick, which was countered by Fireball. They began to parkour from one skyscraper to another as they exchanged blows, but Fireball countered most of the ones from Spirit Division. Fireball flew up into the air, throwing a flurry of punches at Division and kicked him in the head, causing the demon to black out.

Meanwhile, Dab was busy fighting General Deception. Dab was a very strong angel. He wrestled Deception and got behind him with his arm around the demon's neck. Dab held the choke so strongly that General Deception's nose began to bleed out black tar, which smelled like sulfur.

As Fireball was tossing the beaten demons onto the helipad, the air began to thicken as a strange, evil vibration caused a tremor in the ground and the buildings.

"Dab, hold on. Something is coming," Fireball said.

Dab kept his eyes open. He was alert.

Suddenly, Lucifer appeared in a storm cloud and stood facing Fireball and Dab. "We will see if you can face the prince of this world," Lucifer said.

All of a sudden, a portal of light opened up as Archangel Michael tore through the clouds like a torpedo. He said in a loud voice, "For the glory of the Trinity, I will fight for mankind. Stop messing with my little brother."

Behind him, an army of more angels from Blue primus descended. They began to send the demon hordes by the hundreds into the portal to hell.Angel swords crashed on the midsection of the tormentor demons cutting them in halves pieces of their bodies were disintegrating in mid air.

Michael grabbed Fireball and swung him like a stone out of a sling at Lucifer. Fireball spun in the air and landed a flying roundhouse kick to Lucifer's chin, sending him crashing against a skyscraper.

Lucifer got up, and in maddening anger and speed, he lunged at Michael. They flew upwards to the mid-Blue primus, violently attacking each other. Both were undeterred as they flew into each other, kicking and blocking each other as lightning flashed across the sky. Although there was an exchange of heavy blows, neither one looked hurt in the least bit. Michael was very strong, as was Lucifer, and they knew each other's moves for eons. Michael's eyes were filled with light, while Lucifer's eyes reflected his dark soul.

Faster than the blink of an eye, Michael darted into the air and tripped Lucifer, making him fall into the Puget Sound and then dove into the water after him. When Lucifer and Michael appeared again above the surface of the water, they were spinning in a fierce death lock as their wings moved at a rapid speed, lifting them up into the air. The demon hordes and angel armies moved out of the way of the deadly celestial beings.

Michael broke the death lock as they punched each other hard on the face, chest, and abdomen. Lucifer tried to use every power known to him to fight Michael, but Michael simply was unbeatable, even after almost three hours of tireless fighting. Finally, Michael stunned him with kick to the head, which sent Lucifer spiraling downwards. Lucifer fell on his face in an empty parking lot, releasing the smell of burning tar.

Michael looked at Lucifer and said, "Get out of here, Lucifer. The Emperor rebukes you."

Lucifer transformed into a dragon, but before he could lunge at Michael, Gabriel came out of nowhere he pounded lucifer with his sword slashing him all over his torso every slash thundered till Lucifers ribs cracked open shows his leathery scaled skin was shredded and hung from his bones. Fireball ,Gabriel and Michael hacked Lucifer with their swords as Lucifer's dragon body roared in pain Suddenly immense power from Blue primus crushed him and rolled him into a tight ball and hurled him into the portal to Abyss. "The battle of souls is not over yet, Michael!" he screamed in a bloodcurdling yell as he descended violently to hell with many heavily wounded tormentor demons ...

Michael greeted Gabriel in a strong embrace he looked at Fireball and Dab, "Good job, little brothers. You guys kicked some serious behinds today!" He hugged them as they laughed.

Michael and Garbriel greeted the angel armies as they clapped and saluted the archangel.

The heavy storm stopped. All the angels fell prostrate as they worshipped the Trinity. Trumpets were sounded in the Blue primus realms at the victory of the Trinity.

* * *

When the sun was rising in Seattle, people and Firefighters were cleaning up the roads and streets because of the damage from the storm. Large tree branches and rubble from the battle littered several parts of the city. Several towers had broken glass and smashed bricks everywhere. The helipad on Safeco had major damages, supposedly from the storm.

The musician Angels and the choir bowed low to the Trinity with the instruments as the Morning stars rejoiced and sang to greet the sun rays touching earth from Blue primus.People looked up to hear the strange but beautiful voices.