
The fate of loyalty (3p)

!! Waring!!

NSFW / 3P / 3Some /bottom 18 / PWP

"The truth of the nobles is not high as you see it."

"Although the outward appearance, the key is to never break."

Rumors have circulated throughout the capital that the noble scion Akira Hasobodin has a magnificent pair of twin golden tigers as his beloved companions, residing in his bedroom. Despite being just a mere 18 years of age, the young lord appears undaunted by the potential dangers of keeping such ferocious beasts within the confines of his palace walls.

Despite the shocking sight of creatures from outside the city walls that posed a potential danger, both those within and outside the palace could not shake off their unease about the safety of the youngest lord. The initial fear coincided with the arrival of a luxurious yacht, followed by a massive truck parked in front of the Hasobodin Palace. The truck contained a large, golden cage that housed a pair of majestic and yet intimidating twin beasts, which were sound asleep inside.

People who know this are afraid that the only person who dares to bring foreign lions to raise in Thailand and it's the male twin brothers who don't even have to think about being fierce. If the twin lions were rampant This arrogant eighteen-year-old young man would easily lose his fate.

In the eyes of the people, it is evident that a young aristocrat like lord Akira of the Hasobodin cannot possibly provide the same level of comfort and care for his magnificent lion as one would for a beloved house cat.

But then, in the end..the reality that happened was deeper than anyone else could know except Prince Akin himself.

"Today... is something special going on? "

"Why do you beg us more than every day?"

The soft tone of the Akira asked when the big lion leaped up to sit and compare with the high-class person who was chasing their eyes to read a thick book before going into the position of pleasure as if a small cat. Even though it's not like that.


It was quite difficult for me to translate ancient Thai novels into English. Please support me.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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