
A Date With Courtney (Part I)

"Courtney, you haven't visited much of the city. Why don't we check it out together?"

With Courtney being a new addition to my household, it would be better for her to get used to her surroundings.

"A date..?"

The first thing that came to mind for Courtney was a date. Even though she nervously said that she smiled brightly. What she said wasn't wrong. This was also a chance to get to know her better.

"Yep. It's a date."

"I should get changed..."

Without waiting any further, Courtney dashed off to her room and got ready to dress up. There was nothing to do during this time, so I could only wait for Courtney to get ready.

"Courtney, could I come in?"

After five minutes of waiting, I got impatient. The last time Reina got ready, it took her thirty minutes, and I'm not going to do that again.

"Could you wait a minute?"

No, I can't. Without any warning, I entered her room. What I saw was the naked sight of her body. Staring at me, I nodded, approving of how nice she looked.