
Unexpected Friendship (Rayla x Injured Reader)


(Y/N)'s P.O.V

I'd be sent by my captain to follow the two princes and their elf captor. What I wasn't expecting was to get injured before I even encountered them. About a day ago I got attacked by a pack of wild wolves, I managed to fend them off but not before receiving a few injuries. There was no way I could travel in this condition, instead I opted to set up camp and wait till my injuries were healed.

I can hear something, most likely a person based off of their movements. Whoever it is, they're circling around the trees above. I open my eyes and sit up, reaching to my side to grab my sword. I stand up and ready my weapon, looking around for any movement. I only saw the person at the last second, they dashed down at me from above and I only blocked their attack at the last second. They jump back from my block and stand at a short distance.

'Who are you and why are you following us?' The person asked, clearly annoyed.

It was only then that I realised who this person was.

'Who I am doesn't matter. I'm following you so I can free the princes from you, elf' I growl back at the girl.

'As I've explained to everyone who's come after us. I'm not keeping them prisoner, they're travelling with me willingly' she defends.

'Likely story' I say as I charge forward with my sword. She blocks my attack easily and we're stuck with our blades interlocked. 'Why didn't you just kill me before I woke up?'

'Hardly a fair fight if my opponent is sleeping' she replied, a slight smirk on her face.

'We'll I admire your sportsmanship but I'm not going easy on you because of it!' I smile slightly, at least the elf has some honour.

I kick her in the stomach to get her away from me so I get a chance to breath. I can feel almost every part of my body burning. The bite marks and scratches all across my body had barely healed. The large wound in my stomachs side that I had poorly bandaged had started to bleed again. That kinda sucks. The elf didn't seem to care though, darting over to me for another attack. We took it in turns of attacking and blocking the other but ultimately she overpowered me. She swept my legs out from under me causing me to fall on my back and she held her blade to my throat so I wouldn't move.  There's no point in fighting back, my injuries leave me practically immobilised and she's got a sword pointed at my neck, I'm dead. To my surprise she didn't finish me off, instead removing her sword and taking a step away.

'Why? Why didn't you finish the job?' I ask, looking up at the elf.

'I'm no killer' she says, putting her blade away. 'And you need help, you're hurt' she stated, gesturing to the wound in my side.

'Why would you help me though? We're meant to be enemies' I say confused as she squats next to me.

'We don't have to be' she offered with a smile. 'Now c'mon you better sit up'

I nod at the elf and let her help me sit up. I probably shouldn't just keep calling her elf, she spared my life after all.

'I feel like I shouldn't just be referring to you as elf, what's your name?'

'It's Rayla' she says with a small laugh. 'And you are?'

'(Y/N)' I smile back at her. 'So you really aren't keeping the princes captive?'

'That's what I keep telling you but every interaction with you lot ends with an arrow being shot at me' she complains. 'We need to rebandage this. Do you have any supplies on you?'

'Yeah, in my bag over there' I say and she stands up to grab my spare supplies. 'I'm still shocked that you're being this nice, we grew up being told that elves were monsters'

'And we grew up being told that you lot are the evil ones. A lot of you are but some of you are somewhat decent' she says as she starts to unwrap the old bandages.

'Am I one of the decent ones?' I ask with a small chuckle.

'You don't seem so bad' she smiles.

Rayla started to rebandage the wound and I suck in a quick breath as a spark of pain shoots through my side. She stops for a second before continuing, more gentle this time.

'Why are the princes going with you? I don't understand what you guys are trying to do'

'We found something, something that might just end the war between our people but for it to work I need to get the princes to Xadia'

'End the war? No matter what you do there's still gonna be people on both sides who won't be able to change, it's gonna take more than an elf and human being friends to fix everything'

'It's a good first step though' she smiles and I can't help but smile back.

'Yeah. Yeah it is'

'And you're all done, what're you gonna do now though?'

'I'll probably head back to general Amaya back at the breach. She'll go easier on my for failing the mission than Lord Viren will' I say with a shrug.

'I need to head back to my camp now, sun's rising' Rayla said, standing up and starting to walk away.

'Rayla' I start, causing her to turn back. 'I hope you do it, find a way to end the war I mean'

'So do I' she says before jumping off into the darkness.

I sigh and flop back down on the ground. It's normal for me to be highly attracted to her right? Or am I just more gay than the average person. Probably the latter.
