
A Night Out (Asami x Reader x Korra)


'Asami! Asami!' Korra yells running up to the girl.

'Hey Korra, what's gotten you so excited?'

'I just got some great news, one of my best friends from the Fire Nation is coming to visit republic city'

'That's great, when're they getting here?

'They arrive tomorrow, I can't wait for you to meet them'

'Alright, sounds good to me'


(Y/N)'s P.O.V

'KORRA!' I yell, arms flailing like an idiot as I run to my friend.

'(Y/N)!' Korra greets in return.

When we reached each other we engulfed each other in a hug.

'I missed you so much!' Korra smiles, pulling away from the hug.

'I missed you too, you've saved the world like 4 times since I last saw you'

'Pfft, it's not all that' she denies.

'Yeah it is, you've dealt with a nonbender revolution, crazy spirits, a bunch of criminals who wanted to kill you and a giant spirit vine super weapon' said a voice from behind Korra.

'Well when you put it like that, I guess I have done a lot. With your help of course' Korra admitted, but my attention was on the beautiful girl behind her.

'Why hello there milady' I greet. 'The name's (Y/N), and who might you be?'

'Hey knock it off (Y/N)' Korra scolds. 'But here, (Y/N) this is Asami Sato, Asami this is my friend (Y/N) (L/N)' she introduces.

'Wait Sato, as in future industries Sato?!'

'Yeah that's me' she smiles.

'Well it's an honour to meet you Miss Sato'

'Please just Asami is fine'

'Well then just Asami, it's still a pleasure to meet you'

'Same here'

'Well now that you're all introduced let's head to Air Temple island where you can get set up' Korra says


After an afternoon of getting settled in on Air Temple island, Korra had planed for me, Asami and her to go out and eat so I was at the restaurant, waiting for the other two.

'Hey Asami' I wave at the approaching girl.

'Hey (Y/N). She greets. 'Korra here yet?'

'Nah she's not here yet and the restaurant doesn't believe that I'm dining with Asami Sato and the Avatar so they won't let me in' I sigh. 'I don't look that bad do I?'

'Of course not, you actually look quite nice' she compliments.

'Why thank you, you look quite nice yourself' I say in return.

'Well now that I'm here they'll have to let you in, let's go' She pulls me inside. I stick my tongue out at the waiter who wouldn't let me in as we passed.

Me and Asami sat and talked about all kinds of things and we found out that we actually have a lot in common.

'Wait you're an Earthbender? I thought you were Fire Nation' Asami inquires.

'I am, my mom's from the Earth Kingdom hence my bending but my dad's Fire Nation and that's where I grew up' I explain. 'Hey do you have any clue what's taking Korra so long? We've been waiting over an hour'

'No I haven't heard from her'

As she said that we heard Korra burst through the door.

'Sorry I'm so late guys, Tenzin had quite a few things for me to do' she apologises.

'It's fine Korra, me and (Y/N) have just been getting to know each other better' Asami explains.

'Yeah but our time for our reservation is almost up so we're gonna have to eat somewhere else' I sigh.

'Yeah sorry about that but I do know a great food stand not too far from here' Korra says.

'Sounds good to me' I smile.

The three of us then traveled to where Korra said the food stand was and ordered some diner. It was going pretty well until we noticed a bunch of guys causing trouble.

'Heads up guys' Asami warns, gesturing to the group of benders.

'Hey Asami would you mind holding me and (Y/N)'s tea?' Korra asks.

'Uhh no, why?' She responds while taking our drinks.

'We just need to have a quick chat with these jerks' I reply.

'Hey tough guy! Quit bothering everyone and go home!' Korra calls out to them.

'Oh yeah and how are two little girls gonna make us?' He asks, sounding a little drunk.

'Go home now and we won't have to show you' Korra calls out again.

'I think we should put you girls in your place' the man says, hands lighting on fire with his bending.

'I was really hoping her would say something like that, you ready?' I smirk at Korra.

'Sure are'

All three of the guys started with an attack, two of them being Firebenders and the third an Earthbender. Two blasts of fire and a bolder were flying at me but all I needed to do was move my foot ever so slightly and a wall rose to block them and then went back down.


'See your style hasn't changed' Korra comments.

'Not at all and I'll leave the Avatar to finish the job'

'I'm honoured' she joked. She then created a Fireball in one hand and moved a rock with the other causing the guys to run off.

'Shoot it's the Avatar, scram!'

Me and Korra laughed at the scene of the men running away like headless chickens.

'That was fun to watch' Asami chuckles as she passed us our tea back. 'How did you Earthbend like that? It looked like you didn't move'

'That's (Y/N)'s specialty, I can't put into words how frustrating it was sparring with her when it looked like she wasn't even trying. But anyway I know the perfect spot to finish up tonight' Korra says.

The three of us found ourselves on the head of the Aang Memorial Statue.

'Republic city sure does look nice from up here, wish I could come visit more often' I say.

'Well why don't you come visit more often' Korra asks.

'I dunno, I don't want to bother you guys' I sigh.

'Nonsense having you here's a blast' Asami says.

'Really?' I smile.

'Of course!' Korra confirms.

'Well if you both insist then I guess I can come around more often'

'Looking forward to it, just don't be late to dinner next time Korra'

'I already said I was sorry' she laughs in response.

The girls spent the next hour or so chatting about who knows what, just enjoying each other's company.
