

Sometimes I am happy sometimes I am sad Other days I am talkative And on others I hide inside myself I know I am complicated Yet easy and cheerly Somedays insomniac With tears to wash my face And sorrows to smile on my face I am only human With random thoughts Alot of mistakes Unseen future Yet I still survive Even when they dont understand me Because I dont understand myself somedays I am common But not ordinary Thats why I want to be random To be here and there Until I reach somewhere ................................ This book is a collection of poems, both the good ones and the dark ones. It is simply randon

emmanuelcheret · Fantaisie
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59 Chs


One day

You will look back

And smile

A genuine smile

Filled with courage

And admiration

For the far you've come

And for the battles you've won

When that day comes

You will be a different person

A better you

Because you will understand

The things you did not before

You will be happy

With the way things turned out

And grateful for them

And before that day comes

Be patient

And hopeful too

Be strong for yourself

And never give up

On the things you promised yourself

When you were young

And never abandon your dreams

When things get tough

Hold on for tomorrow

Will be brighter and better