
Random Craft System

A man transmigrated into a cultivation world with a crafting system, but his system seems to be random, too random maybe.

SizzlingCoal · Fantaisie
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27 Chs


The next problem everyone focused on was how to prevent everyone from blowing up, the danger of blowing up still existed, still no one complained they were improving slowly.

It was the last day of the month, small improvements had happened all over the minor sect, and the end of the month was kept free for the contribution ceremony, where whoever had contributed the most was recognized and awarded in some cases.

Lex stood on the stage in the training ground and did his speech, all the improvements were highlighted while everyone who contributed was called to the stage. Frank was the first to be called because the purpose of the minor sect was their Qi absorption technique.

For frank the spotlight wasn't comfortable, he had been an introvert all his life, all the compliments didn't help either, and as a reward frank was given the position of a major developer meaning he had more authority than any other person in the development team.

Among the disciples present, notable individuals from various departments included Harry from the pill development hall, recognized for his expertise in concocting potent elixirs and medicines. Josh, hailing from the sect management department, demonstrated adeptness in organizational leadership and administrative affairs. Vik, representing the strategic department, showcased strategic acumen and foresight in planning and decision-making. Simon, a skilled artisan from the forging hall, displayed craftsmanship and proficiency in weapon and armor crafting. JJ, a seasoned member of the hunting department, exhibited prowess in tracking and combat skills. Ethan, specializing in technique modification, demonstrated innovation and creativity in refining martial techniques. Lastly, Tobi, dedicated to body cultivation technique development, displayed diligence and determination in enhancing physical prowess and martial prowess.

While other disciples also contributed to the sect's endeavors, these individuals stood out for their noteworthy achievements and contributions to their respective departments, earning recognition and respect from their peers.

Frank had also seen improvements in his forging process, the other major event was that the system had shown him a random message.


As Frank contemplated the implications of the system's potential upgrades, a sense of uncertainty crept into his thoughts. The system had long been a source of advantage for him, granting him access to powerful tools and knowledge beyond the capabilities of the people in his world. However, with the possibility of upgrades looming on the horizon, Frank couldn't help but wonder if his advantage would soon be diminished.

After three days of intensive cultivation, significant progress was finally observed in addressing the second problem encountered with the Qi cultivation technique. Recognizing the need for collective brainstorming and collaboration, Frank took the initiative to convene a meeting of the sect members.

During the meeting, the disciples deliberated on various approaches to mitigate the rapid filling of the dantian during cultivation. After much discussion, they collectively agreed upon a solution: each disciple would focus on absorbing only one elemental Qi type from the pool of elemental Qi gathered around them. This strategic approach aimed to prevent disciples from absorbing too many types of Qi too quickly, thus avoiding bloating and allowing for more controlled cultivation, they would circle around around until all the disciples had absorbed all types of elemental Qi.

To ensure widespread acceptance of this method, an election was held among the disciples. Fortunately, the majority voted in favor of adopting this approach, signifying a consensus within the sect.

With the cultivation technique now on a promising trajectory, attention turned to addressing challenges in the body cultivation technique. However, the disciples remained confident that the Body Cultivation Technique Development department would rise to the occasion and find innovative solutions to overcome this obstacle.

As days passed and Frank devoted himself tirelessly to the pursuits within the development hall, he found himself enveloped in a sense of familiarity and comfort akin to the tranquility of his home back on Earth. Despite the relentless nature of his endeavors, spending prolonged periods within the hall began to feel almost natural, akin to settling into the routine of daily life.

Frank wasn't alone in this sentiment, as he observed fellow disciples similarly engrossed in their tasks, some of whom scarcely left the confines of the development hall for days on end. Immersed in the process of exploration, innovation, and progress, they found solace and fulfillment in their collective endeavors.

In this shared pursuit of mastery and advancement, the development hall became more than just a workspace; it transformed into a sanctuary of growth and enlightenment. Time seemed to slip away as they delved deeper into their studies, their passion and dedication fueling their journey towards enlightenment and self-discovery.

A message was forwarded to all the disciples, another goblin camp had been found by the hunting team, so everyone had been requested to join the hunt if possible. Remembering the excitement from the previous fight Frank volunteered, he already felt his skills had gotten rusty from all the idling around.

With the imminent hunt looming on the horizon, Frank knew that he needed to divert his focus from the development hall to honing his combat skills in preparation for the upcoming challenge. Leaving the familiar confines of the hall, he made his way to his residence, determined to embark on a rigorous training regimen.

Arriving at his residence, Frank wasted no time in delving into his training routine. With the newly acquired techniques—[WIND SLASH], [SPEAR TECHNIQUE], and [FIRE MOVEMENT TECHNIQUE]—at his disposal, he dedicated himself wholeheartedly to mastering their intricacies.

He trained for the next three days tirelessly, he didn't even go to the development hall in favor of training, he had already finished his requirement for minimum hours in his job.

The next day all the disciples who had volunteered for the hunt had gathered in front of the goblin hunting ground, he had learned the basic movement for these three techniques, he hadn't adopted them in his fighting style, but what better than actual real-life experience to master something?

This time 5 teams were created, due to fewer disciples being fighting in this raid, roles were assigned from leader to scouts, and everything in between. Frank was one of their major attackers in case the hobgoblin attacked.

The raid had the same strategy as the previous one except three other leaders were to sneak into the hobgoblin's camp and kill it while Frank and the other leader commanded the army.

This hunt went better than expected, everyone who had joined the hunting squad fought better and more synchronous the before, their attacks flowed like waves of fire engulfing everything in the process, the fire movement technique and the spear technique used together in large groups decimate everything in its path while the shield bearers absorbed any attack thrown at them.

The many archers had stopped using bows and arrows, substituting them for spears, the sect didn't have an archery technique for the archers to be more effective, it almost took 4 arrows to take down one goblin while a single stab from a spear did the same.

As Frank delved deeper into his training regimen, he seized every opportunity to integrate the spear technique into his combat repertoire, despite the limited opportunities he encountered. With each practiced execution, he felt his mastery of the technique steadily improving, honing his precision and fluidity in wielding the spear with deadly efficiency.

Simultaneously, Frank found himself equally intrigued by the fire movement technique, which continued to astonish him with its unexpected effectiveness. With every step he took, he channeled elemental Qi from his dantian, channeling it into the soles of his feet and igniting it, leaving a trail of fire in his wake. This not only provided him with a tangible boost of momentum but also left a fiery path behind him, imbuing his movements with an aura of power and intimidation.

Everyone doing this at the same time looked like a fire moving across the field, these techniques weren't cavalry techniques these were supposed to be used by one person at a time, but Ethan and the rest of the disciples from the technique modification department had modified it to work with their formation.

The hunting squad emerged from their encounter with an overwhelming victory, their prowess and coordination proving to be formidable assets in overcoming the challenges they faced. While the spoils of their conquest were relatively scant due to the remote location of the camp, they stumbled upon a discovery far more significant than any treasure they had anticipated: an altar.

Alters were to be reported to the sect no matter what, these alters had treasure within them but could only be activated by some of the elders in the sect.

As Frank approached Lex, his curiosity piqued by the enigmatic altar before them, he couldn't help but inquire about its significance.

"Lex, do you have any idea why there might be a treasure hidden within this altar?" Frank asked, his voice tinged with fascination.

Lex turned to face Frank, his expression thoughtful as he considered the question. "It's been said that these monsters worship their Gods, who in turn bestow them with treasures," he explained, his gaze drifting back to the intricately carved stone structure. "The humans, over time, discovered how to harness these gifts for themselves. It's believed that this is how the practice of cultivation first began among our kind."

As Lex spoke, Frank listened intently, absorbing every detail. The notion of treasures bestowed by divine beings added a layer of mystique to their surroundings, igniting his imagination with visions of untold riches and ancient secrets.

Nodding in understanding, Frank made a mental note to explore further into the history and origins of cultivation. There was much to learn about the world they inhabited, and the altar before them held the promise of unlocking some of its deepest mysteries.

With a sense of determination, Frank joined Lex in examining the details of the altar, their findings destined to be reported to their superiors.

Thinking for a while Frank asked again.

"How did humans survive before they knew how to cultivate?" asked Frank.

Frank's question lingered in the air, a testament to his insatiable curiosity about the world they inhabited and its history.

Lex paused for a moment, contemplating Frank's inquiry with a thoughtful expression. "Before the cultivation age, humans relied on different means of survival," he began, his voice carrying a hint of reverence for the mysteries of the past.

"There was the age of technology," Lex continued, his words steeped in the weight of centuries-old knowledge. "During this time, humans utilized advanced machinery and scientific innovations to thrive in a world shaped by their ingenuity."

"After that came the martial arts age," Lex continued, his gaze drifting into the distance as he recalled the tales passed down through generations. "In this era, humans honed their physical abilities and martial prowess, relying on disciplined training and combat skills to navigate the challenges of their environment."

However, Lex acknowledged that these epochs of human history paled in comparison to the cultivation age—a time when the discovery of Qi and the mastery of cultivation techniques transformed society in profound ways. "The cultivation age ushered in a new era of enlightenment and power," Lex explained, his voice tinged with awe. "It unlocked the potential within each individual, granting them access to extraordinary abilities and transcendent wisdom."

Despite his own knowledge being limited to rumors and hearsay, Lex hinted at the possibility of finding more information in the sect's library—a treasure trove of knowledge that held the key to unraveling the mysteries of humanity's past.

As the disciples returned to the safety of their minor sect, their minds buzzed with excitement and anticipation. Each step brought them closer to the familiar surroundings of their residence, a welcome reprieve from the dangers of the outside world.

Meanwhile, Lex set off on his own path, his destination clear in his mind. With a sense of purpose driving him forward, he made his way to report to their sponsor elder—the esteemed figure who held authority over their endeavors and possessed the power to shape their future.

Arriving at the elder's abode, Lex wasted no time in delivering his report, detailing the events and discoveries of their expedition with meticulous precision. He knew that their sponsor elder held a vested interest in their findings, and it was his duty to ensure that their efforts were duly acknowledged and accounted for.

As he spoke, Lex couldn't help but feel a sense of pride in their accomplishments. The challenges they had faced and overcome together had forged bonds of camaraderie and resilience among them, and he was eager to share their triumphs with their benefactor.

With each word, Lex painted a vivid picture of their journey, from the treacherous encounters with demonic rats to the mysteries of the ancient altar. He spared no detail, knowing that their sponsor elder valued transparency and thoroughness above all else.

Upon completing his report, Lex awaited the elder's response with bated breath. He knew that their sponsor elder held the power to shape their destiny, and he hoped that their efforts would be met with approval and recognition.

Everything returned to normal after the hunt, everyone had been told to keep quiet about the discovery of the alter, and if anything important came out the minor sect would be rewarded accordingly. Frank went back to his research, they had to master and perfect the second solution for the absorption technique.