
Raising a Demon Empire

Being able to leaving from her past lives' grief and pain through death. Lishe Que began looking forward to being an annoying ghost. Sadly a certain god had heard of her plans and completely destroyed it by having her reincarnate in another world. Being chained to a physical body, with her trusty system (another chain)she is forced to complete missions to create the perfect demon empire. Having had so many things not going her way Lishe discovers ways on how to destroy or escape the system while having trouble becoming a ghost. It is her decisions that locks that worlds possible fate.

Scout_tag · Fantaisie
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14 Chs

8 Goddess

In a place, where the sky connects the worlds. There was young man who rushed through the clouds and quickly entered a door made of pure crystal in a panicked state.

The young man was instantly transported into a meeting room with people sitting around a round table. In the mans hand appeared a stack of papers, that he quickly slamed down on the table for all in the room to see. "Who was it?! Who handled this case?!"

Looking around the room, not one person answered. The silence only got heavier as time passed. "You all know what harm she could cause if she regains her main memories! You had one job! After all these reincarnations this is the one you all slack off on handling?!!"

The young man then slumped back on a floating chair and sighed. "If the gods that assigned us this task find out..."

"Strace, you shouldn't be so hard on them. I'm sure they tried their best..."

Upon hearing the voice of this higher goddess the young man named Strace turned to her in welcome. " G-Goddess Yin! I'm so sorry for not noticing. You seem to be back from your vacation much earlier than expected."

A young woman in white slowly walked in through the crystal door. Her long white hair dragged behind her, and her elegant black eyes looked at the man who was yelling earlier. "I was~ however, the body I was given was pregnant and wasn't the correct species I had asked for."

"We are truly sorry Goddess Yin. We were recently assigned a particularly troublsome soul closely after your mental transfer." Strace looked down in with a troubled expression. "We, As an apology shall prepare a second transfer point and..."

"Ah! There's no need for that. I've enjoyed the time I spent. I even was able to bring back a few souvenirs! Sadly, two weren't there by the time I left."

"Goddess Yin, as compensation for your troubles we can get the souvenir that you're missing."

Before Strace could call for one of his colleagues, with a wave of her hand the young Goddess stopped him and walked over to the pile of papers."No need... But if you really wish to help me then I believe it would be best if ou stopped worrying over this case your handling."

As Goddess Yin calmly read through the files, Strace anxiously replied, "I'm sorry Miss Yin but this is a serious case, If the subject becomes a ghost and recovers her memories there's no telling what she'd do to us!Not to mention the Gods and Goddesses who gave us this task!"

The goddess in white looked up from the file and handing it over to the scared man. "No need...she was 'Born.A.Ghost' meaning she doesn't truly know what it means to become one herself and you guys were able to block some of the essential emotions."

Once the Goddess Yin's words were processed by the immortals in the room all who were once tense, relaxed. Once comfortable the people began to chat amongst themselves not noticing when the young goddess left.

Once the Goddess arrived in her room two tufts of black fur rushed trying to be the first to meet her. With a small chuckle she picked them up and headed to the large king sized bed. When she set the twin trouble makers down on the bed they hopped under the covers and dragged out the third and final rabbit.

" You two should know not to bother your brother. His body isn't as strong as yours."She gave both of them a soft knock on their heads then she waved her hand in the air in front of them causing a screen to appear. On the screen appeared two rabbits and a fairy in a dark cave fast asleep.

"I know you miss them but for now all we can do is watch over them for the time being." With that the goddess and three bunnies looked at the screen where one of the bunnies in the cave woke up and sat upright with a blank expression.

Looking at the bunny that woke up the goddess couldn't help but whisper with anticipation and excitement. "So your name was Lishe...you won't dissapoint me I hope."