
The hole that they left

"I'm just using you," Allen's words cut through the air after renouncing his knight status, leaving Felicia helpless to intervene.

She believed that Allen wasn't really using her; she believed that he must be doing something that she couldn't interfere with, but it also made her feel sad because it meant that Allen didn't trust her.

"Lady Felicia! Lady Felicia!"

Someone was banging on the door of her room, and suddenly Felicia woke up from her sleep dreaming of her last meeting with Allen.

When Felicia opened her door, Jane was outside, trying to wake her up from her long sleep.

She always does this after Allen leaves her, as if she's taking his place. Jane always woke up earlier than Felicia and came to Felicia's room an hour before class started, so Felicia always had enough time to get ready.

"I bet you didn't slept again last night," Jane remarked.