
Cultural Differences

The entranceway to Oxwade School was framed by a picturesque row of majestic maple trees, their vibrant leaves forming a stunning natural archway. As you approach to the academy territory, there is a unique form of an intricate circular enclosure. This was not your typical fence; its a circular combination of gates, like one floor of a colosseum. The circular perimeter was defined by a series of gates strategically positioned at regular intervals, allowing access to the school's grounds from any direction one chose.

A grand and large building, that's what Allen thought as he called back when he first arrived at the academy building. Yet, as he gazed at the building now, he noticed that the building was considerably smaller in his eyes.

It wasn't that the building was getting smaller; rather, it was Allen's perception that had undergone the size of the building. The building seemed dwarfed by the sheer number of students converging upon it.