

"May I?" He asked, his lips, pointing the space beside me.

I gathered myself altogether. I shouldn't act silly by gawking over him. Isn't it too obvious that I am fascinated by him?

"But of course! It's not as if this bus is mine." I answered, making it sound like I don't care. And that I wasn't fascinated to his handsomeness, nor felt grateful to be his passenger mate.

That was a total contrast... Who wouldn't want to share seats with him? He smells great with his soft masculine perfume, mixed with his natural body scent. Completely with the face like that. For a second I asked myself if this guy was real. He is way near to perfection.

Oh, wait! I should stop praising him. I should stop right now. That was it! I decided to face the window for me to look at the view outside. Same old...

But it didn't help. My traitor mind and senses just turn their backs on me. I can't believe myself that I started to assess every inch of this guy as the bus started to move. The guy was messing his hair up as if he was trying to unload those droplets of water, which luckily kissed his raven black hair. And to my surprised, he stopped and turned to me, wearing that heart stopping smirk. He must realize I am watching him.

"Did I pass?" He smiled, his oh-so-gorgeous smile. What a guy!

"With flying colors..." I answered as if I was just riding with his old joke.

His smile became laughter that seems to melt my bones. What did I do to deserve this great moment meeting someone as gorgeous like him?

His name is Gem, short for Gemini. According to him, he doesn't like his name that much. It sounds gay to him. But I don't agree. The moment I saw him, I knew I would love everything about him.

That was the first time I didn't watched the view from the outside while sitting beside the window. I enjoyed smiling and laughing together with him. We chat a lot until we came to the point that I needed to get off the bus. But before that...

"May I have your number?" Handing me his phone.

At first, I doubted to give in. I mean, I never gave my number to somebody I just met. I don't know what happened to me that I suddenly grab his phone and dialed my number. It rings mine before I get off the bus. Maybe, at some point, my mind told me, it's not every day that I will meet someone like him, why not grab the opportunity?

And that was the start. The computer generation made it easy for us to get in touch. For a short time, I knew that I've fallen for him, deeply. Not just because of his handsome face or his wonderful scent, but because my heart beats for him for no definite reason. I even had the guts to confess to him. Only to find out that he had someone in his heart, already someone who can't love him as much as he does.

And because love can make someone silly, I didn't stop there. If the natural thing to do for someone who had been dumped was to stay away, then that's not the case for me. I didn't cut the bridge, instead I made it stronger. He didn't mind, nor push me away. Gem actually thought that we can still be friends despite of the circumstances. I even showed him that I'm cool with that−−being friends. So, I can stay in touch with him.

Huh! Friends my ass! I am going to win his heart, no matter what.

And so I thought. Because right now... I am standing in the middle of the rain as if I didn't feel the chills down to my bones. I must still be in shock. The words were still on my head. I keep hearing them. And I keep feeling the unfathomable pain.