

I once heard that childhood mistakes shaped us into adulthood. When we stumble and fall, we learn how to stand up and never do the same mistake, again. But why, even if I am an adult now, I haven't learned from the mistakes I made. I fell so many times but failed to pull myself up and get my shits together. I failed in learning how to fix the same damage I did and still doing, over and over again.

And now, while watching the afternoon passengers, getting on the bus with their soaking wet umbrellas, I remembered how and when did I met him...

It was one wet afternoon. The day was gloomy; the sky was dark that the sun forgets its duty to light us up. I get on the bus as soon as it stopped in front of me. I need to hurry up or I'll end up standing in the whole trip. I don't mind if I bumped into other passengers as long as I reached my goal---to sit beside the window. I love watching the scene out there even if it was the same scene I saw in my four years in college. Yes, I made it to the final year. Who would have thought I'll make it up to here? Everybody said I'll get myself pregnant before I graduated in college. But look at me now. In two months time, I'll be wearing my graduation gown.

I smiled to myself while painting smirks to my thin pinkish red lips. Finally, I got the spot I am aiming.

"Eat up your shits! Because I swear, I'll graduate with flying colors." I told to myself while taking the seat. It's for two. But I don't mind whose going to sit beside me as long as the sweet spot is mine.

"I don't eat shits. Do I really look like sluttish to you?"

I turned around in shock. Gosh! Did I speak up my mind?

But what shocked me more is the face I saw the moment I turned around. That's the face every woman of my age would droll over. Those drops of rainwater that glitter all over his face just suits his handsomeness better. And no... He wasn't sluttish. Who would dare saying that to this handsome guy whom was about to... Take the seat beside me?