
Rainbow Pill

The adventure starts HOT, who am I you might ask? I'm Akira, a guy who likes to smoke green all day long, I'm rather wasted at parties on the weekends or dying at my job at the gas station. Things will get wild in a few, so lock down that seat belt, and let's start our adventure! -> Please note that this is a work of pure fiction. -> I do not promote any illegal activity involving drugs or any other illegal conduct. -> +18 Age is a must for this one as it involves bad language and other kinds of mature stuff.

ImMaxi · Urbain
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My life be like

Welcome to my story! It has its highs and lows, more highs than lows if you get what I mean. 

Our adventure starts in a Californian Hood, right here in the U.S.A. the land of the motherfucking 'FREE' BABY!

My name is Akira, and I'm a twenty-four-year-old white man who never achieved anything great in life, works in a gas station, and smokes the good green all day long.

College was wild until I couldn't afford it anymore, green came first, everything else second.

So now I'm stuck in a room in a house of a hood I barely know, working to try and get by.

The roommate is cool tho, we share some green from time to time.

Anyway, time to start our adventure!

There was a party this weekend at one of the neighbor's houses, it went pretty wild.

If you didn't get the invite its ok, I saved you some green.

I was pretty much passed out on the couch when my roommate Daryl came to wake me up because I had to go to work

Daryl ' Yo dude wake the fuck up, you got work to get to, you don't want to get fired again from another job, do you? You got the room to pay '

I was pretty toasted at that point but I looked up at him and was still half asleep, still hammered from the drugs and alcohol.

Akira '... Fuck, Do I have to? 5 More minutes please. '

Daryl ' Get your ass up and go to work, take a shower first, I'm not your mother or your father but I will kick you out if you don't pay for your room '

Akira ' UGH...alright, I'll take a shower and go to work, might as well grab a cup of coffee too '

Daryl ' Just move yo ass, when you get back ill smoke some weed with you from my stash ' 

Akira ' Suddenly I'm flash now. '

Daryl ' Shakira! Shakira! '

Akira ' Motherfucker, you have a death wish? '

Daryl ' My lips are sealed, Have fun at work!'

Akira ' So much fun, I'll cya in a few hours, say hi to your girlfriend for me haven't seen her since last night '

Daryl ' You Bitch, look who has the death wish '

I left the house pretty quickly because he looked very pissed off, he's like that sometimes, mostly a good guy, he worries a lot about people that he likes but he has a rough exterior.

I reached the gas station and went into the changing room already getting yelled at by my boss because I looked like complete shit and out of it, after that, I went outside to help fill the gas tanks of the cars that arrived until I saw a very classy car arriving, expensive too. 

It was a man who might be in his twenties driving it so I was amazed at how he could afford it, the man left the car and asked me to fill the tank, I started filling it while he was inside the gas station.

The man came back and looked at me from up to down.

Stranger ' Hey, you look kind of strong have you ever considered doing the job of a courier?

I used to play football in high school so I'm not surprised someone asked me this, even more, the guy seemed loaded so why not I'm going to play along with him.

Akira ' Hello sir, yes I used to play Football in high school, so I have a lot of stamina, and yes I could do a better-paying job if the one presented itself. 

Stranger ' Where do you live exactly? And what time is best for you to work? ' 

Akira ' I live in one of the Neighborhoods close to here, and I can work anytime, i would just quit the gas station job if the pay is good '

Stranger ' You get 10% off the product delivery money, sounds good? All you need to do is retrieve the package and deliver it, then save all the cash you made meet me once a week so we can split the money, sounds good? '

Akira ' That honestly sounds interesting not going to lie, what will I be delivering? '

Stranger ' Do not worry about it, it will be in cardboard packages '

I was so dumb back then that I didn't ask or think about what was inside the boxes, I just thought about the money and living an easier life.

Akira 'Sure, I'll give you my phone number when you need me to work, text me or call me, by the way, my name is Akira'

Paul - ' I'm Paul, Nice to meet you Akira, I hope we can work well in the future ' 

I went back into the gas station and instantly quit my job, went back home on my bike and lay on my bed, slept until it was around 2 am.

I suddenly got a text from Paul saying there was a package 1km away from my house in a dark alley waiting for me, at the beginning I was very suspicious but I thought fuck it.

Left the house and bought my backpack for extra help.

At the time I wasn't thinking of what would be inside a package in a dark alley that was the problem.

I reached the dark alley and was searching for the package when two fucking degenerates arrived and started kicking stuff and calling me homeless.

Degen1: 'Look what we have here a hobo picking through trash'

Degen2: ' Is he looking for something to eat? Give him your leftovers lmao'

Akira: ' You both are the leftovers of your mother's abortions'

Degen2 ' Son of a bitch your dead'

They both draw a pocket knife and I grab a crowbar that was conveniently on the floor.

Degen2 Rushes forward pointing and trying to jam the knife at my neck but I swing the crowbar that has more range onto his head with sheer force drawing blood, and knocking him out immediately. 

Degen1 seeing all that drops his knife and runs away such a coward.

I look better and I see the black package almost invisible in the darkness in the corner of the alley. Picking it up I then put it in my backpack and started going towards the drop off direction.

Akira: Shit son people are crazy these days, I hope I at least get paid something, riding like this at night feels good tho, though almost no people around.

Reaching the destination and I shit you not there were two goons with AKs waiting for me.

Goon1 ' You Akira?'

Akira ' Yes sir... '

Goon 2 ' Come in '

I reached the house and I entered through the main gate, the house had this huge pool, fancy cars, and beautiful women everywhere, the guy was PACKING, I was presented to a guy sitting on a chair in front of the pool smoking a cigar.

Mavil ' Hello Akira I'm Mavil. Did you bring the package? '

Akira '....Yes sir I have it here, but what did I bring...? '

Mavil ' ... '

Akira ' Sir..?'

Mavil ' He didn't tell you....? '

Akira ' No...? '

Mavil ' You transporting cocaine. ' 

At that time I didn't know how much it would impact my life, all of this. All I know is that now, I couldn't get out.

Mavil ' Give the kid the money we owe him '

I was transporting a big package of cocaine that filled the entirety of my backpack I didn't know how much it was worth in money but to this day, it was my first real payday

Goon 2 ' Here you go kid, have this briefcase you deserve it

Akira ' ... thank you '

Mavil ' Now go home kid, rest'

Akira ' Yes sir... '

I was pretty shaken by the events of that night. I reached home and went straight to my room, I lay on my bed and almost fell asleep until I remembered the briefcase...

He said I could keep 10% of what I traded in... So that means...

I started counting the money and the total was 25k 

Akira ' So that means... 25000x10/100 = 2500? I... made 2500$ in one night? WHAT?!?

At that point, I started losing my mind.

I guess this is the story of how I got hooked.

But for now. We can say this is how I became the best dealer in the hood.