
Rain World: The Knight

I stumbled upon this captivating game known as "Rain World," and an overwhelming desire to craft a fanfiction story about it immediately welled up within me. As I delve into this creative endeavor, I'm utilizing ChatGPT to enhance and refine my writing. I would greatly appreciate your feedback on the result. ps. this synopsis is even edited by ChaTGPT

chaoticCatholic · Jeux vidéo
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More slugcats and little prep

After spending time with the group of five slugcats, the stress of the recent events began to fade as Finn joined them in hunting. To his joy, they continued to improve, and their teamwork and abilities were on full display. Together, they took down a massive pack of three vultures, five lizards, and two mother spiders. While the spiders were not apart of the group of vultures and lizards, it made no difference as the group of five demolished the enemy with little to no difficulty.

Plus and Minus worked together to take out the vultures, while Diamond and Star efficiently dealt with the lizards. At one point, Star even dropped her dual axes and ripped the head off one of the creatures, a sight that slightly startled Finn. What truly impressed him, though, was the skill with which Crescent handled the mother spiders. With just two swift swings, he dispatched them, and without breaking a sweat, he swiftly dealt with the following coalescipede, thanks to his weapon's ranged capabilities.

{Good job, everyone. Let's head back to Moon and wait for the next group to be born,} Finn announced, prompting an excited chorus of chirps from the group of slugcats. They quickly got moving, leaving behind the bodies of the recently slain monsters to rot as they made their way back up to Moon's chamber.

*1 and half days later*

Arriving inside Moon's chamber, Finn was greeted by the sight of the fast-moving Moon. She glided between multiple large vats filled with nutrient solution, each containing slugcats floating in the liquid. It was a remarkable sight, and Finn knew that these vats were where new slugcat clones were being nurtured and grown.

'1, 6, 14, 20! Holy shit, that's a lot,' Finn thought as he slowly counted the number of vats with slugcats. To his shock, he discovered there were five times more than the first group of slugcats. The realization that this number had grown so significantly was both surprising and impressive. 

{Why make so many at once?} Finn asked, his gaze fixed on the vats. Moon came to a swift stop beside him, appearing slightly excited as they both observed the soon-to-be-finished clones in the vats.

Finn's question sought to understand the purpose behind creating such a large number of clones, a question that Moon was more than happy to answer.

{Well, if we were to move at the rate of 5 clones per 2-3 cycles, we would not meet the minimum number of slugcats needed to slow my collapse,} Moon explained. Her words made sense to Finn, and he began to understand the scale of the challenge they faced. Even a thousand slugcats might not be enough to cover Moon's entire body and effectively delay her inevitable collapse.

{Understandable. Anything I would need to know about this batch, and will they challenge me like the others?} Finn inquired, motioning toward the five slugcats that lazed around the chamber. They perked up briefly at Finn's gesture but returned to resting as Finn appeared not to be calling them

{Yes and no. I've basically adjusted the speed of their education and added a function where they'll determine the most fit among the group to be the leader, whom you can then challenge and become the new leader,} Moon explained. Her response brought a smile to Finn's face as relief washed over him. It meant he didn't need to fight all 20 very strong slugcats, as they would organize themselves and have a leader who he could challenge for leadership if necessary.

This change in approach seemed more manageable and allowed for a more structured interaction with the slugcats. It also meant Finn could focus on nurturing their abilities and working toward their common goal without having to worry for constant challenges from the group.

{Sadly, this comes with the added effect of making that chosen leader much stronger,} Moon explained. Finn's initial relief was quickly replaced by a cold, sinking feeling as her words hit him like precise hammer strikes on his heart. The emphasis on "much" and "stronger" reverberated in his mind.

----trying wanna of them 'for those who don't know' moments --- 

For those who don't know, the first group of five slugcats had emerged with a physical strength ranging from 70% to 90% of Finn's, which was already impressive. However, when Moon mentioned that the new leader would be "much stronger," it raised concerns. This meant that the leader could potentially come out with 100% or even more of Finn's strength, or possibly possess a superior overall strength. This scenario could be problematic, as Finn's experience wouldn't necessarily help him if a slugcat emerged with significantly greater physical prowess.

{How long before they are let out?} finn asked as he was planning to prepare before their released so he des not get his ass handed to him.

{they should be out in about 1 minute, oh make that 59 seconds} Hearing moonns words finn quickly opened up his status and used his skill point and stat points which he always forgot to use


Name: Finn martin

Race: Slugcat(The knight)

Level: 9(389.2/900)

HP (Health Points): 162

MP (Magic Points): 58

STR: 17.5

AGI: 10

END: 16.35

WIS: 5.9

INT: 5.9

skill points: 0

stat points: 1.15


[Bone shield(LV 9/10)]- allows the user to create a shield of bone with size determined by amount of mp used.

[Indomitable(Maxed)]- You shall not bend....


Finn chose to round out agility to 10 while putting the rest into strength hoping to defeat the enenmy swiftly and with alot of force