
The Guardian Aka Jack of all trades *SIDE STORY 1*

Jack Carver – Level Unknown Title: The Guardian

Weeks after Jack the event happened everything felt different he felt as if he hit puberty a second time he no longer needed contacts his asthma essentially became non existent and the need to work out blossomed to the point he looked like an anime character training with ungodly amounts of weights especially for a kid his age. As time passes Jack transfers schools to be with Arty knowing he is special in some way due to the incident. Although Jack became Arty's friend he still had to face his punishment for breaking into another school so he was held back a year although in Jacks mind it helps him out being closer to Arty who is a year younger his mom became very disappointed. Months have passed Jack started to see his Aura or maybe energy become more wild and then subsides he noticed this happen a few times in the future when he fought otherworldly monsters and could never figure out what was the cause, Jack started to see a lot of new things that he couldn't before and realized this new things seemed to attract Arty like a beacon. Jack lived with his Mom his Father passed away a war hero so they were well off but his Mother being a 66T Nurse took a ER position at nights so she would be able to take care of Jack during the day and was no longer considered for active duty in order to take care of her son. Jack was glad to have his Mom they have a good and a more trusting relationship, although Jack doesn't tell her about the incident with the being of light she was aware of the "hazing" the School investigators asked Jack about it but without any proof of the the others no legal action could be done so essentially his ex friends got away scot-free. He also told his mom about who Arty was to his mom she was glad he found a good friend in all the mess and told his mother that he would be a good man like his Father. That's how Jack managed to become Arty's classmate, during the nights when his mom goes to work Jack slips out his room to check on Arty not as his friend but as The Guardian only to see that other beings try to break in a do harm first seems to be Shadows after Jack tried to attack the shadows but to no avail it was like they were in another existence once he stepped closer to Arty's house a pop up appeared in front of him [WOULD YOU LIKE TO ENTER "SMALL POCKET EXISTENCE" YES OR NO] without a thought pressed YES those shadows transparent now became more fleshed out and Arty's house because a tower high above the floor the neighborhood essentially gone and barren and the shadows looked like Ninja's but not human taken aback by the sudden appearance of a Human in this Existence they thought Jack to be competition. Competing to attain raw power emanating from Arty's room Jack sees Arty's energy bright as the being he saw he was asleep unaware of what was going on but Jack knew that this is how he was supposed to help when the Ninja saw Jack without a weapon they pounced Jack on the other hand felt new strength, Speed, and a tingling sensation something close to goosebumps radiating all around his body. Pure instinct came around and Jack dodged each strike from the Veteran Ninja's calling for reinforcements Jack was faced off with 200 basic grunts 10 Vets and 3 masters normally any human would feel the bloodlust and quiver in fear not Jack and thanks to his Title "The Guardian" Description reads – a being destined to protect the Savior title was given by a familiar name and origin unknown unrestricted from time and space….Guardian additional skills - No Fear no matter the situation no matter the odds the user will feel courage in the darkest abyss.

-Upon defeating an enemy a skill becomes clear in Jacks mind "Complete Dismantling"

A skill that increases MAX drop rate from monster and allows the user to take all of what the monster was, (meaning their intelligence, skills and items held at random, some skills that have been obtained already will increase in rank of skill upon getting a skill that is already at MAX will be converted to ERROR for ERROR).

Jack contemplated wondering if he should run away but only for a second he then rushed in like a Iron Blade against the raging tide of blood and gore after the first few traded blows with the grunts one after another they crumple to the ground on the outside looks like they were knocked out in the inside shattered bones, organs exploded and soon after death they disappeared leaving only pieces of armor refitted to Jacks body after wildly punching for a few moments to precision strikes learning from the skillsets of the grunts Ninja moves Jack swiftly dispatched all 200 in a matter of 8 minutes the Veterans and Masters talk amongst each other and then notice Jack putting on the armor as well shuriken and a Katana one Master notices that he seemed more formidable and seemed to step away from the rest the 10 Vets stepped up each one with their own specialized weapons a Katana wielder, Daggers, Kama, Nunchaku, Chain weapon, Tonfa, Staff, and 3 range dealers from Bows to poison tipped kunai.

Jack confronts the Veteran Ninja facing off with all at once was a daunting task but the knowledge of the grunts allowed him to fight with much more precision, he flowed like a shadow with 2 katana in hand wielding both like a skilled rokudan as he parries with the Katana Ninja he takes down the tonfa wielder through a misstep on its part, but as he dies Jack gets stronger his stamina suddenly comes back like he just woke up feeling this sort of invigoration he pushes against the Veteran Ninja the 2 Master ninja that are there are astonished by the level of growth this young man is getting not realizing he is growing with every enemy he has slain only jack can see the orbs of knowledge as well the skills bestowed onto him the gear that is left behind they can see but the effects do nothing for them for Jack even though he cannot see the effects either he instinctually can feel the skills the way to activate them. Jack defeats the Katana Ninja he become more deadly striking with purpose one after another they fall to Jacks Prowess until the Poison Darts come flying through after getting poisoned vision blurred and veins on fire, Jack kneels before a Fallen chain user knowing it isn't slain drives a blade down and gets that Invigoration his wounds Heal and after a few more poison darts hit Jack the Poison no longer effective with a swift step it looks as if Jack teleports in front of the Poison Veteran grabs its neck and kills it that was the Last of the Veteran Ninja and the new gear makes him even the more stronger. The 2 Master Ninja clearly unfazed both angry refuses to work with each other from Jacks memories of the fallen he just had slain, he sits and begins to sift through techniques of different fighting. Once Jack is ready, he tells the 2 to leave and never return that he is that lights Guardian and will do what needs to be done, bare handed with katana in its sheath the fight begins the towering Ninja 6'0 against the nimble 5'2 Jack the Ninja master precision strikes towards his head and Chest Jack parries blow for blow even in his new found abilities the pain seething through each parry gets more strenuous as time went on but Jack wanted to feel this pain to know how much he could handle and possibly could get stronger while thinking this the 2nd Master went on the offensive with its Katana unsheathed yelling "Switch out" at the other Jack barely recognizing the situation tried to dodge only to get slashed in the chest then kicked back the wound barely on the skin thanks to the new armor but still felt the stinging burning of the outline of the slash a now even more cautious Jack parries blow for blow. Jacks Stamina waning the 2 Master Ninja take the initiative and attack just then the other Master that left earlier came back with another figure Jack surprised that all he could see an outline notices that he is parrying both Masters with both katana in his hands the 2 Master clearly winded notice their teacher and pay respect as Jack slowly heals he also takes damage to his muscles aching and tightening with every breath the Grandmaster requests an explanation from the 2 disciples, after being brought up to speed realizes that after each kill this human is able obtain knowledge and techniques after seeing all it needed to see while fighting the other 2 it commands the 2 ninja to stand down. Jack states the same thing to leave that he is the Guardian to the light as the sun peaks over the horizon the Grandmaster pulls out 3 books and tells Jack when the time comes after you have learned these secrets seeks my clan out no matter how long it takes we will welcome you as an honorary disciple 1 master clearly against the Grandmaster about his decision kicked him towards Jack on his knees eyes closed breathing heavily gripping his Katana tight felt a heaviness looked up saw the Ninja he fought beaten and bruised now dead after his death he disappeared like the rest a glow overcame Jack and all his wounds his stamina came back. The Grandmaster can see all that happened and smiles in amazement Jack can now see the Grandmaster a Demon resemblance to an Oni then disappeared in the shadows after the sun beams through the clouds Jack looks up and sees the Light gone then rushes back home to change even with no sleep he feels refreshed it must be because he fought a strong enemy so he brushed it off soon he realized that some drops turned to money he bought a camping set and was able to keep guard of Arty every night fighting new monsters and Ghouls, to supernatural enemies and even the mythological kind(minitours and gorgons). Jack would train his body to the point where he looked like a superstar athlete he also grew in height from 5'2 to 5"11 Arty was about 5'7 as the months rolled by Jack was trying to figure out why he could imagine certain weapons and they would appear but the armor he got could not be put away his mom thought he was into cosplay but was worried mostly how he was affording such expensive outfits. After a year goes by Jack gets a text from Arty about going with him to a video game then after that night the Light at night started to diminish and Jack had no idea as to why, the monsters that swarmed no longer came after some days passed Jack placed a few key traps in the area close to Arty's home the good thing about entering his area via this dimension it had no effect in the real world. Jack slowly realized something was happening with Arty hence the light was gone and since then Jack started to actively hunt those who were attracted to the light all the while finally reading the books the Ninja Grandmaster gave him, after a few months Jack went to the land where the Ninja village kept hidden greeted by a Master who knew Jack since that day requested a duel to avenge his fallen brother Jack has fought many other creatures since his time but decided only to use the Ninja techniques as well as wielding 2 katana in less than 2min it was over the master fell in pieces and the Grandmaster clapped glaring at Jack with astonished eyes seeing the techniques used and the mastering of using the techniques given to him that year ago. The Oni Grandmaster Guided Jack to an inner cloister of the Ninja village Jack knew that something was going on because he could see all the other Ninja with different color clothes the Oni Grandmaster yelled no use in concealing this Human can see you one scoffed Jack looked directly in its eyes describing what he sees cannot see the face but the clothes the build and gender after 4 of them were described the rest just didn't bother Concealing the Grandmaster called this meeting to introduce a new addition to the Ninja clan Jack taken back never committed to becoming a Ninja and stated as much the rest murmuring with disappointment the Oni Grandmaster interjected said simply before we deemed Humans as bugs creatures who know nothing of our world and those we saw with potential viewed as playthings punching bags to fight and kill for our amusement, without missing a beat Jack simply stated I don't care what you did I am a Guardian to one not to my human race the Oni Grandmaster conjured a door he said that through this door is all the Humans we deemed worthy you Human will teach these bugs to be proper Ninja otherwise with wave of his hand shows a cloud formation a window in the air through it shows Jacks mother at work the Oni pulls out a kunai in hand Knicks her finger resemblance of a paper cut Jacks mom flustered in pain she's bleeding although a small cut she is bleeding excessively her coworkers stop the bleeding and just were equally freaked out because she was nowhere near paper or anything sharp Jack thought of his odds but in no way could save his mom In time then stated how could Jack possibly train these Humans with such a small time frame....the Oni bellowed in laughter along with the other Masters the Oni then said once your inside this pocket dimension 1 sec here will be 1day in there you will not age and your bodies will become stronger yes its true I am taking a huge risk its possible you may be able to surpass all of us if I allow you to train these humans but I have faith in my teachings that you will call me Master when you finish. Just as Jacks lets out a sigh of annoyance, he tells the Oni that he needs at least 6 Disposable Showers, toilet commodes, tubs , a Water well with 10tons of water, Shelter for communal bedding Military sized for whatever sized recruits that will go in with him, Food to last 2 years, a kitchen with a table and seating to eat on, a Smithy and spare gear with tools to repair and a private Tent for himself with a sizable bed and private bath tub, the Oni Grunts snaps his fingers and the room lights up again with Everything and a training ground equipped with an infirmary, as Jack enters he is greeted with sunken faces some are gone their eyes are working but just shown without light as if Hope is gone a group of 20 people Men, Women and surprisingly 3 children seeing how many metal tubs for cleaning are available, Jack though of using a 1 tub to feed all these hungry souls. As the Oni takes his leave from the pocket dimension Jack notices a glance toward the people from the Oni while the others seem to be Humans Jack can see much clearly than most so he will play along the rest of the tubs will be for bathing purposes, Jack wanted them to know that even though they are still slaves to those demons that he was truly a Human that could be a savior at first he wanted to run them a warm bath but the eerily feeling that some may take this opportunity to end it all dawned on him so using a Steel drum tub Jack got to work on feeding these people some stood some in a fetal position but all stared at the wall seeing as if beef would be to tough on them Chicken stew recipe was the way to go filling the tub with food the smell penetrated everywhere a portions of food could feed 4-people at once knowing how much these people suffered starved and lost all hope food made by the one Titled Guardian had the effect in everything Jack did; It allowed these people to feel an unknown strength but first they had to consume this dish. Jack laid out a huge picnic table in front of his future Students a bowl and a spoon and after seeing such huge helpings their mouths watered then Jack placed a Gallon sized tin within arm's reach for easy access for more food and a Jug of flavored water sugar free fruit punch. After a while Jack could see their mouth water Jack on the end side of the table states I am not a Demon I am human like all of you my name is Jack they have my Mother and the old bastard Oni wants me train you lot to be as strong as me all I know is that he is starting to see Potential in our Kind whether or not you listen to me means nothing but I am sure if I don't teach you anything they will kill my mother without hesitation I made this feast for all of you because I can see that Hope is gone from your eyes and I don't want to lie to anyone here even though you will most likely be used as tools after you are trained I am here now and I will help you find a way to set you free from the old Bastards grasp and we all will see the light one more time. To prove there is no poison in this food I will eat a bowl and drink in front of you as Jack eats everything and finishes his drink, he looks at their eyes and gestures please eat up if you want more, they rush the bowls eating with their hands after seeing how much their putting down Jack puts on his apron and cooks more one with just noodles and a beef stew. While they eat Jack sets up a Latrine and water system for bathing/showering separated by dividers then a Bedroom with military cots and waits for the clock for morning which in real time has only been 10 milliseconds, after a while of sleeping in military cots with blankets and pillows Jack could not sleep he heard their cries of the men and women who felt that they didn't deserve to live knowing its possible they could suicide he sat up some were crying some asleep having nightmares finally someone got up a young woman looks like in her Late teens much older than Jack she wraps the blanket around her neck in a tied formation slowly tightening her neck with her other hands Jack gets up walks over to her and she sees him instinct hits her and she is about to untie it like she just got in trouble Jack Stops her looks inter her eyes and says you have every right to take your life I will not stop you but if you take your life I am sorry but I have no place to bury you this pocket dimension is only meant for certain facilities death seems like our captors don't care if we live or die they only want the strong to live so(in a louder tone so everyone hears) if anyone does die their bodies will rot with us in this Pocket Dimension. My opinion do not die Live feel hope and have Faith in me a Guardian to one day break you all free from these monsters Bondage. In the next Morning Jack pulls aside 14 people from the total 20 people here once in a Private Tent these people were looked the best maintained and their glossy eyed look didn't fool Jack he gave them a chance to defect their masters otherwise he would kill them on the spot hearing this these fake Humans transformed into Demons some Demi-humans one Demon smiled ear to ear pulled out a hidden blade and lunged at Jack others followed only 3 remained still the other Humans heard screams of death coming from the Tent and were scared out their minds why did Jack a human start to kill these defenseless people they thought after the tent got quiet one demon "escaped" in a bloody mess the Humans see a broken Demon and realize that the screams they heard were these demons pretending to one of them they started to beat this Demon one after another as the Demon tried to assert his authority it made the Humans angrier ultimately they ended up beating a corpse after they finished Jack threw the rest of the dead on a pile away from the main camp and set them on fire after cleaning up the blood the 3 that stayed in the Tent were talked with instead of giving their real names the Demi's were 2 female warriors one from the Wolf Clan called Dark Wolf the other from a Bear Clan called Brown Bear the Demon was also a woman a succubus although renounced her way to seduce for a kill she was to interrogate me and find out my purpose of how I came to become so strong. Since it was no secret he just told them 3 what had happened but as he was saying the Demi's showed signs of discomfort when it was the moment of the story of the Light and woman appearing before him they screamed in pain saying stop saying the incantation that they just wanted to know curiously Jack gave them ear plugs but before that he said I will do the same thing I said to you to the rest and upon doing so the other humans gasped upon hearing this story they felt warm and full of energy as if a positive force enveloped their lifeforce in a way they felt blessed, the Demi's were knocked out for trying to read Jacks lips and the Succubus concluded that it must be a Different Powerful God to have this effect especially in a pocket Dimension controlled by other beings and although there reaction might be lessened to the extent that if Jack were to tell that story some of the demons might die from hearing it from that point the Succubus left the Tent and destroyed all the listening devices in the Pocket universe as well as scrubbed the last 10hrs her story to her superiors will be that the training was so gruesome that it the Demons could not keep up with the training made for Humans from then on Jack would have more intimate relations with the succubus for she could not seduce him and also could not handle his Youthful Stamina although there intimacy will only last the Duration of the training. The once fragile Humans were at peak physique Jack unknowingly had an abundance of Mana from which was poured into the food and every time the Humans or Demi's finished their meals grew stronger the Humans especially became more than what they were when they were kidnapped. Jack trained these 6 Humans and 2 Demi's the Demon was there just to relax upon the final 3 Months of training Jack informed his students to attack him either stealthily, aggressive, or use tactics Jack would not hold back he also taught them a Dark Clone Technique so they could send a version of themselves without truly killing them, they would continue this type of training for 6weeks no break then to those who came close Jack would give them rank as well as a signature style of fighting the last few weeks would be a break the last week Jack would bestow each of them a weapon that he managed to make in this pocket dimension using a drop of their blood for each weapon the purpose of the blood is so it can be soul bound each Warrior is gifted a Katana a kunai as well as a entry kit lockpicking included all the Students are on par with Jack from the Moment he sparred with the old bastard although they have spent almost close to a year in this Pocket dimension the last days are upon them the Demi's turned back into there human form Luckily for the students they have a new awareness illusion magic/techniques can be seen through that is how Jack knew of the fake Humans. 3 days before the release a feast was made and then the last emotion was to be shed when the gateway opens back to the real world they needed to be emotionless tools with thought the women that were there professed their love for Jack but he could not love them for it would bring unnecessary thoughts of hope that didn't exist instead they just slept with Jack 3 women and the 2 demi girls had 2 days of passion while the Succubus tended to the other young men the last day arose with Jack's final word of praise and one hopeful sentence I will come back for all of you when I get stronger. The timer runs out a year passes by in the pocket universe no one has aged but a powerful Killing intent spills out causing the demons to be on guard Jack Steps out the Dimension seeing them on guard realizes so he speaks to the humans he trained "Tools vanish your intent" then as if the pressure just vanished they all stepped out the Succubus "reveals" her form and Jack pretends to be in shock she goes to the old bastard Oni and said Hello father I have news.

Jack is seething with anger realizing he slept with the enemy until the Oni demon slaps the succubus and states, he will not acknowledge a tool of lust for his bloodline only the pure will be considered family say that again and information or no you will die here creature. The Succubus looks at Jack seeing his anger directed at the Oni gives a fluster in her heart but shakes it off to not give in to suspicion Jack yelled at the Demon Grand Masters told them that the Humans that could not deal with the training died that when it was time to really put in effort most of them died trying to assassinate Jack the succubus can attest to the experience of a pressure to withstand Jacks constant killing intent the Grand masters were unconvinced they decided to hold a tournament while the Human Tools showed no signs of emotion the Demons send 1 of each their New Warriors who are considered top class Jack informed them not to look down on these Tools that they are on par with Jack in every way. The Demonstration comes to close once in a matter of 3 minutes the humans look to have not broken a sweat pleased with Jack the Oni Grand Master has revealed a blood oath at this point in time no harm will go to Jack or his loved ones ever again, after some time passes Jack made it home clearly exhausted his Mother looks at him with a scowl and yells "where have you been its almost 1am" Jack looks at his Mom and Hugs her taken a back his Mother hugs back and says "look my baby boy I don't know what's going on but I am here for you that is never going to change I love you Jack" Jack weeping tears flow on her shoulder Jack Mutters "I love you too Mom you're the best sorry if I made you worry" She starts to tear up and they cry together since it's the weekend they stay up reminiscing about the old days eating ice cream watching movies, after they Fell asleep on the couch Jack gets up to Lock the Doors and upon turning around the Figure from before shows up looks at his mother Jack about to leap into action out of instinct to protect his Mother the figure projects a message in his mind " I do not mean to harm only charm a Item to keep her safe from those who can harm. After charming a bracelet, she wore every day the figure tells Jack that Arty is going to begin his Journey soon that Jack must be vigilant in the days to come but not to worry the blessing of Arty's will bring him to new Height just teach him well.

And so that's the back story for Jack now onto the Main Story Arc.

Jack is not the main protagonist, but this side story does allow someone who I never thought of explaining because the story was too long to tell especially for the original story. The reason simply was because now that I changed the story my mind reverts back to what I would have written…Readers I will make more side stories in the future for character development and for you to know a little bit more if each person look forward to more. :)

Shirogane29creators' thoughts