
Chapter 17

Raina carried her bag up the stairs and placed them at the foot of her bed. She kicked off her shoes and lay on the bed. She was glad to be back home. Her parents were due to arrive later today. Raina was dreading Monday. The weekend with Darryl was slowly turning into a distant memory.

‘Knock, knock.’

‘Leroy, come in. What’s up?’

‘Just wanted to check in on you. I know we haven’t gotten the chance to sit down and talk lately. Is everything all right with you? How’s the sewing going?’

‘Don’t even remind me of all the work I have to do this week. It’s hard but it is rewarding and I do know it is something I want to do so it is worth it. How did your dinner date with Nadia go by the way?’

‘I think it went well, considering…—’ Leroy lapsed into thoughtful silence.

‘—Considering what?’

‘Never mind. It is nothing to worry your head about. I hope Darryl took care of you well. He did not lock you up in a cupboard, did he?’

‘Haha. Very funny. You know he will never do that. I had a good time. Mostly watched movies. We did go to this great eatery by the beach though. The food was great.’

‘I think I know the place. We have been there a couple of times. Their food is really great.’

‘Do you know when Mum and Dad are arriving?’

‘Mum called this morning to ask about how we were doing. I told her you were at Darryl’s because I had a personal engagement.’

‘You what?!’

Leroy just looked at his sister in amusement. ‘Why? Is there a problem?’

‘Why would you tell Mum I am at Darryl’s house? Did she complain or get mad or say anything?’

‘Relax, Rain. Darryl has been coming to this house ever since we were both in diapers. Mum did not complain or say anything. It’s not like you were staying over at your boyfriend’s place. As for that one, like even me I will complain.’

‘Oh okay, I see.’

‘Anyways, I am leaving. Let’s get some rest. There is food in the fridge. Mum says they should be in before suppertime. So, we should expect them around 5-6pm.’

‘Alright. I want to sleep for a while. It was nice to be in a different environment for a change though. Just don’t make it a habit of always shipping me off to the next available friend when you have date night planned.’

Leroy just laughed and hugged her close.

‘Yeah, I love you too.’

Raina fell asleep shortly after Leroy left. She was too tired to spend time brooding over the reasons why her normally overprotective parents were fine with her staying over at Darryl’s house. She recalled that Darryl had earlier intimated that he was one of the good guys and her parents could not object to her hanging out with him.

Theresa and Francis arrived at 5.10pm. The journey had been long and tiring and they were both badly in need of rest. They had set off early in the afternoon but were only now arriving. There had been heavy traffic on the way back. The driver helped them take their bags and foodstuffs out of the car. They had bought some foodstuffs as they were cheaper in the village. Francis held his wife’s hand as they entered the house.

‘Don’t worry, it will be alright. This too shall pass.’

She smiled tightly and squeezed his hand in response.

They put their bags down and sat down, each lost in their thoughts. They heard feet on the stairs and raised their heads in unison. It was none other but Leroy.

‘Mum, Dad, you are back! Welcome home!’ Leroy bent down to hug his parents.

‘Raina and I have missed you. How was the journey? I hope it wasn’t too stressful.’

‘My dear, it was tiring but we are glad to be back. Where is Raina? I haven’t seen her around.’

‘I guess she is still asleep. She took a nap after church. Let me bring you water. I am preparing rice. It should soon be ready.’

His parents turned to each other and smiled.

‘My dear, we have never noted you to be one to wait on us. Has there been a swap we were not aware of? If this is a method to get information about the trip we are not telling, sorry. To be precise we will talk to you and your sister when the time is right. Right now, we are both tired. We just need a warm meal and we are off to bed.’

Leroy sat down in the opposite chair facing the stairs and realized Raina was coming down.

‘Here comes Raina, I guess she has had enough sleep.’

‘Mum! Dad! I am so glad you are back. I missed you both.’

Again, the Theresa and Francis exchanged looks. Surely their two children could manage without them for two days.

‘We are glad to be back as well. We will tell you about the trip at a later date. Since we are all here, why don’t we all sit down and talk. It’s been a while we had a family conversation.’

Leroy groaned inwardly. However, he said nothing to indicate his displeasure. This tradition had been going back for years. It was a mini-family meeting. It was a way for their parents to be abreast with their emotional needs and for changes and adjustments to be made where necessary. They had been helpful so far. Sometimes they used the meetings to plan trips or outings depending on how the mood went. On other occasions, they teased their Dad and mimicked him.

Raina was surprised Leroy offered no objection since he positively did not like these meetings. Leroy always had an excuse for these meetings. None of them had ever worked so far but he never failed to produce them. Raina sat down on the sofa, and waited for her parents to start talking. It was true a family meeting was long overdue but she had expected it to be held later seeing as her parents had just returned from a trip.

‘I want to know what is going on with my children’s lives. Raina what are your plans for your upcoming birthday?’

Raina’s birthday was in a month’s time. It was on the 5th of May. She had not really given much thought as to how she wanted the day to go. She shrugged in response.

‘Well, I have decided that we are going to celebrate you in a big way. We are going to have a party for you. You are a young woman now.’

Raina opened her mouth to protest but her dad raised a hand to stop her.

‘Please don’t refuse my request. Because you were in school, we were unable to celebrate your 18th birthday so please allow us to do this. Don’t worry, after this one you can plan and fund your own birthday parties.’

They all broke into laughter and Raina hugged both her parents, planting a kiss on her dad’s cheeks.

'As you well know, very soon I will be retiring and will be handing over the reins of the company to Leroy.' Her father's opening statements shocked her. She had not expected him to give Leroy full control so quickly. She sat up straighter and looked at Leroy. He also seemed surprised by the news. The company was privately owned hence their dad could have continued working for as long as he wanted to.

'Leroy has been doing a good job so far and he can only learn how to be better by making his own decisions from now on and only taking advice when need be.'

'Thank you, Dad. I will do my best to honour your confidence in me.'

'I know you will, son.'

'I have wrestled with this for some time now and I feel I should let you know.'

Raina noticed her mother holding her father's hand to soothe him. He had a grave expression on his face. Raina wondered what at all the news was about.

'Raina this goes to you. I know you know I love you and I have always wanted the best for you. I will admit that I have been hard on you at times but it was all done out of love. I am very sorry to have to ask this of you but there is no other way around it. I have raised you to be an independent young woman and I cannot wait to see all you achieve.'

'Daddy I know that. I love you too. What at all is this about? I think you are the best father in the whole wide world. I know you will never hurt me. Tell me, whatever it is I would do it for your sake.'

'I just want you to go up to the study. There is a surprise waiting for you.'

Her father's features relaxed immediately and he broke into a grin.

Raina shrieked in amazement. She had been expecting some life-altering news. She did not know whether to believe her father or to just get up and go.

'Go on, go upstairs Raina.'

At her mother's urging she bounded up the staircase and headed to the study wondering what she would find. Her birthday was not for another month and she had not done anything extraordinary to expect a gift.

When she got to the study, she slowed down to catch her breath and opened the door slowly. When the door was fully opened, Raina screamed, laughed and giggled. She could not believe her eyes. She could not believe her father had done this. They must have planned this before leaving. It was simply amazing. She went around touching and feeling the objects and was surprised to see her initials on them. There was a note for her on the bed. She took it and read it, tears of joy filling up her eyes. Her father had bought her a sewing machine with additional sewing tools she will need to bring her designs to life. He had even included a mannequin for her to hang her tailored dresses on.

Downstairs, Theresa held her husband's hands and rubbed the back of his shoulder. They had heard the screams of joy from their daughter but no one made any move to join her.

'You were about to tell her, were you not?'

'Yes, I was, but I was unable to. I will tell her after her birthday. She is not ready yet. I think that way will be better. Or, son, what do you think?'

Leroy looked at his parents in silence. They waited for him to speak. When he spoke, his voice was low and quiet.

'This is indeed hard. I don't think she is ready too. But I wonder, can anyone ever be ready for such news? Besides, the earlier she knows, the better it will be for all of us. I wish I was in her shoes though. I truly wish I was in her place. It is unfortunate grandpa does not want to change his mind and the sharks are all around us.'

'True. Let's go up and check on her. I believe we have given her enough time. Cheerful faces everyone, no wet towels.'

And with that, Theresa herded her husband and son up the stairs so they could share in the excitement with their daughter and sister.