
The Fight of The Lavender-eyed Nightmare, The Ripper and The Wolf

Recap from last chapter: "I swear, it is so nice being on the battlefield again. Than being cooped up in the hospital or even at home to just recover from our injuries." I tell dad and he nods in agreement.

We then head forward and went to the left side. We see metal double doors and went up to them. I press the top button to open the doors. After the doors are open we then walk in.

**************Back To The Present Time Of Story**************

Raiden's POV:

We are continuing down the hall until we hear this deep robotic voice say to us, "Greetings cyborgs.

We both place our backs on the left side wall with our swords out and ready to strike for if anything would come at us.

"Show yourself." I tell it.

"Also I am a half-borg." Marie sarcastically says back to the voice.

But instead of a body showing itself from around the corner close to me. I hear a slice come from behind us. I tell Marie to get down and she does. But when I turn around to see what it is. All I could see is a long blade slicing through the wall on the side we are at.

But right before the blade could even take my head off, I limbo under it. The blade only touches my chin.

After the blade has fully pass us. Marie gets out of the way and I bend forward, doing a front flip then twist to my left to see the blade went to the ground cutting to the other wall. Then it went up to the other wall.

The floor becomes unstable almost knocking Marie and myself to the floor. We both see the side which is cut going down.

So we both look behind us and see three giant crates coming at us with speed. We didn't have enough time to dodge them, causing the both of us to get knock out of the area we are just in.

We both do some somersaults and land on our feet. I get in front of Marie and cut two of the three crates in half.

But when I cut the third crate in half, all we both see is this dog, like metal gear with a saw for a tail, coming down at us.

Marie moves to get out of my way, while I block the saw-tail with my own sword.

I kept it up for another three seconds before Marie kicks it, with her right leg, away from me. The metal dog did a back flip before landing on its feet. We get into ready positions for just in case it attacks again.

I ask it, "And you are?"

The dog swings its tail to attach it onto it's back and releases the saw from the tails hold. It answers back with, "I am IF prototype LQ-84i.

"IF prototype?" Marie says with a little flicker of confusion in her eye.

"Interface prototype. All autonomous UGs feature high-level onboard artificial intelligence. An additional prototype intellect enables verbal communication. I possess an intellect far beyond human reckoning." It tells us to help clear up some bumps in the information.

"You don't say. Okay then: what is the meaning of life? Why are we here?" I ask it.

The prototype then flings something at us. But I block all of it. I even caught one with my right foot. We notice the things it threw at us is small military type knifes. They look like they are just in a brick oven for they are bright yellow, if not white. Also two went into the brick wall behind us and melts after they made contact with the wall.

Callista's POV:

All we see is a little limbs attached to its tail. It then told us, "I am here to kill you both."

Dad still has the one military type knife between the ball of his foot and his heel. He then puts his foot behind him in order to toss it into his left hand, then he put his foot down on the ground.

"That's it. Pretty simple thinking for such a mighty intellect." I ask, while dad threw the military type knife behind him.

"I may analyze orders, but I may not disobey them. Should I disobey a direct order, my memory would be wiped. I must destroy both of you." It answers back while it moves its tail, with the saw on it, around the front of it.

"What good is an intellect if you can't use it?" Dad asks it.

While he is still talking, I grab my iPod, plug in my ear-buds, put one in my right ear and get the song, "I'm My Own Master Now," to start playing. I then put my iPod back into my one of many pouches.

"Your taunting is pointless. Exterminate!" It calls out while jumping over the both of us and onto the roof of the building behind us. Then it lets out a loud roar.

Dad and I get into our fighting positions. But I notice that the roar it gave off almost sounds like a wolf type howl. Dad's visor came over his eyes and I place my sun goggles over my eyes.

Then the wolf jumps down in front of the both of us. Dad blocks the saw attacks, while I try to think of a way to defeating it. But I couldn't think for long because the attacks are then coming at me too. So I had to block them as well. Dad starts swiping at it while it is attacking me. The prototype then backs off and starts attacking him again.

One of the attacks the prototype gives to dad is a spin type attack, but he is lucky to block the attack. After the block, it somehow stuns it long enough for the both of us to get in a few hits. But it got out of its stun and jumps onto the wall behind us.

Telling us, "A savvy warrior uses all of his tools. Backup required!" Then it howls for backup.

Causing cyborgs to start coming from on the other side of the wall it is on. We start attacking all the cyborgs, and I notice the prototype is staying up on the wall, just watching us battle the cyborgs, almost like it is trying to analyze our combinations. So I only attack the cyborgs with only the same moves, so it wouldn't see all my combination moves I can do.

"Are all three of us here only to fight, then? Demonstrate the extent of both of your intellect." It said as it jumps back down and starts fighting us again.

A few seconds later, I hear, "Combination complete."

'So I was right, it is trying to analyze all of our combinations.' I thought to myself.

"Combination attack." It said before then attacking the both of us.

But we hit it before it could do anything to us and it didn't even attack us at all. After a few more hits, the prototype then jumps back up onto the wall he was at before.

It says, "To continue alone would be foolish. Help me!" Then it howls again and a metal gear we just tango with three times.

So we did what we did those last times and we are able to defeat it very quickly, but I grab the nano-repair unit. After absorbing it all, I crush it, and my metal limbs are repair.

The prototype jumps back in and told us, "Use both if your intellects. Evade my blows."

So we did what he told us to do and evade all the attacks it is giving us but I misjudge the last one and got hit. I am able to get back up like it was nothing. It then told us he doesn't feel pain. But we kept on attacking, dodging attacks, or even blocking the attacks that are coming at us.

"Recovery complete." It said to itself.

Dad then picks it up and it cries out, "S-Stop..." But dad stabs it about two times then threw it up into the air and kicks it.

The prototype just falls onto its side and didn't move after this.

"Cannot... Continue..." It says one more time out loud.

But we get an incoming call from the prototype. It states, "Directive... liberate... nation... ensure freedom... Obey directive... must obey directive... no freedom... Freedom... undefined..." Then the communication went dead and the prototype went and blew up.

"What would an AI know about freedom..." I ask dad.

Dad just shrugs for he too doesn't know. After our little conversation we start back up on the main objective on getting to the refinery. We go past a set of blockades and we had caught three cyborgs attention. We are able to defeat them really quickly. Then pass another set of blockades.

Dad hears something from behind us and when we look behind us, all we see is two helicopters coming at us. But they are not the friendly ones because they start to shoot at us.

We had to dodge the missiles and try to get away from the areas of the bridge which is falling into the river below us, as quickly as we can. So I hit the bottom of my heels together to unlock my blades, I grab dad's hand and try to blade us quickly out of there. But when I thought we are in the clearing, one more missile hit the bridge we are standing on, causing us to fall.

But I am lucky dad catches my hand before I could even hit the river below us, he also grabs his weapon and sticks it into the bridge. He flings me up as hard as he could and then he run right after me to get to the ledge. I make it over the ledge and help dad up. Then we start running again. But we had a helicopter get in front of us and it then start shooting at us, while the ones behind us just stop shooting and starts moving on. I hit my heels together to retract my blades back into my foot and boot.

I get up to an area which has walls and climb it up. I grab my pistol and start shooting at the helicopter as a distraction for dad to be able to get on the side it is on. But when I get underneath it, I grab my sword and dad does too. We both start slicing at it, but when the helicopter moves to the opposite corner from we are at. Dad somehow grabs a rocket launcher while we were still on the ground. He shoots at the helicopter, but it didn't completely destroy it. So we had to do the same tactic one more time and this time we both ninja jump on the missiles coming at us. I dodge the missiles, while we reach for our swords.

Once we get to the helicopter, we start free style cutting at it until it hits the floor and causing it to blow up. We continue to head forward. But we catch the attention of a few more cyborgs and a few cyborgs which have flying contraptions on their backs.

'Is there ever going to be a break of these guys.' I think to myself with annoyance in my tone as I continue to fight beside dad.

Dad takes care of the ones on the ground, while I take care of the ones up in the air.

Uncle's screen comes up on both of our views and he says to us, "So that's where they're holed up." As we came up to a walk, after defeating the last enemy.

"Some kind of electronic lock on the gate..." Dad says.

Uncle's screen then switches to Doktor's and he tells us, "Most likely it opens only if you both have the right ID data stored in your left hands. Perhaps either of you could find a cyborg with access, and -ah- barrow it?"

"You see any cyborgs around here, Dok?" I ask.

Then Uncle's screen pop's back up and he tells us, "Why not double back? Check the vehicle route again? You know, back at the entrance to the old city. Heh, who knows? Maybe you both can hitch a ride. Most likely platoon commanders carry correct ID data for the gate."

So dad and I head back to the area and use the enhance mode to see which one has the correct one. But a military car comes at us and stops to let out more cyborgs. We fight all the cyborgs who come out of the military car, I find one with the correct ID data.

I nod to dad and he nods back. We head back to the doors and I wave the ID data over the scanner. The doors opens and we head through.

As we get through the doors more cyborgs are coming at us. We start fighting back and when we defeat all of them, I tell dad we need to take a little break for me to have a little snack and a drink of water.

For I feel a little dehydrated from the lack of water in my system and a little light-headed from the lack of food also in my system. Dad agrees, he places his right hand on my back, his left in my other hand. While I have my left hand in his, my right one is on my head. We went into the shade and sit down on the ground. I went to one of my many pouches on me and grab my huge water jug. I untwist the cap and nearly drank all of the water in it. But I leave about half of the jug full of water for later. I put the jug back into it's correct pouch and then grabs a protein bar from another. I eat all of the bar and it helps a little get rid of the lightheadedness.

We wait a few more minutes and I feel the lightheadedness go away completely. I tell dad I am now feeling better and we can continue on with the mission. Dad grabs my right hand and helps me get back up onto my feet.

After all this we then head around the fountain and up some stairs a military car is by. We head through the open doors which are open after we finish defeating all the enemies in the area, we are just in. We head to the back walls and head up to sets of stairs which went straight up.

Then we turn right and we have to jump onto the third set of stairs. As we get to the top of the stairs, we head right again and went through a doorway which doesn't have a door attach to it.