
Rai x Frankenstein (New Adventures)

Frankestein is trying to provide peaceful and joyful life to Raizel after the Apocalypse. And he was successful for time being. But the adventures returns as an unwanted guest enters to their peaceful life on a very unlucky day. The mysteries unfold and new monsters rise, to haunt the mankind once again. Frankestein is doing his best to keep Raizel out of this fight. But will Raizel have to fight them again? Will Raizel sacrifice his remaining lifetime to save the world which he needs to live into it?

Nik_The_Wordsmith · Anime et bandes dessinées
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18 Chs

Ramyen Crisis

"Take a deep breath, keep calm & Love Rai-Frankestein 😊"

When Frankestein reached the school entrance, he was deep in thoughts. Though his ocean blue eyes were lost somewhere, his hands were driving perfectly.

Tao parked his car in school's parking lot. He still wasn't fully agreed to let go Raizel alone in an unknown college with kids. He didn't think that Raizel can't protect himself, but he was just worried something unexpecting would happen when they are not around. He wanted to protect Raizel with his life, so he doesn't need to use his power and can lead long happy life. He knew that everybody was too happy to see Raizel living his life the way he wanted to be. He didn't want any disturbance in that. Suddenly a thought came in his mind and he dialed Frankestein's number on his mobile.

Frankestein has just entered in his office. He was thinking about how to finish up all paper work which was piled up during his absence. There was no one to force him to work as he is the headmaster. He was also worried about his Master. Different thoughts were striking in his mind. 'will he be okay?', 'what if someone picks on him'. He tried to get away from these thoughts and he realized his mobile was ringing. It was Tao.

"Sir, I was just calling to ask you something. It's not like I don't trust him but I was worried if something happens at college when he is there and his college life gets disturbed on his first day. You know how much he loves his normal life!" Tao was blabbering the exact same thoughts which Frankestein was trying to avoid.

Frankestein assured himself that his master will be fine. He has seen this world a lot. It will be fine. He stopped Tao saying, "We will discuss about it tonight. Let's focus on work. Make sure nothing unexpected happens at school."

Tao's mind was still not at rest, he said, "Unexpected things happen where he is. I was thinking why don't we guard college instead of school. Nothing will happen as long as you are here."

"We need to think it through. We don't want anyone's unwanted attention at his college life. You stay at school for today. We will discuss and decide tonight. We need for Master's opinion about you three working there."

"Fine. We will be at school gate. Call us if you need anything." Finally Tao's mind was at rest.

He turned towards his team members who were listening to his call carefully and said, "we have a thing to discuss."

They both were silent thinking what to do.

Rai and kids entered the college. Shinwu heard other student's whispers. They were pointing towrads Rai. He was all silent and walking towards the college building. His dark silky hair were dancing on his forehead with wind, showing glimpse of his ruby red eyes. Students standing far away were able to see him because of his unusually handsome tall figure. Yuna and Ikhan were proud and smiling to themselves because of the happiness of entering with the most handsome guy. Sui Lim was not joining with them in the college because of her concerts.

They all were in the same class for their college diploma. Shinwu was going to persue his athletic career along with college. Ikhan was going to study Computers Science because of his passion and Yuna was going to figure out her passion while studying.

They entered the chatty & loud classroom filled with all newbies. Shinwu shouted, "Rai, let's sit over there, last bench."

And suddenly the classroom was dead silent, everybody was staring at them. They knew this would happen, but they didn't know it would be this intense.

"Yuna, where do you want to sit?" Shinwu tried to break the silence.

"Yes, let's sit at those last benches of middle rows." Ikhan replied awkwardly.

Shinwu sat in the middle of Rai and Ikhan. Yuna sat on bench in front of them with new girls.

After few minutes of chitchat and shouting, a teacher entered the classroom for introduction and enrollment. He was asking every student to introduce themselves. After hearing almost 40 students boring and frustrating introduction, it was Rai's turn. Everybody was curious to know about him. All the eyes were set at him and ears were thirsty to hear his voice.

Rai stood up. His tall appearance was mesmerizing. Class Teacher was also silent. And Rai spoke, "My name is Cadis Etrama de Raizel". Everybody was awwed. Shinwu added, "You can call him Rai".

Surprised class teacher got his senses back and said, "It's fine. 'Raizel' is comfortable for me."

Shinwu, Ikhan and Yuna introduced themselves. It was boring half day except Rai's introduction. It was all about Time schedule, rules, regulations and exams.

Finally it was lunch time and Shinwu's face was lightened up.

"Let's go to cafeteria, I'm dying because of hunger". Everybody nodded and left to cafeteria. College cafeteria was all crowded with hungry people like Shinwu.

Shinwu ordered Ramyen for Rai and another ramyen, egg rolls and rice for himself. Ikhan had booked a corner table for them. Fresh winds were blowing inside. It was a nice table to sit. Shinwu set their food on the table and asked Rai not to wait for noodles to get soak double in his ramyen soup. It will lose its taste. Rai nodded and started waiting for the noodles to soak.

Suddenly Shinwu shouted, "Rai, don't eat the Ramyen." Rai looked at Shinwu with shock and surprise. Shinwu shouted again, "They are not good. We will buy you ramyen from somewhere else." Rai's face got all nervous and sad.

Shinwu felt terrible. He asked him if he wants his egg rolls or rice. Rai didn't reply.

Meanwhile Ikhan tasted the Ramyen and shouted, "It's disgusting, how can anybody feed something like this to students? I'm going to complain."

The cafeteria manager sent him back saying that their cook quit last semester and they couldn't find anyone as good as him.

At school, Frankestein was busy looking at the documents through his glasses. His golden hair locks were carelessly playing on his shoulder. It's been only a half day and he was already exhausted. He was praying for Master's normal day too. As he was already less busy in all schoolwork, Tao entered the headmaster's room without knock, and said, "there is an emergency at college."

Frankestein's heart almost stopped beating, what could've happened?

"Is Master okay?" Frankestein asked impatiently.

"No, he is not okay. Shinwu called me and said the ramyen in the college cafeteria was tasteless. Raizel couldn't eat it. He has refused to eat anything else and not talking to anybody."

Frankestein stood up in his chair and picked up his blazer to get out of his office. He asked Tao, "How much time is it left for his lunch time?"

"I'm not sure. I will ask Shinwu". Tao replied sadly.

"I'm going back home, ramyen will be ready in 15 minutes. Deliver it immediately. We can't let college cafeteria ruin his first day." Frankestein looked afraid.

"Why can't we order it from any other restaurant and deliver? You look too busy" Tao suggested.

"We can't trust anybody in this situation." Frankestein's face looked too worried.

"I will confirm lunch time, inform the staff that you're leaving for few hours and will come to pick up the ramyan."

Frankestein left the office immediately.

After exactly 21 minutes, Tao reached the house. Frankestein has prepared the ramyan and was ready to go.

"I will deliver it myself. I want to make sure everything is fine."

College was 5 minutes away from house by car. M-21 took the car keys and promised to reach in half minutes.

They reached college in 3 minutes. It took few seconds to find Shinwu. He was waving hands and jumping at the entrance of cafeteria, and all college students were thrilled to see another handsome guy with golden blonde long hair and ocen blue eyes. Frankestein was not in the state of admiring their pleased looks. His head was too much filled with master's condition.

Frankestein entered the cafeteria, and his eyes started to find Rai. Rai was sitting on the chair of the corner table and looking out of the window with blank eyes. Frankestein's heart sank seeing him in that condition.

Frankestein called Raizel, "Master, what's wrong?" Rai turned his head and looked at Frankestein's worried face. His face looked guilty. He said, "You didn't have to do this Frankestein. I'm fine."

Frankestein opened the tiffin, and said, "it's already soaked and doubled up. You can eat right away."

Rai took the sticks and tasted ramyen. His face lightened up a little. Only Frankestein could've noticed the difference.

Tao thanked Shinwu for calling immediately. Kids were happy seeing Rai happy again.

Frankestein turned towards Tao and asked, "Are M-21 & Takio at school?"

"Yes, I asked them to stay at school in your absence." Tao replied.

Frankestein stoop up to leave, and said, "Shinwu, we will come to pick you up at evening." Shinwu nodded.

Frankestein noticed that everybody was staring at that odd pair of tall guys. Tao with black mashroom cut hair with white colour hair strip & Frankestein with blonde long curls.

They left the college the way they entered like wind. Ramyan crisis was handled successfully & Rai's expressive eyes were filled with joy again.

(Ramyen - Ramyen is Korean noodles dish)