
Ragnarok: Two Mythologies Collide

Alexander was a special guy. Mainly because he was multi-talented - but also because he was a reincarnator. Which meant he got a second chance at life after his first one prematurely ended when he was 20-years-old. Meaning he did things others his age couldn't. Yet it turns out he was more special than even he knew. He was the descendant of two mythologies. Of two Gods. And after his mother decides to return to her hometown of Edda, Norway alongside her son and daughter...well, let's just say Alexander became very different. Some would even say he became somewhat godly. But will Alexander be able to handle being the embodiment of two different Gods from two different Mythologies? Or will he fail? (A/N - I don't own the cover photo. This is a fanfic that takes place in the universe created in the TV series 'Ragnarok' and belongs to it's creators. Ragnarok is on Netflix, if you want to watch the source material this fanfic is using.)

VikingRaider · TV
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5 Chs

Lunch, Meeting New People And Organizing A Meet

Entering the cafeteria with Magne at my side, I, just like him, held my lunch in a plastic bag as I surveyed the tables of teenagers sitting, eating and laughing with one another.

My eyes caught Saxa's for a second and she seemed like she was about to motion me over but I broke eye contact and nudged Magne, gesturing with my head to a nearly empty table near the stairs to the second floor of the cafeteria.

Magne saw who was sitting there and after giving a longing glance to Gry, who he already seemed smitten with, he nodded to me and made his way to the table.

He sat down first and I stepped over the back of the bench, my long legs easily clearing the obstacle and I sat down, but not before I caught Saxa narrowing her eyes at me - she seemed confused as to why I'd sat over here when she was technically one of the only people I'd spoke to and gotten acquainted with at the school besides my cousins. Well, how could she know that I knew what she was and had my guard somewhat up due to her overly friendly behavior?

Shrugging to myself, the only person at the table spoke up to the two of us, not even looking up from her notepad as she did so, "I'm not exactly super popular...and neither will you two be if you continue sitting with me."

"I've never been popular," Magne shook his head, getting across that he didn't care about that type of stuff.

Meanwhile I shrugged, "I've been popular before and it's not all it's made out to be. It's a whole lotta work for a whole lotta nothing that doesn't really matter," I explained before smiling wide, "I thought I'd try out being unpopular - you know, new school, new me and all that jazz," I jokingly said as I opened up my bag and took out a sandwich.

Taking a bite out of it, the girl, Isolde, looked up at the two of us and gave a smirk, "I must say, Mr. Redhead, you've surprised me. I thought you'd fit right in with them," she gestured with her head over to Saxa's table, "over there. Instead, you've came over and sat with little ol' me."

"What can I say?" I asked, looking over at the table in question, "You seem way more interesting than like 90% of that table anyway, so it's a fair trade-off," I turned back to her and smiled and she actually seemed to get a little flustered by the compliment. Though when Magne opened up his own bag to show a pile of sandwiches, a whole pack of biscuits and some juice, Isolde took the chance to change the subject as she motioned to Magne's choice of meal.

"You weren't popular...so that's why you're going for a swift suicide by fat and sugar?" she questioned with a sassy tone, trying to hide her flustered appearance, as she looked over Magne's meal.

"Actually," I smirked as I went to correct her, "Fat isn't that bad for you. Common myth. But sugar, on the other hand..." I looked to Magne and put a hand on his shoulder, "Maybe you shouldn't be eating an entire pack of chocolate coated biscuits for lunch? Just some cousin-ly advice, mate," I laughed, making sure he knew I was only having some light-hearted banter with him. He smiled in return.

Just as another voice spoke up.

"Are you recruiting new members for Greenpeace, or what?" came the cocky voice of some walking down the stairs. Isolde's face went blank before she frowned, her eyes looking more like storm clouds as she turned around to address the person speaking to her.

"Yeah, when there are people who dump plastic and heavy metals into nature, somebody's got to do something," she harshly said, her lack of respect for the guy obvious to all who heard.

My eyes looked up and over the balcony and at the guy himself. He was one of those 'pretty boy jock'-types that some girls go mad for, with his perfectly styled brown hair and the light brown eyes that seemed intent on looking down on just about anyone he was speaking to - there was a subtle arrogance to him that had long since went over the border of confidence and into idiotic self-assurance.

He wasn't as tall as Magne, so he was nowhere near my height, but that wasn't to say he was short. He was about 5'11" with a broad shoulders and a well-built body of lean muscle. Regardless of his body type, I knew he was strong just because I knew what he was: A Giant.

Oblivious to my thoughts, the guy gave a mocking half-smile as he looked down at Isolde, "Someone's actually got to create jobs and earn money, you know?"

"But to do that by destroying the environment?" I questioned, butting into the conversation between the two as I put my sandwich down. Shaking my head with a half-smile of my own, I continued, "Sounds like something a knock-off Bond villain would do, you know? Sustainability and ethics may not be as physical as money but they're just as important. We only have one planet...I thought the heir to Jutul Industries would know that already, though," I shrugged toward the end and saw Isolde's eyes light up with respect as she looked over at me.

She no doubt didn't expect a guy like me to care about the environment. But what can I say? Like I said, we only have one planet. Need to look after it before it's too late.

The guy's brown eyes narrowed and he looked me up and down before putting on a confused face, "Um, do I know you?" he laughed toward the end, intending on mocking me or something similar.

"No," I answered, shaking my head, "But your sister does. How about you trot over there like a good little boy and ask her about me? I'm trying to enjoy my lunch here and I don't remember calling you over for a conversation," I smirked, shaking my head again but with more mock exasperation in it this time.

Isolde smiled and let out a little laugh, while Magne looked somewhat worried that I'd been so straight up disrespectful to someone neither of us really knew. He was a nice guy like that, I guess.

Brown-haired pretty boy looked at me for a moment before scowling, shaking his head and then walking off to the table Saxa was at. As he walked, I could see him clenching and relaxing his fists - he wanted to fight me but thought I was a human who couldn't take his punches. Oh, oh, oh...I'll give you a chance to fight me one day, mate. Though you'll wish I hadn't.

Smiling to myself, I watched Isolde burst out laughing which earned her a few looks from around us but she didn't seem to care and just kept on laughing. She wiped a tear from her eyes and looked over at me, "That...that was brilliant. You have no idea how cathartic that was to just watch him silently leave," she said, chuckling again after she said it.

"He seemed like he deserved it. Especially after the rumors I've heard about Jutul Industries - the fact he tried to defend them...well, it speaks volumes about the silver spoon he has up his ass," I said before picking up my sandwich and taking a bite out of it.

Seeing Magne looking a little lost, Isolde decided to fill him in on who that guy was. Fjor Jutul, son to Vidar and Ran Jutul, brother to Saxa Jutul, heir to the Norway mega-business Jutul Industries.

While she went about explaining all of that - the entire Jutul family, from the sound of it - I went about eating my lunch. My appetite had exploded in size after becoming a God, so I needed to eat now so I could tide myself over till I got home.

. . .

POV Change - Saxa Jutul

Hilde kept droning on and on about all the little things humans care about, and I found a welcomed respite when Fjor came and sat down on the opposite end of the table to me.

I tried to greet him but he was in his own little world, a frown across his face - he looked monumentally pissed. What had set him off this time? I looked to Gry and saw that she hadn't said anything to him that could set him off. In fact, she tried to greet him herself but he ignored her and looked to the side.

Following his gaze, I saw where he was looking and felt my something in my stomach flutter.

Alexander Drakos...What was it about him that had effected me so? He seemed to have the complete opposite effect on Fjor, however, if Fjor's angry glares were anything to go off of.

Alex - as he'd so adamantly told me to call him - shuffled off his jacket and it was easy to see the well-built and well-crafted muscle underneath the white V-neck shirt but that wasn't enough to catch my eye. I'd seen plenty of tall, broad and muscular men in my time alive. But something about Alex was so...exotic.

I had no delusions that this was love - loving a Human? Yeah right - and the very thought nearly made me scoff. But, the fact remains, that I was very physically attracted to Alex. Something which had never really happened before.

Of course I had needs that I took care of but never once did I go out of my way to have sex with a Human. Why do that when my fingers could do the job? Lately, things such as vibrators do a much better job than any bumbling human could hope to do. Yet why is it that when I look at Alex, my body has such an intense reaction to him? Sitting next to him felt like sitting next to human-shaped aphrodisiac during lesson earlier.

I felt my cheeks heat up in embarrassment and I dropped my food to the table, my appetite disappearing as I felt that undeniable urge build up in me. It embarrassed me that I was feeling such a thing for a...for a Human, of all things! Shame seemed to flood through my veins yet the attraction for that man didn't end.

...From an objective point of view, he was a gorgeous man. A long straight nose, lips that were full but not overly so, high cheekbones and the best part--

Piercing green locked onto me and I quickly turned my head away, all too aware of how hard my heart was beating against my chest. His eyes had done that to me. Something as simple as his eyes.

What the hell was this? This...this animal-like attraction?

Standing up, I ignored the gazes of those around me and walked to the end of the table where Fjor was sitting and still seeming to sulk, "Get up and follow me, we need to talk," I said with an imperative tone, not leaving any room for denial. Hearing my tone, Fjor looked up at me with a glare but still stood and followed me out of the cafeteria. Once outside, I turned to him and set a serious gaze on him, "What happened between you and the new kid? You've been glaring at him since you sat down."

"What do you care?" he spat out, obviously annoyed, but sighed and seemed to compose himself some more as he explained, "He's got a mouth on him. An overly confident human. I was thinking of breaking a bone or two so he knows not to mess with his superiors," he cracked a sadistic grin and I frowned, pushing a hand into his shoulder with enough force to throw him back into the wall behind him.

"And what? Reveal your identity?" I mocked him, though I felt annoyed by the thought he'd been thinking of hurting Alex, "Leave him alone. I think I've found a new plaything."

That got Fjor's attention as his eyebrows raised over at me, "You and a human? Color me surprised, Saxa," he shuffled his shoulders, a crack ringing out as whatever damage my push had caused healed near instantly.

"Don't start," I growled, a frown forming across my face, "I don't mock you for your little romance with Gry, so stay out of it. In the same way Gry is off limits, so is Alex. Are we clear?" I asked, in a no-nonsense mood.

Fjor smirked, "So his name is Alex? Maybe I should go and apologize to him - maybe he'll be joining the family soon--" he tried to make a joke at my expense but I caught him by the throat and lifted him off the ground. I crushed his throat inward, knowing this much wasn't enough to kill one of our kind.

"Don't say such disgusting things," I said with faux disgust - it was only fake and forced because the thought didn't actually fill me with revulsion. My violent response to Fjor was merely me acting out in shame at my own body betraying me.

I let go of Fjor and he dropped to the floor, coughing as his throat healed, glaring up at me as he rubbed at where I'd held him.

He muttered out some sort of sarcastic apology but I ignored him and moved to re-enter the cafeteria. Only to be met with the last person I wanted to meet.

I wasn't the tallest person around, so looking up at someone wasn't a new occurrence to me - but I'd never felt so small before. Not like when I looked up at Alex. He was tall but far from the tallest person I'd met--so why did he feel so much taller than anyone I'd ever met?! And so...so broad. His chest stretched the material of his t-shirt and through the V-neck I could see the barest hint of perfectly sculpted pecs--

"I thought I saw you come out here, Saxa," his voice brought me back from my dazed mental undressing I'd been performing in my head and I looked back up at his eyes. Forest green with slight specks of gold that made a thin ring around his iris. It felt like I was drowning as I looked into them.

"A-And?" I answered, slightly stuttering and mentally kicking myself for stuttering when speaking to a Human - a Human, for Ymir's sake!

He seemed to find my stuttering endearing as he smiled a little further, much to my further shame and embarrassment, but he continued anyway, "I was wondering if you'd like to meet up sometime this week? For coffee, something to eat, maybe even a walk and talk afterwards. What do you think?"

This was my chance.

I composed myself and felt my calm return back to me as I confidently smiled up at Alex, "Sure. How about tomorrow?" I asked, fishing out my phone and holding it out to him, "Give me your phone number and we can decide on a time through text."

He willingly took it and entered in his details before handing it back to me, a smile spread across his face - a smile that threatened to take my breath and composure away again.

Yet I steeled myself and smiled back at him, "Then, I look forward to meeting you tomorrow, Alex," I said in a husky tone, hoping to instill in him the same type of attraction I felt for him - or at the very least to tease him some. It was like petty revenge for something he had no knowledge of but it made me feel better. For all of two seconds, anyway, because then Alex smiled fully and showed off his perfectly white and straight teeth - a smile that sent a bolt of what felt like electricity through my lower stomach, to the base of my spine and then up into my brain.

Quickly, I walked away with what little composure I still had left. Fjor had already slinked away, so I saw no reason to stay here.

I needed to get a hold over myself. I was actually far too much like an actual 18-year-old for my liking. It was embarrassing. Nonetheless, I had a chance to get over whatever this was when I met Alex tomorrow - I'd get rid of those urges and then move on. How could a Giant ever stay with a Human, after all?

...Yet even if I wouldn't consciously admit it, a flicker of excitement went through me when I thought about tomorrow.

. . .

POV Change - Alexander ''Alex'' Drakos

"Plaything, huh? We'll see who ends up as the plaything, Saxa..." I mumbled to myself, a smile on my face as I thought about tomorrow. I'd pull out all the stops. It didn't hurt that I was actually attracted to her either. Besides, I needed an in with her family if I was going to go through with my plan.

If the future is gonna change, why not change it how I want right now? Not like there's any need to stick to canon anymore.

Putting Saxa's phone number into my own - I'd looked up her phone number while I was putting my own into her phone - before sending her a message and locking my phone. Turning around, I walked back into the cafeteria and toward where I'd left Magne and Isolde. As I approached, I saw them speaking about hobbies and whatnot and sat down, joining in on the conversation.

As such, the rest of the school day went by pretty quickly - I was in most lessons with Isolde and Magne but Saxa and I would only ever see one another in History, it would seem. Not like it mattered much.

After school had finished and we were released from our classes, Magne and I walked toward the front gate of the school where I saw Isolde freaking out.

Ah, I nearly forgot about this.

Chuckling to myself, I rapt Magne on the shoulder and gestured over to Isolde. Magne instantly looked worried and the two of us went over to see what the problem was.

"A run in with the Jutuls, I'm assuming?" I spoke up as I walked over to the bike and squat next to it.

The wheel was completely bent out of shape - much more than I remember it being in the show. No doubt Fjor did this and it was worse because I annoyed him so much. From what I heard from his conversation with Saxa, I was off limits, so he took his anger out on a bike instead. What a man-child.

Isolde spun around and looked at me and Magne, scoffing, "It would seem so--God, what a stupidly petty thing to do! I bet it was Fjor and brainless cronies...when I get my hands on them--!" she started but I stopped her by beginning to straighten the wheel of her bike with my bare hands.

I was kind of stealing Magne's thunder (forgive the pun) but I'd rather sort this out quick. I have something to discuss with Magne on the way home, after all.

Straightening the metal out, I made sure the tire was put back in it's proper place and gave the wheel a spin - it worked well enough and it spun without catching on anything. Standing up, fixed bike in hand, I put it on the ground and put some pressure on it to see if the wheel could handle it after being so bent out of shape. It handled it surprisingly okay.

Still, I warned Isolde, "You might want to get a replacement wheel for your bike. That one will do for today but there's no saying when it's break after being so bent out of shape."

"How..." Isolde looked down at the wheel and then up at me, "I mean, how did you..."

"You serious?" I asked, an eyebrow raised before I comically flexed in front of her, arms raised up like a bodybuilder posing in a competition, "Can you not see the muscles in front of you? Look at the power of exercise!" I tried to lighten the mood and it worked, somewhat, as Isolde cracked a smile. Still she looked at me with a mild shock in her eyes, and Magne looked at me with an odd gaze - like he'd found something like himself. Which I suppose he had.

After waving off Isolde and beginning to walk home, I turned to Magne, "I think we need to talk, Magne."

"A-about what?" he got out, looking like a deer in the headlights of a car.

"About how we're the same. You met that old lady, right? She touched your head and then you felt different--stronger, better senses, filled with energy...I bet you don't even need to wear your glasses anymore, do you?" His eyes went even wider as I hit the nail right on the head but before he could freak out, I put a comforting hand on his shoulder, "Don't worry. There's nothing wrong with you, or with me. Go home, get something to eat and get ready. I'll come by and explain what I know to you. Okay?"

Magne nodded numbly, obviously still shocked about what I'd said, and I gave him a nod of my own before slapping his shoulder and making way for my own home. He needed some time to digest what I'd told him before I dropped the rest on him.

Picking up into a jog, I thought about how hectic life was gonna get now.

...Man, I really didn't ask for this but now that it's come to it, I'm not content with just letting shit happen. Magne needs training, and if other monsters are coming, I need allies. I sped up into a sprint, racing through the streets--because before all of that, I needed some food.