
An Old Foe.


(The present)

''It's crazy how you almost killed me twice." complained Conrad.

''I had my reasons.''

"I accept that.''

''Thank you... both of you... you guys have no idea how much you've saved me.''

''Okay enough with the sentimentality. We should enjoy that we are together right now.''

The three smile at one another. They continue to eat their food and chat about their experiences at school and lives. Even though Amari wasn't part of the two family, he felt that he was indirectly part of it, and he felt proud of that. 

Amari's smile suddenly turned into a frown. Something smelt off, and something didn't sound right around him. The other two notice that Amari's mood has changed.

''What's wrong?'' Apollo asks Amari.

''You guys should leave.''

Conrad and Apollo seem confused at Amari's sudden request. A knife is thrown towards Amari's head with the speed of a bullet. He quickly reacts by catching the knife. It was so close to his face that if Amari's reaction was a split second later it would've fully penetrated hi brain. Two men jump out the bushes from the other side of the river, and Amari recognizes them instantly. It was Zeak and Antony.

''Ha! we've finally caught you piece of shit!'' Zeak laughs.

Amari stands and is ready to fight.

''You guys should leave, run and don't look back.''

''What's going on here?'' Conrad asks.

Without any hesitation Apollo fully attacks the two men, Amari follows his lead. The other two react to their attack and do the same. All four of them clash in a pair in the middle of the river (Amari vs Antony and Zeak vs Apollo). Before dropping in the water, Zeak pulls out a knife from his side pocket and aims for Apollo's neck, but he was too slow, and Apollo jabs his vocal cord.

This catches Zeak by surprise and Apollo takes advantage of this and delivers numerous jabs to the vital muscles of the body. Zeak gets paralyzed because of these blows for only a second, and that was enough for Apollo to give him a final blow heavy strike and he flies out the river.

Antony and Amari on the other hand were going on a hand-to-hand combat, with Antony on the upper where he is landing more critical blows on Amari's biceps, neck, right and whole torso. Apollo rushes to his aid and lands a heavy blow on Antony cheek, giving Amari the opportunity to give him a combo of his own hitting nothing but his face.

Apollo and Amari where both landing critical blows on him with Apollo occupying the torso and rest of the body while Amari is handling his face. Antony is receiving blows from the left and right.

Zeak finally comes to Antony's rescue by summoning a flood of mud to wash Apollo away from him. Antony finally focused on Amari, but he had already lost his momentum and Amari finishes his punch combos with a drastic side kick to his stomach. Antony drops on his knees and Amari attempts to follow with a turning kick to his head but is interrupted by Zeak's punch to his face sending him flying out the river to the riverbank where Apollo and Conrad were.

Zeak attends to Antony's aid and checks if he's okay.

"I knew he wasn't normal, but this exceeds my expectations.'' Zeak claims.

''I don't care, I'll kill him regardless.'' 

''And who's that other kid?''

''Let's just kill everyone here.''

Conrad is frozen and can't register what is going on. He wants to run but can't bring himself to do so. 

''Conrad... If you don't to die run or fight. Just don't sit there and spectate.'' Apollo declares.

''I don't want to die... I don't want to die!... I DONT WANT TO DIE!!'' Conrad creams.

''Weak.'' Amari utters.

Zeak summons mud in prepare of battle and Antony goes through a weird transformation where he develops a body of a horse, he became a centaur. 

''I'll make sure to kill you kid.'' Antony claims.

Antony and Zeak rush towards the two boys at full speed. Conrad takes off in fear. Antony tries to step on Amari's small body with his front two legs, but Amari quickly dodges. 

Zeak manages to trap Apollo with his mud and delivers punches to his face. Without any eye contact Zeak throws a small cylinder object to Antony, he presses something that turns the object into a spear. 

Amari jumps trying to kick Antony in the face, but he blocks it by grabbing his leg. He swings him around while repeatedly hitting him on the ground. He finally throws him hard on the ground causing a big hole in the ground. He ends it by stabbing Amari's heart. 

''DIE BITCH, DIEEEE!!!'' Antony screams.

He pulls the spear out and stabs him again and again, he continues to stab the same area at the heart. Apollo tries to escape but Zeak stops him by flooding him under more mud.

Antony delivers the last blow, but Amari dodges it quickly. He rushes to attack Zeak and attempts to kick him, but he blocks the attempt by summoning mud as a shield. 

''You should be focusing on me!!'' Antony pulls him by the shirt and throws him in the air. As Amari drops from the Antony follows with stabbing him with the spear through his spine.

Blood splashes everywhere, blood is coming out of Amari's mouth. Antony finishes him off by throwing him on the ground again. Amari is filled with holes all over his torso and back and blood running off him. He slowly pulls the spear out thinking he finished him off. Zeak drowns Apollo in the mud.

''Fuckin' brats, our job here is done.''

Antony transforms back and they decide to leave Amari and Apollo lying there on the verge of their deaths.

Amari stands up and struggles to walk, but he still goes to free Apollo from the flood of mud. He finally frees him, and when freed, Apollo coughed out the mud he was drowning under.

''This kid... he really can't die?'' Zeak utters

''No one can't die!! I'll cut this fucker into pieces.''

Zeak hands Antony a knife and he charges towards the both of them, the boys are unable to react to the attack as their bodies are weak. 

''I wouldn't that if I were you.''

Antony stops on his tracks. Godfrey is standing in front the boys holding a crane. 

''Who are you?'' asks Antony.

''I'm here for your judgement.''

''Fuck you!!''

Lighting starts to appear around Godfrey, the lighting strikes and Godfrey disappears and then he reappears behind Antony. Antony's head suddenly falls off. Blood starts spatting. Zeak stands there horrified; his legs start shaking and he collapses on his bum.

''Wh- what's this?''

Godfrey starts slowly walking towards Zeak.

''Don't kill me, please.''

''I must decline your request... see, your judgement has already been decided. You are being charged with an act of terrorism, threatening the life of a royal results in death. ''


Godfrey cuts his head off. Amari and Apollo look at Godfrey surprised. Godfrey goes on to grab the two of them and leaves the area. 

"Thank you.'' Apollo states.

''Don't thank me, thank his royal highness.''

Godfrey finally arrives at the palace and hands the two boys to the nurses. Conrad is pacing up and down in front of the emergency room panicking. Godfrey stood beside him.

''Your Highness, may I recommend you calm down?''

''Godfrey, did you see the wounds on Amari?''

''He'll be okay, it didn't look bad.''

A nurse comes out indicating that he is finished with attending the two boys. Conrad rushes in to see if they are okay.

''They should be resting in a couple of minutes.'' the nurse states.

Conrad nods, the nurse exits the room while Godfrey enters the room. 

''Are you guys, okay?"

''I'm good.''

''Could've been better.''

Conrad wants to say something, but he seems to hesitate, but he decides to spit it out.

''Do you guys actually think... I'm weak?''

''... I do.''