

There was a pearly glow in the sky casting a golden hue across the sky. The horizon was trailed by the vast expanse of clouds. Unusual fishes were seen jumping out of the clouds leaving a trail of tiny water droplets incredulously.

An island could be seen with several huge chain-like structure latched onto the island. In the far corner of the island, a shabby looking shack is seen situated near a beach. Inside the shack, a young man around his late-teens is laying on a bed. The young man had azure hair that shined under the rays of the sunlight and an above-average looks that wouldn't charm every woman he meets. He's wearing a light toned shirt and dark-blue pants.

Under the sunlight, the young man's eyes were slowly fluttering before opening. His eyes were a dark blue shade in contrast to the sky. He stood up from the bed and looked confused as he thought to himself 'Where am I?!'. He walked out of the shack and looked at the clouds spanning across the horizon and was shocked looking at his surroundings.

'I think I'm in heaven. I mean, I did die.' Thought the young man as he walked along the beach. He was contemplating on where he was when he saw two females from afar collecting shells. He saw the females having two antennas on their head and small wings on their back. The young man had a feeling that he saw them before but couldn't exactly recall them. As he was walking towards them to enquire about the place, he saw a man wearing a light purple T-shirt, blue pants with clouds spotted on it and beret with the letters "WB" on them walking towards the two girls.

The young man stopped walking, his eyes started to widen before realizing that he has to run away from here and immediately started to dash back to the shack. He entered the shack and started panting heavily.

'I recognize them. That man is a White Beret and the two females are citizens of Skypiea and the shells they were holding must've been dials. That means I'm in Skypiea.' the young man pondered.

'W-Wait a minute, I crossed over to the One Piece Universe?!' The young man exclaimed loudly in his mind. This revelation worried him and he felt like his heart was coming out of his chest.

He was busy walking back and forth thinking of the implications and what would his arrival in One Piece would lead to. He was excited and anxious at the same time. Excited because he can meet his favourite characters and become strong like them; Anxious because there are a lot of strong enemies that can pummel him without the slightest effort right now.

After a while, he soon calmed down. He loved One Piece back in Earth and was always disheartened at the fate of some of the characters. He has to start planning now to get stronger and change their fates.

Surviving here alone will be miserable but at least he won't be persecuted. He'll have to find food and a suitable area to train his body. He looked to the other side of the beach and saw a dense forest. He could hear occasional roars sounding out from the depths of the forest. He'll have to tread carefully.

'I guess fruits and fishing would do for now. I'll have to get stronger before i enter the forest.'

He sat down on the bed and started contemplating on what power he should focus for now. There is no way to accurately guess the time before the Straw Hats arrive unless he approaches the people of Skypiea but he'd rather die than do that. Right now, he's weak and wouldn't do much againt the White Berets.

'I have to start training to get stronger. The Six Powers from the Marines would be a great increase in my strength but firstly I will have to increase my body strength before proceeding further.' the young man thought.

He went to a clear area between the shack and the forest and started to whatever he could do from doing workouts in his previous life. After about 2 hours, he was lying with his back on the ground covered in sweat and panting heavily. 'Damn it, I'll have to train even harder than this if i want to catch up to the strong enemies.'

He sat down, closed his eyes and tried to sense the auras of whatever was out there. After a while, His eyebrows furrowed deeply and without any progress, he opened his eyes and stopped trying to sense the auras for today.

'I'll have to make randomly moving stick hanging by a tree and focus on dodging them. This should help progress my Observation Haki. Guess this'll take time before it amounts to anything.'

After an excruciating session, he began to rest for a few moments before his stomach grumbled loudly. He saw few weird looking fruits hanging from a lone tree in the beach. He plucked it out and was pondering on whether he should eat it or not. The stomach was relentlessly grumbling and he decided to eat it. He took a bite and a sweet mellow flavor coated his tongue before swallowing.

"~Sigh~ At least it tastes good and doesn't look poisonous." said the young man.

He began to pick up a few of those fruits and carried it back to the shack. Laying down on the bed and looking at the fruit in his grasp, he thought.

'It would be nice to have a Devil Fruit in my arsenal. Hmmm, the only person in Skypiea with a powerful Devil Fruit is Enel. The Rumble-Rumble Fruit is very tempting. I could shoot lightning bolts, have quick speed, jump start my heart, melt metal and eventually, transform into a giant lightning form, but as I am right now, I can't take him on, that too alone. I guess I'll have to wait for the Straw Hats but until then, I'll have to work hard.'

He thought that it would be fun if he joined the Straw Hats and partake in their adventure causing and wreaking havoc. He tucked into his bed, ready to hit the bed. In the coming days, he'll have to focus on awakening Observation Haki as it will be a vital asset. He'll focus on Armament Haki when his physique and fighting spirit has reached a certain level. As for Conqueror's Haki, time will tell.