
Rachella Chapter 1

Rachel just woke up, when she remembered there was lessons today.

"What another horrible day of school, at least i get to see Inkabella today"she said in utterly frustration.

She turned to see it was almost 7:45am, she quickly sprang up from the bed and went to do her morning routine before the school bus arrives, she quickly munch on her cereal bowl, When she heard the horn of the school bus, she grab her school bag.

"Hazel the bus is her!!"she called her sister.

"I'm coming, and stop screaming I'm gonna have an earache" she said as she made her way downstairs.

"Fine" Rachel said rowing her eyes.

They were intrupted when they heard another honk from the school bus indicating that they were about leaving, Rachel dahed out and made her way to the bus when they finally arrived Hazel went to sit with her classmates in the back while Rachel went to sit down at the front waiting for Inkabella to come.

The bus stopped waiting for the other students to arrive.

Inkabella walked in the bus using her eyes to scan for Rachel

"There you are !!" Inkabella said when she saw Rachel.

"I kept a seat for you" Rachel said while removing her bag from the vacant seat.

"Thanks" said Inkabella.


In the school hallway,

The students on the bus went to their various hallways to get their books from the locker and head to their various classes.

"Bye, Alex"said Inkabella waving at her brother.

"He didn't even wave me back". She said in a low tone.

"At least he doesn't yell at you for no good reason" Rachel said trying to brighten the moment.

"He's been acting weird this couple of days ever since mom said he won't be given lunch money or any accomodation since he flaunted mom's order and went out with is friends for a boys night out"said Inkabella feeling down for him.

"Really, is that why he as been acting so cold?" Rachel asked.

"Guess so, he's been looking for a job lately." Inkabella.

"Let's get to class before the teacher arrives". Rachel said.


In the class,

"Have you guys heard there is a new student in our class and his name is 'Skyler' bye I've to go and ask if he's good in Mathematics". Said Eva the class gossip queen.

"Whatever I have better things to than talk about some random guy who just came"said Inkabella.

" Trust me his not gonna be any good news all the new student we have had are bad news I don't think this will any different" Inkabella added.

"I think you should turn around" said Rachel.

Skyler who had been behind her all this time just smirked and whispered in her ear.

"You're right I'll be your worst nightmare here at Relwill high" He said as he whispered in her ear.


Ros3_Amberscreators' thoughts