
Third Driver

If Martin didn't know Jack, he would have thought Lambert was nervous about the arrival of a new driver. Who knows, maybe he even feels threatened by him? Jack was no longer the youngest and the new young wolf in the stable, as in last season of Paxton, could threaten Lambert's position. But Martin knew that geniuses like Steve happen once in ten years and it took a really good class to stay in the lead like Jack for so many years. The new drivers flashed in for a season or two, but Jack was a respectable veteran and no one was going to get rid of him.

Steve, meanwhile, looked absolutely uninterested in the new driver. Entirely focused on his job, he drove at the exact pace Abe commanded him, even with the level of aggressiveness prescribed. Paxton was as obedient as rare, which interested the mechanics more than the third driver who was just talking to old Fergus.

"Well, well" Jack, who suddenly found himself behind Martin's back, expressed his surprise. "Has something unusual happened recently? Something between you two? "

"I don't know what you're talking about" Martin blushed to the tips of his ears.

"Really?" Jack was surprised. "So maybe Steve is showing off like that to the new driver?"

Martin flinched uneasily. He felt a tiny pang of jealousy.

"And why would he do that?" he muttered under his breath. "Paxton is an excellent driver who doesn't have to show off to anyone. Everyone knows his class. "

"Yet today he drives with the precision of a Swiss watch. If you say you have nothing to do with it ... But if you have nothing to do with it, why are you blushing so? " Jack smiled by default.

"Do not laugh at me. People are watching" Martin was irritated.

"Everyone knows me here! Who will be surprised that I am laughing at a young mechanic? "

"True too," admitted Martin. He felt a terrible urge to ask Jack about Steve and above all if Steve was dating guys other than Martin, but there really was no time or opportunity for that, as such a conversation should take place in a quiet, secluded place. not in a workshop full of voices and roars of engines.

Jack laughed even louder and prodded the mechanic on the shoulder, but it was actually not a good time to talk and they had to end their conversation.

Despite all the confusion, Martin hasn't given up on his plan to invite Steve for a beer, but so far no opportunity has arisen. In these circumstances, the whole day would pass and the opportunity would not come. And Martin was counting on this meeting so much!

There is no need to deceive himself, Paxton has not shown any movements so far to take the relationship between him and Martin somewhere else than before. Either he liked what was now, or, as Ami suggested, it is an equally new and strange situation for him, and he cannot find himself in it as much as Martin, or even more so. So if Martin waited for his first move, he could do it forever, and for the young mechanic, infinity was a bit too long. For his own good, he had to take the initiative.

So when Paxton finally pulled into the booth, Martin shifted restlessly from foot to foot, trying to find the tiniest moment to have a word with him.

The sweaty driver, however, did not pay much attention to him. Instead, he looked more tired than ever, as if controlled driving required more effort than driving by his instincts. As Paxton made his confident stride towards the locker room, Martin ran after him and called out:


The driver stopped and turned his head. His eyes were serious and sullen, which made Martin a little confused. The driver didn't speak, just looked at the young mechanic.

"I'd like to talk to you," said Martin. "It's nothing urgent, but ... Maybe you have time to go for a beer with me today ...? "

It wasn't until Martin had said the words aloud that he realized how embarrassing they were. Did he really invite the famous Steve Paxton for a beer? Wasn't that like proposing a date?

Martin's boldness terrified him himself. His heart was beating as fast as if it was racing on a track. Okay, he did it, he invited the great Steve Paxton, but now he had to wait for his reply. What if he refuses? Worse, what if he agrees? Suddenly the thought of the actual meeting and the thought about actual conversation became more terrifying than the thought of a failure.

"As soon as you finish work or do you prefer to meet up later?" Steve asked calmly.

"Right after work ... if you want ..." Did that mean Steve agreed?

"So I'll be waiting for you," Paxton promised, and started toward the locker room.

Martin felt as if he was shocked. Paxton really agreed?

"Steve! Wait a second!" someone called from the garage. This was Terry, one of the mechanics. "It's good that I caught you. The boss asks you to come back for a few minutes. He wants to officially introduce our new driver. "

Paxton looked unhappy. Martin has long noticed that Steve doesn't like being in a sweaty driver's suit for too long after training. He always took a shower right away and came back refreshed. But since the boss himself (and that was what old Fergus, the owner of the stables, was called) asked him to come back now, he couldn't be refused. Not because he was the boss, but because everyone respected the man who founded this stable and gave her as much money and love as he had.

Martin knew that even if no one called him himself, he should come back. In fact, he shouldn't have left the garage, but he could always excuse himself by the urgent need to use the toilet. So they both turned back.

Martin followed Steve a bit. The very masculine smell flowing from the driver, a mixture of gasoline and sweat, stimulated the mechanics. He sneaked a glance at his neck, wet with sweat. For a moment he was lost in the flood of memories of their intimate meeting, but he couldn't afford more. They were already among the other mechanics, neatly lined up so that everyone could see the new driver standing next to Fergus. But Martin was still too preoccupied with Paxton's proximity to have eyes for someone else.

"Are they all here?" he heard old Fergus's soft but excited voice. "Yes? That's good. As you know, we're about to start a new season. Usually the third driver gets hired much earlier, but this year we were unlucky with injuries. Fortunately, your director, Robert Walton, managed to bring a young, promising driver to our stable, who after gaining experience with us will surely be a new star on the professional GP2 track. "

Martin was surprised that it was not Karl, but his father who had brought a new driver to the stable. Robert Walton was not a racing lover, his son was an expert and passionate about this subject. However, it did not change the fact that Robert was responsible for the good condition of the entire stable, so it probably did not matter who brought the new driver, if they really needed him, and Robert could not act to the detriment of his interests, so the driver had to be fit for something.

"Our new driver also brought a new sponsor to our stable," Fergus continued. "I'm sure you all know this brand of beer. I present to you our new, talented and passionate driver, Don Alston! "

"Oh shit!" Marin groaned.

"What is it?" Steve asked. "You know him?"

"You could say. That asshole stole my girlfriend. "

Martin didn't see it, but Paxton searched the whole figure of the new driver, who smiled ingratiatingly at everyone. He, however, failed to fool Steve. Steve knew at first sight that he was dealing with an asshole. If this new one gets too crazy, Paxton will show him where he belongs. No, he would do it much earlier, so that the brat wouldn't even think that he could afford anything in this stable.

Martin sighed heavily and struggled to put on a polite smile. Martin knew his place and he felt good about it, but when he thought that no one else but Don Alston would be riding Steve Paxton's sides while he was about to leave the Fergus Stables, he felt his heart ache. Alston was a good driver, but Martin was a good mechanic. The former has just signed a contract that gives him a lifetime chance, and the latter will have to leave his dream place.

It's not that Martin was jealous or felt some kind of injustice. He was just sad that his wonderful adventure with these wonderful people came to an end when his rival's adventure was just beginning. If it had been any other driver Martin knew, it wouldn't have been a problem, but it was Don, his personal enemy, a man who always treated him with contempt and haughtiness, always magnifying his accomplishments whenever he won over him. Plus, this was the guy with whom Heather had cheated on him.

"Have you ever won with him on the track?" Martin suddenly heard a soft question from Paxton beside him.

"Many times," he announced in a confident voice.

"That's enough."

Martin blinked his eyes. Paxton's last words encouraged his heart and courage.

Yes, both were equal on the track. It was Martin's own decision to quit racing. He did not quit racing because he was worse, because he lost, he just found something for himself that gave him more satisfaction.