
Chapter 79: A perverted smile

Race to the


Chapter 79: A perverted smile

What can we expect from Hao Jiazhi in the mind game, will he Win or Lose?

Of course, it's a win

Cai Heng said agreed to follow Hao Jiazhi and for the first time ever, a female made or got a higher post in a military

Due to her position as the special unit working directly under the General, no one can command her except the general himself

This means that she has a position higher than a colonel and equal to Lieutenant General which is not a small thing if you see that the position is being taken by a girl

But the best part has yet to come,

After becoming an official soldier and also the head of her own squad 'Eyes of Eagle', Cai Heng not only became the female to have the highest position in the military but she also became the first-ever, the youngest person in the military to get that position

She literally wrote a history

When the word about Cai Heng spread around the province (zhenzou), all people became shocked