
Chapter 158: friendship

Race to the 


Chapter 158: friendship

Hearing the words of Hao Jiazhi, Jin Yuxin suddenly became angry

She stood up and walked towards the water, and while showing her back to Hao Jiazhi, she asked "Let my pain go away? Let my anger go away? And move on?

Do you want me to forget what happened to my land? To my soldiers? To my family? And also to myself?

Do you want me to forget all of this?"

Hao Jaizhi gave out a sigh and said "Did I say to forget these things? NO, I didn't…, what I am asking you to do is just let these things go and move on"

At this, Jin Yuxin turned around and glared at Hao Jiazhi, in a loud tone she said "IT MEANS THE SAME!!!"

Behind Hao Jiazh are royal soldiers/guards, seeing Jin Yuxin shout at their King, all of them grabbed their sword and took a step forward

This made Jin Yuxin scare a little, but Hao Jiazhi don want to scare her