
Chapter 14: Staying low

Race to the


Chapter 14: Staying low

One thing HaoJiazhi is really happy about this kingdom is that the economy is not that bad

Simple food and clothes can be bought with one month's salary, minimum of 100 ban liang

The basic necessity is really cheap but things that are not basic need is really high

And the average salary of people in the city area is around 200-300 only, not including merchant and government officers

Thus, Hao Jiazhi has made a plan to step up their yard and get inside another district, called Xingnyi

The current number of men they have right now is 50 and now they have all 5 shadows

(Their current monthly money usage is 14000, which is not good as it more than they earn)

When Xu Hai learned that Hao Jiazhi has his own little organization, she was shocked to hear it as the information she has gathered about Hao Jiazhi is that he is a plain fat ass kid who has no aim in his life

But after knowing that Hao Jiazhi rules Jinyi district and is now moving towards other districts, she was speechless

In her small meeting with Hao Jiazhi, in the capital city, she did realize that Hao Jiazhi is not a simple guy but she didn't know that he is a straight evil guy

She even asked him the reason for all this and the answer she got just blew her mind

He said "Because this is the only way that suits me"

It is clear that he is just pure evil

And now that Hao Jiazhi no longer has spies around him, he can move freely

Hao Jiazhi told his men's to collect as much as information possible in the next one week about District Xingnyi as they will soon begin the attack

They are not really gonna fight

And so begins the operation

District Xingnyi-

This district is not that big as Jinyi but still hold a population more than its size

There are more than 10,000 peoples living in this district

This district will have a money structure like this,

Simple job person will pay around 30 ban liang per month and for merchants,

They will pay 50- 1000 ban liang per week, as merchants earn quite a lot in the city

But this time, Han Jiazhi also asked his men to gather information about the local office and if possible try to bribe them with money as they will need their help in ruling the city

After all, people living here are educated ones and educated people are the one who creates trouble for bad people

Everyone nodded

And so begins stuff

A week later-

The city of Xingyi, is now showing low crime rates but it seems that there are people collecting money in the name of taxes

Several reports were made to local officers by people living in the city, but nothing happened

"They all are corrupt people" A man said as he gets out of the government office, where he went to complain against a new group of bandits/gangs

And in the next one whole month, the whole city is now under '5 shadows' command

"This is the report sent by Zheng Zen" Han Yachun said as she brought a scroll to HaoJiazhi

HaoJiazhi is doing his everyday study right now

He nodded and took the scroll, he read all the information provided in it

Zheng Zen clearly wrote, how much money used in bribery, how many paid the tax, how much many have been collected in coins and in objects, and also how many resources and money spent on other things

The size of command has increased as HaoJiazhi now rules 2 districts, so Zheng Zhen asked to allow him to recruit new people

HaoJiazhi said ok, but

But he also gave few more commands

In his letter to Zheng Zhen, he told him to lower the money he gives to the people working for him and does some other stuff

Time passed by 5 months-

Inside the room of HaoJiazhi's mansion/house-

"These are the papers of those taverns you purchased yesterday" Han Yachun said as she handed him few papers, property papers of taverns and other business properties

"Thank you" HaoJiazhi said with a smile and put the paper somewhere

Besides his study table is a big wooden box, last time she opened the box she saw a huge amount of money, around 500,000 ban liang, but now it is no longer full


Because Hao Jiazhi used all those money in buying tavern and supporting his little organization

Did it profit?


Current earning- 4,050,000 Ban Liang

In the city, merchants earn quite a lot and there were more than 1000 merchants who earned more than 10K ban liang per week

Thus he collected 1000 ban liang per week from each merchant (there are 4 weeks in a month), which is around 4,000,000 ban liang per month and the rest of the 50,000 ban liang is collected by simple job people in both districts

Also, right now there are 70 people working in "5 Shadows"

Each person working under them is being paid 100 ban liang for personal use as food and place to live is provided by the leaders, including equipment's also

Thus, there was no need to pay extra to these people

As for heads, they are paid 500 ban liang per month to each person

So the total amount of spending is around 10,000 ban liang per month

But Hao Jiazhi told Zheng Zhen to keep 50,000 ban liang among them (5 shadows) each month for the future development of the organization and for the worst-case scenario

(His 5 shadows are no longer the same as many people now have their own battle equipment and other stuff)

The rest goes to Hao Jiazhi's account

And so far, Hao Jiazhi has collected '20,000,000 Ban Liang' but it was all used just yesterday to buy 10 taverns (it was really expensive) and other business property like restaurants, bars, casino's and other things like clothes, fruits and etc shops

All money was used up in the blink

This may sound and look stupid as Hao Jiazhi must know the market first and then buy properties at the best price possible that could profit him

But you know him right?

It's not his first time doing business, he knows what he is doing and he knows what and when a property should be purchased

"Let's stay low for a while" HaoJiazhi said as he writes a letter to Zheng Zhen

. . .

To be continued-