
Chapter 2: Character Creation


Name: Liam Anderson Level: 1

Title: None HP: 100/100 (HEALTH)

Gender: Male MP: 50/50 (MANA)

Age: 19 EXP: 0/10

Race: Vampire (Primogenitor)


Active skills:

Blood Drain, Shape shift (bat), Blood manipulation, Blood hunt, Turn Vampire, Summon servant (any number), Vampire claws

Passive skills: Charm, Blood sensitivity, night vision, regeneration, revival.

Vampire claws: Turn the user nails longer, sharper, and tough as steel.

MP cost: 5

Blood drain: Bite any living being and extract their blood.

Effect: Stun (as long the fangs are still intact on the victim's flesh)

Shape shift (bat): Allows the user to turn in to a bat.

Duration: As long as the user want.

Blood manipulation: Freely manipulate user's own blood or the target's blood.

MP cast cost: 10

Blood hunt: Cast a special marking into the target's blood.

Effect: able to locate the marked target where ever it went.

Duration: infinite

MP cast cost: 5

Turn vampire: Turn every bitten living being into the user's vampire servant.

MP cost: 10

Summon servant: summon user's chosen servants anywhere and anytime.

MP cost: 20

Charm: Seduce opposite gender, and make them look favorably to the caster.

Blood sensitivity: Detect any being or place who have a blood with 200 meters from the user.

Night vision: Allows user to see in the dark as bright as daylight.

Regeneration: Regenerate all kind of wounds and restore missing limbs

Revival: will revive the dead user as long the heart or brain remains undamaged.

'OMG there are words in my brain. Yes it's from my brain, not those in light novel where you will see a screen popping out of nowhere. Well put that aside. Aren't my skills a little like a cheat? Well I am great full for this. With this I won't have to crawl from the very bottom, hehehe my otaku dream comes true! wuhahahahah

"What do you think? Pretty awesome right" ask god smugly.

"Yeah, it's not just amazing, marvelous, and excellent! You're the best, God!" I said honestly

"Aren't I, hahahahaha"

"Hmmp! Idiots" Goddess look at us with disdained.

"Then let's move on to the next step. Little Liam what power do you want. As long as it will not break the balance between mortal and gods anything will do." God asked

'What? I can even choose unique skill. Awesome! What a generous god, well since it's a once in a lifetime then I won't hold back.

"Then I want to instantly create everything I want unlimitedly without the ingredients or list of all things it need." I said shamelessly

"Not allowed! I said everything that won't break the balance between gods and mortals." God refused me immediately.

"Hmm… then every time I died I want to reborn again infinitely."

"Denied, my authority can't allow you to reincarnate several time."

"Then I want to copy all skill of the target I bitten."

"Hmm... I can't. You're only allowed to copy one skill for every prey.

" Tchh! Cheapskate, well lets go by that."

Then I suddenly heard a sound

Ding! Congratulation you acquired a unique skill "Skill Copycat"

Skill Copycat: allow user to copy a chosen skill of the bitten target.

MP cost: 15

Suddenly I felt someone grab my clothes (even though I'm dead). It was the goddess.

"As an apology a will also grant you a unique skill with the same rule." She look at me with blinking eyes.

"Goddess, did I ever told you that you are extremely beautiful!" i grab goddess hand and shamelessly said while looking at her.

Then the goddess face turns red while God's face turns ugly and said.

"Bastard! Let go of her hand and select your skill then get lost already!" God shouted angrily

" Tchh!, so even gods get jealous" I said with a low voice

"Who's jealous of you, hurry up and select already!"

"Okay, okay wait a moment and let me think."

What should I choose, x10 exp gain? Nah it won't be fun anymore if I did that, invisibility? I think I can get that later so denied, hmm.. Since I'm a vampire I am weak in fire and holy magic so immunity for them I guess? But I can only pick one. Ahhh! There is that one!

"I have decided! I want immunity to all those who have a negative effect on me, like poison, confusion, charm, and if possible I want spell immunity."

Goddess looks at me and suddenly put her hand on her chin as though she was thinking.

"Alright, except for spell immunity i will grant you immunity to negative effects."

I suddenly hard a familiar sound that I just heard a few minutes ago.

Ding! Congratulations you acquired a unique skill "Nullification barrier"

Nullification barrier: Negate all negative energy that might harm the user. ( not included physical damage and elemental damage.)(Include poison resistance, charm resistance, mental attack resistance, spirit attack resistance.)

"Well although I can't grant you elemental resistance, since you are bless by us gods; you don't have to worry about holy water or any holly related magic. Instead you should rejoice because you won't only don't have to avoid holy magic instead you would benefit with it like the others would. So your only problem is elemental magic and physical attacks." – Goddess comforted me

"Before I send you out, you should first adjust your normal appearance and your vampire appearance." – God said and show me a game like window and a character creation window.

I look at the window and adjust my normal appearance.

19 years looking guy, Black hair, black eyes, short hair, 6.1 feet tall, white skin, sharp nose and with a prince like clothes. Human look alike

And for the vampire appearance:

19 years old mature looking guy, white hair, red eyes, and short hair.

"Since you're done, get going already. Ohh I forgot here a language pack and this world known history. Where do you want to go?" God said

"Then I want to go to a human village that is near to a forest full of monster and a nearby human kingdom."

"Goodbye" said god and goddess at the same time.