

In a world of trackless jungles, colossal beasts, and cruel pre-human civilizations, you must survive the past if you want to save the future! You were only meant to guard the laboratory, but when a treacherous power cripples Doctor Sabbatine's time machine, you're left stranded! Face the savage inhabitants of Silverworld and build your own civilization—or plunder the past and return home unimaginably rich!

HUGUEL_0568 · Urbain
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275 Chs


"We won't have a 'valuable ally' if these bees turn her into jelly," Control says.

"Maybe we should ask more questions—" Therko starts to say. Then he realizes that Vecla has already hopped onto the shoulder of a worker. The herbalist waves back at you, smiling enormously, as she's carried out of the throne room.

"She will never share our thoughts," Queen Acma says sadly, "but she will be whole. Now, you wish to discuss crystals."

You get the distinct impression that she knows you are now at her mercy.

Bees flutter down from the upper layers of the hive, bearing with them crystals of different sizes, transparencies, and internal structures. Alexius's green eyes light up, but Control seems unimpressed. She's right. None of these will serve as the Specular's replacement prism.

Sensing your dissatisfaction, Queen Acma reaches back and shifts the folds of her papery throne, and there, shining in the golden light of the hive, is a fist-sized stone so clear it looks like a disturbance in the air.

"Ah," Control says, all eyes on the prism.

"Ah," Queen Acma says, recognizing your party's interest. "But what can you offer me?"