

In a world of trackless jungles, colossal beasts, and cruel pre-human civilizations, you must survive the past if you want to save the future! You were only meant to guard the laboratory, but when a treacherous power cripples Doctor Sabbatine's time machine, you're left stranded! Face the savage inhabitants of Silverworld and build your own civilization—or plunder the past and return home unimaginably rich!

HUGUEL_0568 · Urbain
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275 Chs


After a day of trackless expanse, the jungle starts to seem partially "tamed," full of game trails and with evidence of regular burning. Its elusive inhabitants avoid you, but Therko manages to question one huntress, who describes a nearby tribe—formerly savage headhunters—who worship a new idol with a third eye "like the sun."

"That's our cog," Alexius says. But it takes your group several more days to find these people, as you pass through the well-maintained forest paths and into verdant and unpeopled jungle spotted here and there by stone statues nearly swallowed by vines.

Many are worn down to mere lumps of stone, but one, still partially intact, catches your eye. The style reminds you of Minoan goddess figures, with the large eyes and the woman's raised arms, but despite the abstraction, you think you recognize the face.

Alexius, beside you, says, "Isn't that Dr. Sabbatine?"
