


  Su Yun made up his mind to pick up this good habit, and then bowed to Fa Ma.

  "I have met President Fa Ma."

  The changes in the system's face can only be explored after returning.

  Fa Ma touched his beard, smiled and nodded, looking at Su Yun with surprise in his eyes.

  "Little guy, are you going to take the fifth-grade alchemist assessment?"

  Su Yun nodded.

  Hearing this, Fa Ma's surprise deepened.

  Looking at the specially made fourth-grade alchemist robe on Su Yun, he believed it a little.

  Very young, a monster from nowhere.

  Su Yun is now wearing Zhang Xiaofan's vest. This vest is not as young as his real identity, but it looks like he is only sixteen or seventeen years old.

  Fa Ma couldn't help but use his soul power to probe Su Yun's too young face.

  Just when the soul power was about to touch Su Yun, a strong soul power collided with his own soul power and bounced his soul power away.

  Su Yun looked at Fa Ma without any expression on his face.

  "Haha, don't be angry, little guy. I'm just a little curious, no ill intentions."

  Fa Ma had a hint of embarrassment on his face, knowing that he had crossed the line.

  This behavior of directly using soul power to probe other people's bodies is quite rude. If it were someone with a bad temper, he might have just taken action.

  Fa Ma felt the soul power just now and was a little shocked.

  Based on this soul power, he didn't know what his real age was, but he was definitely a fifth-grade pharmacist.

  Su Yun had a smile on his face.

  "It's okay."

  He had been prepared for this matter.

  After all, when Xiao Yan appeared in front of Fa Ma as a rock owl, he was immediately seen to be wearing a mask.

  Xiao Yan could not block Fa Ma's soul detection, but he was different.

  "I'm sorry to trouble President Fa Ma with this assessment of the alchemists."

  Su Yun said politely.

  Fa Ma breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that Su Yun had no plans. Although he didn't know how good his cultivation was, if he was really a fifth-grade alchemist, it would be better not to make enemies.

  The two came to a pharmacy. After they entered the room, Fa Ma waved his arm, a wave of fighting spirit flashed in the air, and the door was closed.

  Fa Ma took out three volumes of pill recipes from the ring.

  "Pick one."

  Fa Ma said.

  Su Yun stepped forward and picked one at random.

  With his current level of cultivation, refining a fifth-grade elixir is very simple and does not require too much entanglement.

  Su Yun took the elixir recipe in his hand and immersed his soul power in it.

  This kind of fifth-grade elixir is common and not rare.

  Unlike those unpopular elixir recipes, few people know about it.

  The medicine can always be refined.

  After a half-response, Su Yun withdrew his soul power and took out the medicine cauldron.

  Fa Ma was a little surprised when he saw this.

  The young man was a little too fast, not even a minute.

  "President Fa Ma, please give me the herbs."

  Su Yun said to Fa Ma.

  Hearing this, Fa Ma suppressed his surprise, took out three herbs from the ring and put them on the table.

  "You have three chances. As long as you succeed in refining once, you will pass the test."

  Fa Ma said.

  Su Yun nodded to show that he understood.

  Then, a green flame emerged from his hand and hit the medicine cauldron.

  Fa Ma felt the terrifying temperature of the green flame and narrowed his eyes.

  Such a terrifying temperature and breath could not be beast fire, could it be...   

  Strange fire!

  There was a flash of shock in Fa Ma's eyes. Although with his eyesight and knowledge, he couldn't tell which kind of strange fire on the strange fire list this green flame was.

  But he could be sure that it was definitely a strange fire!

  The terrible young man, Fa Ma was a little shocked.

  As Su Yun activated the Green Lotus Earth Heart Fire, his fighting spirit fluctuations also emerged.

  This fighting spirit fluctuation... is a five-star fighting spirit!

  Fa Ma was numb for a while. Compared with the first two things, the strength of the five-star fighting spirit seemed to be just like that?

  A fifth-grade pharmacist, strange fire, and the strength of a five-star fighting spirit.

  Any one of them in the hands of a young man can be called so terrifying.

  And these three things are all gathered in one person. Fa Ma racked his brains and didn't know how to describe it.

  Fa Ma had a bitter smile on his face, and a trace of relief flashed through his heart.

  Fortunately, the young man just ignored his mistake, otherwise after a few years, when he fully grew up, his old bones would not be able to bear the terrible revenge.

  The refining of the fifth-grade elixir is complicated.

  The purification of medicinal materials is very laborious. Of course, with the Qinglian Earth Heart Fire in hand, it is not a problem at all.

  But even so, Su Yun spent a full four hours to refine this elixir.

  The strange phenomenon appeared in the sky, causing a lot of restlessness.

  "This is... the phenomenon of the formation of a fifth-grade elixir!"

  "It seems that President Fa Ma is refining a fifth-grade elixir in the Alchemist Guild."

  Not only the outsiders, but also the alchemists in the Alchemist Guild whispered to each other.

  Only the staff member who received Su Yun before knew that this was probably the person who took the fifth-grade alchemist assessment and succeeded!

  In the Imperial City, Jia Xingtian put his hands behind his back and looked at the phenomenon in the Alchemist Guild.

  Speaking of alchemists, there was news from Black Rock City that there seemed to be an elixir phenomenon there.

  There are alchemists above the fifth grade refining medicine there.

  The Monster Mountain Range has suddenly changed, Queen Medusa has appeared at the border, a fifth-grade alchemist has appeared, and the Ice Emperor Haibo has returned to the east. It is a troubled time.

  Jia Xingtian sighed in his heart, and a trace of loneliness flashed in his eyes.

  Yunshan, the old leader of the Yunlan Sect, a strong man of the same era as him, has already passed the death pass and made a breakthrough to the realm of Dou Zong.

  And what about him, haha.

  The Yunlan Sect has a successor, the girl Yun Yun, who is extremely talented and broke through to the Dou Emperor a few years ago.

  Yunshan can naturally rest assured to hand over the Yunlan Sect to her and make a breakthrough to a higher realm.

  And what about himself.

  The royal family's direct bloodline, let alone the Dou Emperor, does not even have a person who has reached the Dou King realm.

  After his death, what will happen to the royal family?

  In the Alchemist Guild, Su Yun handed the still warm pill in his hand to Fa Ma.

  Fa Ma took it, looked at it briefly, and put it away.

  With his vision, he could naturally see that the quality of this fifth-grade pill was perfect, three times better than his own.

  Moreover, the strange phenomenon and the outrageously skilled alchemy skills could not be fake.

  With a smile on his face, Fa Ma's tone was calm.

  "I'm afraid you have already stepped half a foot into the sixth grade. This assessment is not difficult for you at all."

  Su Yun smiled slightly, his voice was flat, but what he said scared Fa Ma.

  "If President Fa Ma has time, wait for me to recover a little bit of fighting spirit, and then test me as a sixth-grade alchemist, how about it?"

  Even though Su Yun was defined as a monster before, Fa Ma still couldn't believe it.

  "You are actually a sixth-grade alchemist?!"

  Fa Ma at this moment is very similar to Luo Qianchen at the beginning. Seeing that the realm he had always dreamed of was achieved by a young man, and thinking about his own situation, he felt

  a huge gap in his heart.