
quite the sentimental fool

For life to be precious death has to be prominent and only when things end can there be a new beginning. "Evil? there's no such! only when you understand that will you truly grow." Ian cage sails life as the scum of society because of his 0 talent for cultivation. "What do you do when there's no path infront of you? you create your own!"

easygoing1 · Fantaisie
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1 Chs

The end

Ian Cage was born in the Vermillion sect and his father William Cage is the sect master. Ian was a miracle child who displayed incredible intelligence from a young age. He wrote his first poem at the age of 4 although that might not seem that outstanding from the outside but all scholars and cultivation experts around the country were flabbergasted by the contents inside. A normal person wouldn't even be able to comprehend it as it was too profound. Only people who had touched the Dao would be able to decipher it. Even some Dao experts would have to take time to truly comprehend the essence within.

To touch the Dao is to sense the spiritual energy which is the building block of life. Beginners would be called bronze core formation experts, touching the Dao would advance their bodies condition causing them to be a lot stronger than any ordinary human.This stage is followed by silver core stage, experts who have reached this stage could absorb spiritual energy which causes their body to be more agile than a cat and strong as steel. The stage after that is called golden core and experts who have reached this stage can control spiritual powers outside their bodies and infuse them with a weapon making it even more deadly. Sect leader William is said to have reached a stage beyond the golden core stage which is the earth realm, experts of such calibre are said to be able to control elements such as wind, fire etc...

At the age of 6, Ian could fight on equal grounds with experts of the silver core stage that's if it was a sword duel. Ians mother was a concubine of sect leader William but she passed away when he was born.

in the chaotic year 2889

Ian officially turned 8

The evaluation mirror is said to be forged by an expert beyond the the earth realm. It could measure someones potential however that said someone had to be 8 years older. Humans can only sense spiritual energy at the age of 12 and then they'd truly be bronze core formation experts. The persons affinity with spiritual energy could only be sensed when they're 10 years old but the mirror could be used to sense it when they're only 8 years old. Affinity with spiritual energy is basically someones talent .

"Son are you ready?" William stared down at his child with pride. the Vermillion sect was one of the top big 4 sects in the country and above them was the royal family Clive , King Clive was an expert whom was above the earth realm. However despite that, his sons achievement has even surpassed someone as talented as the king when he was about his age.

"Yes father" Ian nodded with a wide smile. William was the sect master and also he's father he has plenty of concubines who bore children for him like he's mother did but none of them had birthed a genius of his calibre not even Williams wife. Theo was his half brother, he was birthed by Williams wife and his talent was only second to his.

Even without the evaluation mirror everyone knew the results beforehand.

The other 3 sect leaders went to attend the evaluation process, even the mighty king was there to check the so called geniuses performance in the evaluation test.

As the sect leader William had to welcome the other sect leaders and king personally. the grand elder took over and announced the 8 year old candidates including Ian and Theo.

The mirror would measure someones potential by colour. If someones potential was only limited at the bronze core formation the Mirror would glow orange

silver core would glow silver

gold core would glow gold

and earth core would glow brown.

There were numerous candidates whom had silver core potential and only 3 gold cores emerged.

"Next up is Emily Cage" Emily Cage is the daughter of the sect leaders brother, supreme elder Lint. Lint was supposed to be the sect leader but his little brother Williams claimed the seat when he surpassed him and reached the earth realm while he was stuck at the peak of golden core stage. After he found out that was the end of his journey he took a miracle pill which allowed him to reach false earth realm but even that wasn't enough to take back the seat. So he gave his children the task of persuing the seat.

Emily stood in front of the mirror and a clear gold light assaulted her eyes

"4 golden core potentials"

"congratulations supreme elder"

some people congratulated Lint and spouted a lot of crap to flatter him.

"Next is Jake Cage"

"The supreme elders son"

Boom! the ground quaked and the stage lit up

"I can't believe it"

"Earth realm potential"

The supreme elder had a maniacal smile on his face

'Only that brat would pose a threat now but even he would be removed sooner or later ' his gaze drifted off to Ian

"Congratulations brother" William congratulated him

"It's not that big of a deal " lint smiled warmly but his eyes had a tinge of coldness.

"Next up is Theo Cage"

"Theo has average talent and Ian is a once in a million prodigy, Ian will probably leave the sect as it would only limit his potential. and when that happens Jake and supreme elder will take over."

"Hey shutup or you'll die a gruesome death if they hear you."

"It's the truth, why would they even do that though?"

"What do you think genius? you'll be charged for trying to sow discord between the sect leader and supreme elder"

"I had too much alcohol"

"Yeah right like anyone is gonna believe you"

Theo looked at his half brother Ian , it was supposed to be him. He was the one who was supposed to be the genius but that bastard had everything he had ever wanted despite being a dastard child. he even had father's approval

Theo stood infront of the mirror his nails were dug deeply into his palms .

boom!! the ground shook again but this time it was even more fierce the mirror mirror lit up the entire area like a phenomenon, the colour was blue.

Everyones jaws dropped, even William himself did not expect the turn of events

His useless son had potential of being a sky realm expert.

green veins bulged out of the supreme elders forehead ' what freaks have you given birth to William.'

He smiled and said "congratulations brother."

"congratulations sect leader."

The king was also stunned, 'that kid has the potential of reaching my heights'.

The other sect leaders expressions turned ashen.

but they hid it in a matter of seconds , not even flies noticed. Theo was shocked but he was still unhappy, that freak had yet to go up, it's no time to celebrate.

After a few minutes everyones shock had subsided

"next up is Ian cage"

suddenly the area became tense

"the real deal is here" someone whispered .

Ian stood infront of the mirror

1,2,3… seconds passed but nothing happened

"is his potential so high that even the mirror has trouble calculating?" one person asked

"seems like it " another answered.

"Bullsh*t he doesn't have affinity with spiritual energy!"

"Stop spouting crap unless you want to be beheaded."

"I'm definitely drunk"

Williams eyes were wide open.

The grand elder looked at him in pity and so did the rest of the sect leaders but they were mostly thrilled. "what a pity" the king sighed.

"Candidate Ian has no affinity with spiritual energy" the grand elder announced after a long moment of silence

"Pang" Ian fainted on the spot

after all he was only an 8 year old child, the news were too much to bear.