
Quinn of Life

Genesis Quinn all wanted is to have a powerful offensive Soul Talent to protect her family, but the fate seems to be playing with her as she got the opposite of her dream talent. It was not the weakest talent, it is even one of the most mysterious and rarest Soul Talent to exist. But it could not kill. "I cannot bring death, because I am life." - Genesis Quinn •|| BOOK 1 of TITLED CLAN TRILOGY ||• |ENGLISH LANGUAGE| |HERMOSA_FRANCE| |CREDITS TO THE OWNER OF THE BOOK COVER|

HermosaFrance · Fantaisie
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5 Chs

Soul Talent

Chapter 2: Soul Talent

Stormie stood silently when she saw Genesis from the corner of her eyes, then she waved excitedly to catch her attention. Her short purple hair bounced with her movement.

Compared to Genesis who looks like a gentle and elegant young miss, Stormie looks like the boss lady and a big sister type, the one where a person immediately knew that she isn't someone to be messed with.

She's that domineering, coupled with her superb fighting skills.

Genesis and Stormie are alike on this thing, they have the talent to learn combat skills.

Even when they are young, they already wanted to be a Soul Warrior that fights monsters and enters dimensions. Stormie fights fiercely and aggressively while Genesis is more focused on tactical moves with her agile and dexterous body.

Stormie saw Genesis wearing a skirt and laughed immediately, "I can't believe you wore a skirt. The last time you wore a skirt was years ago."

Stormie knew Genesis as a fighter but also have a girly heart. She likes pink, dresses, skirts, and furry things but when her family met a tragedy, she slowly changed.

Genesis doesn't like those girly stuff anymore. She doesn't have time for those stuffs and it is better to focus on honing her abilities.

She viewed her wants and simple desires as hindrances that even her favorite color and dresses became something she avoids.

She didn't know how this mindset came about, she looks like she is punishing herself for being weak.

Genesis changed, she uses all her time to learn and study. She wanted to be strong for her family. So much that she disregarded whatever her heart desires.

Now, she always wears slacks, pants, and shorts. Her hair doesn't have any accessories either but a ponytail or simple braid, most of the time she just let it free.

She dislikes anything that hinders her progress. Even a simple clothing that may hinder her movement when training.

Genesis changed from a gentle and delicate princess to an elegant and strong-willed woman.

'It was a good thing though', Stormie thought.

Stormie likes protecting Genesis when they are young but now she also likes it when they do things together like good friends would do.

They became partners in crime.

"Well, you are also wearing a skirt so don't laugh," Genesis rolled her eyes with a smile as she hooked her hands on Stormie's arm.

Stormie's style doesn't include skirts, that simple.

'Well, she always does this girly gesture. She's still that Genesis deep down.' Stormie thought as they walk towards the gate.

Many students are also entering with their families, only a few like she and Stormie told their families to pick them up after the ceremony. The Awakening Ceremony may last long and waiting is just a waste of time.

The classmate lookout walked beside them with other classmates and said, "Hey, after the awakening everyone will celebrate in my family's restaurant. How about that?"

Stormie nodded, "Sure, just tell us the details. Anyway, it's free right?"

The classmate lookout, Duren, laughed smugly and said, "Of course! This is to celebrate a new start for everyone so it would not be sloppy at all."

Stormie laughed as she gestured to smack the guy's head who playfully dodged but her other hand quickly made contact with his backhead.

Duren laughed loudly as he caressed his head, "I'll go to other classmates, someone just came."

Genesis and Stormie nodded at him, then he left and welcomed another classmate. They knew that aside from celebrating, Duren also took this opportunity to network because soul awakening is uncertain. Who knows if he will not awaken, then his classmates will become a good connection if ever.

The guy is smart and cunning, in a good way since he doesn't have bad intentions.

Genesis and Stormie are classmates so they didn't separate as they made their way into the room. The two ladies are top achievers and widely known in the high school of GreenLands City.

The classroom is full of top students and no one is average. The competition is fierce but she and Stormie firmly grasped the top spot and only treated each other as competitors.

Today, the room is full of people as they waited for the teacher to come and lead them to the Soul Awakening Chamber where the ceremony will be held. Duren walked in with a group of classmates, not late at all.

Teacher Vani didn't let them wait long as she walked into the classroom while looking at a screen projected of her quantum.

She swept her gaze into the room and nodded, pleased because the class is in full attendance.

"Very good, you are all here. Today is the most important turning point of your life, where the Awakening Ceremony will decide your future path."

She paused as she looked at every student's face, remembering this elite batch that she handled. "I wish you all good luck."

After that, she turned to look at her watch, "At exactly 9:00 AM, you will enter the Awakening Chamber. I will escort you to the place at 8:30 AM. Prepare yourself at this time."

Everyone stayed silent in their seats as they waited for the clock to strike the appointed time.

They didn't wait long when a man wearing a Labyrian Military uniform knocked on the classroom's door. The man exudes the aura of discipline and strength, and a little murderous aura leaks out.

He should be a Soul Warrior from the military. The kind who experience real life and death battle.

They all know that the Awakening Ceremony is an important event and a powerful guard is expected. They just didn't expect that only one man will escort the top class though, but that means one thing.

The man is powerful enough compared to a whole team of Soul Warriors.

They stood up and lined up properly.

There is no mishap as they walk toward the Awakening Chamber. The chamber was inside a one-floor silver-white building that looks intimidating from the outside. No one was allowed to enter and it is only opened on the day of awakening.

The Awakening Chamber was said to be built by powerful Rune Array Professors and the amount of resources to build it is enormous so it was tightly protected. It was also because they don't want any person to sabotage the students while awakening.

That happened once in another country and a full batch of students was crippled. It was a nightmare that frightened countless people. That made the government tighten security by multiple times.

Now, the chamber was full of military and teachers, they also built separate rooms for students that have protective measures to not let the students be disturbed in the middle of awakening. Even if the front doors were breached or explosions happened, they will not be affected.

The former awakening ceremony is in an arena-like setting where every student sat apart from each other. There is almost no privacy or added safety precaution.

Every City only has one Awakening Chamber built. The high school students that don't study in a City High School such as the ones from towns and villages will come to the Cities every year on this day.

The huge door was pushed by two soldiers after checking their identities each and they entered. It was very strict but this didn't make them annoyed but relieved.

It made one feel secure. No one should have the guts to make trouble in this setting, right?

There are hundreds of rooms and they took a number from a box to determine which room they will enter. Another protective measure so that students will not be targeted, is the rooms are randomly given.

Stormie and Genesis hugged and wished each other good luck before separating.

"Well surely get the most powerful soul talent we want. See you later, Gene." Stormie kissed her cheeks before leaving.

Genesis stopped in front of the room that has the number she got.


She took a deep breath before pushing the door and entering.

The room has nothing but some archaic runes on the walls and on the ground. She knew what to do as she sat in the middle.

She just sat there and waited. That was what they were told to do. Wait 'til the ceremony started and then the following is simple. They didn't say what happens next.

Genesis also didn't bother to question because she won't get an answer anyway.

Time passed and Genesis didn't realize what happened as she suddenly saw herself in another place, she was sure that this is not in the room anymore.

In a place that is nothing but white, Genesis appeared.

She called out but her voice seems to disappear too. She's quite scared but also excited.

Is this it?

The ceremony began?

She decided to not stay in one place but walked forward. Curious if there is anything in this place besides her.

She walked and she didn't know how long because time didn't seem to exist in this place. Genesis just felt it.

After walking something appeared on her vision.

It was a person.

Genesis is curious how could there be another person in this place?

Then the person turned to face her and she saw it.

It was her.

The other HER seems to be made of countless lights that are neither white, black, or other color. It seems to be all colors but not. Genesis can't describe what she is seeing but all she knew that it was magnificent.

Genesis stood there, waiting.

She seems to know what to do deep down and it was to wait.

The other HER levitated towards her and slowly fused on her body. She didn't resist but cooperated intuitively.

Then, a piece of information seems to appear in her mind and she knew what her soul talent is.


[NAME]: (Right) Life Affinity

[CLASS]: Healing-Auxiliary Class



[STAR RANK POTENTIAL]: Unknown Star Rank

Genesis felt her world shattered as she found out about her Soul Talent.


I personally like skirts and dresses.

Now, do you guys have any idea of our protagonist's Soul Salent? Share your thoughts!

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

HermosaFrancecreators' thoughts