
Quick transmigration: Journey to the darkness

A story about a girl 'Ciana' who's fighting with her Fate !! Why ....why god is so unfair with her!! Every life she remembers....her reincarnations...she remembers yet she can't help herself neither she could ask others!!!why her life is so hellish everytime she is born , she lives every life with horrible & frightening nightmares ....who's killing her !!!! But she won't give up ; why because she finally came across so called system ...who can help her if she completed those so called task; yet there's something more to it ....!! ___________________________ System: Host that guy is weird! System: Host that villain is Scary!! System: Host let's Run!! that Boss villain going to kill you !!! Ciana: WTF! what am I supposed to do here!! ----------------------------------- #System #QuickTransmigration #Romance #Possessive #Obsessive #Mystery

Black_Shado · Fantaisie
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4 Chs

Current life....

" Don't....stop...let go...itt..it....hurts...Stop!!"....in the darkness ...no light can come ...you can see a person lying on bed, crying while begging someone to stop....& to let her go... "Let let...me ...why are you trying to kill me, stop..... stop I said Stop!! but unfortunately that other person or something didn't let her go .....

suddenly that girl was shocked, on her small face there was warm, sticky substance was dropping ...' drip ...drip..drip...' she tried to touch her face but all of sudden that someone whispers to her.

" sor...sorry....." while that person strangle her she felt sinking deep in darkness ...she wanted to protest ....but slowly she let her will go....while listening to his soft whispers .....she accepted it.

"Ina...Ina..wake up ...." a teen yelled at someone while shaking that person "not again Fu##" "For god's sake wake up damn it ....Ciana wake up ...you are dreaming it's not real wake up!!!!!" as she yelled her opposite lying a teen in her early 20s. She sits up while wiping her face & looking at her palm ...with groggy voice " Liz..... what happened!?" her friend Liz , looked at her friend Ciana with confused & angry eyes ....but Liz didn't say anything seeing her friend Ina still looking at her palm ....with hesitation she asked her friend Ciana " what are you still looking at your hand for so long huh! Do you know how hard it was to wake you up ...my whole night gone ruined sigh~but are you ok?" she asked Ciana worriedly.

Ciana looked at her best friend Liz ....she knows that Liz is worried & how troublesome it was to wake her up from those frightening & horrible nightmares.

"I'm fine it's just I heard 2nd time a voice ...& I had something on face but .....it wasn't my blood ...it was scary dream....but I found something I guess, anyways I'm sorry Liz because of me ...sorry"

as she said she dropped her head again...looking at hand & going into deep thoughts about her nightmares ....

Liz looked at Ciana she really felt bad she couldn't do anything to best friend at least she could accompany her with those hard times....but voice wait what "wait u said voice ..what did it say, Who was it guy or women ...did you see his/her face" she asked curiously to Ciana.

Ciana looked at her responded with groggy voice, while shaking her head"no...I didn't see face, as always it was dark ....darkness was everywhere, I didn't make out if i was on fluffy bed, flowers or ☁️...I don't know but he was a guy, I'm sure about it! he ....he said sorry I don't understand!"

Liz pondered for moment & said confusedly " sorry hmm....why would he....wait no no maybe he doesn't want to but he's forced to do it or something!?" " & this all happens because of that damn motherfuck@#, stupid, shitty, arrogant guy humph!!"

Ciana smiled as she laid down to go back to sleep, she needs to go to college tomorrow early morning. "Liz sleep we need to get up early, you have important project don't forget it. sleep good night" seeing Ciana who was going to sleep Liz let her go annoying scene that happened 3 days before ....it was that damn guy's fault humph I hope he fall down on banana peel!! "Good night Ina" Liz said as she closed her eyes .....while still scrunching her nose.


#Best Vocaloids#( yandere)

#True love Restraint

#Tragedy of the Chateau Cepage


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#You are my foolish, Beloved Alice.

Thank you for reading!!

Hope you enjoyed it!!!(/^-^(^ ^*)/

Black_Shadocreators' thoughts