
Quick transmigration: Journey to the darkness

A story about a girl 'Ciana' who's fighting with her Fate !! Why ....why god is so unfair with her!! Every life she remembers....her reincarnations...she remembers yet she can't help herself neither she could ask others!!!why her life is so hellish everytime she is born , she lives every life with horrible & frightening nightmares ....who's killing her !!!! But she won't give up ; why because she finally came across so called system ...who can help her if she completed those so called task; yet there's something more to it ....!! ___________________________ System: Host that guy is weird! System: Host that villain is Scary!! System: Host let's Run!! that Boss villain going to kill you !!! Ciana: WTF! what am I supposed to do here!! ----------------------------------- #System #QuickTransmigration #Romance #Possessive #Obsessive #Mystery

Black_Shado · Fantaisie
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4 Chs


Liz & Ciana came to their respective departments for their last thesis of their graduation. Just as they both entered a lot whispers could be heard; both looked at each other & went to their seats just both sat a guy with curly hair n little bit short teen with brown hair came to them, they looked each other and said " Hey ...have you heard about tech departments playboy, he you know he..." Liz was annoyed already and she is blabbing about that arrogant guy humph!!! " what the actual Fu** say it straight will ya!" curly haired guy took the intentive said" That guy died...you see died really horrible.. don't freak out but someone killed him, it's seems!" just as he finished Ciana got tensed.

Liz also got shocked that was unbelievable who in world will kill him...it can't be ...she looked at Ciana who as stiff as rock. She understood everything...they both talked little bit more after that presentation time was already started. they all sat straight. after completing with tense atmosphere everyone said goodbye to each other & went home. Liz took Ciana home with her in her Black car that she loved so much. After coming home Liz gave Ciana glass of water who was absent minded.

Liz hugged suddenly her & comforted Ciana " it's ok it's not your fault believe me... I'm sure it's just simple coincidence ok!!" Ciana was silently crying in her best friend embrace. Liz knew about her curse ...only about that she can't love someone neither other but not about her future upcoming death.

As both were silent Liz mom came home she looked at her daughter n Ciana asked " what happened guys...? are you also sad about your college friend, well it can't be helped nowdays crimes has increased" as she said she watched news TV that was her university's news of today's incidence.

[ A student of star academy student Z died very horribly even police was shocked to see his body. Police informed us that student Z was at home, while he was playing game it's seems someone broke in & killed him...further we known it's said that his Left hand had been cut also his eyes been removed..also.." as reporter was going to say more Liz switched to another channel n took Ciana to her room. Her mom yelled at her " hey why did do that huh!"

Liz came near to Ciana & hugged her tightly " it's ok everything going to be ok. don't worry it wasn't your fault relax ok listen we.." as Liz going to say further a ringtone sounded in the room Ciana picked her phone it is from her family "Hello mom ..." "yeah I'm ok yes ...I'll be back tonight yes yeah ok I'm not yes I'll be back hmm"

"what happen ...what did aunt said?" Ciana looked at phone and answered " mom said about incident ..told not worry to come back tonight asap ...I guess she must worried hmm" " Yeah well the news is all over place Your siblings must known too and uncle as well siiiigh." let's go I'll drop you" Liz said as she took car keys n coat; Ciana stoped her " no I can take taxi you stay with aunt ok, she must be tense too. hehe aunt just trying be relax but I know, so stay with her ok"

Liz eyed her sighing she called taxi. after coming outside Ciana said goodbye too Liz n told her mom to take care of herself. as she said Taxi also drove furtherest in the darkness.


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Thanks for reading^^

hope you enjoyed it!!!(◍•ᴗ•◍)✧*。

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